Psychology, B.S. - General

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The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. To graduate, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 must be achieved, and a total of 120 credits is required. This total includes both the required courses for the program and any free electives selected. The department website provides an overview of the program, admission requirements for the major (when applicable), faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:


All bachelor’s degree programs include liberal education (LEP) and writing (W) course requirements. To review more detailed information, please visit General Education (LEP) Degree Requirements.   


Up to three courses in the major/cognate may also satisfy LEP requirements and will be indicated below; no more than two courses in the same subject may be used towards LEP Explorations.

‘C’ or better required in all PSY courses except PSY 100. Students may choose to follow one of three recommended tracks in consultation with an adviser: Behavioral Neuroscience (BNS); Cognitive Science (CS); Applied Psychology and Assessment (AP&A).

Survey of field and program (4 credits)
PSY 100 – Introduction to Psychology (T2MB)
PSY 300 – The Psychology Major: Curriculum and Careers

Scientific Inquiry (7 credits)
PSY 259 – Statistics in Psychology
PSY 393 –Research Methods in Psychology

Individual and Social System (3 credits)
Choose one:
PSY 227 – Social Psychology
PSY 228 – Personality

Development and/or Applied (6 credits) 
Choose two:
PSY 210 – Infant and Child Development
PSY 215 – Adolescent Development
PSY 219 – Lifespan Development
PSY 315 – Adulthood and Aging
PSY 318 – Emotional and Social
PSY 322 – Early Developmental Disability
PSY 220 – Introduction to the Mental Health Field
PSY 320 –Abnormal Child Psychology [AP&A]
PSY 321– Abnormal Psychology
PSY 361 – Psychology of the Workplace [AP&A]
PSY 366 – Health Psychology
PSY 370– For Early Education Majors [AP&A]
PSY 371 – Educational Psychology [AP&A]
Students in the AP&A track are recommended to take either PSY 320PSY 361, PSY 366, or PSY 370

Basic Processes (6 credits)
Choose two:
PSY 303 – Perception
PSY 311 – Learning
PSY 313 – Cognition [CS]
PSY 332 – Human Emotions
PSY 383 – Brain and Behavior[BNS]
Students in the BNS track are recommended to take PSY 383
Students in the CS track are recommended to take PSY 313

Seminars and Advanced Scientific Inquiry, BS subset (6 credits)
Choose two:
PSY 401 – History and Systems of Psychology [CS]
PSY 406 – Language [CS]
PSY 431 – Tests and Measurements [AP&A], [CS]
PSY 461 – Data Gathering Techniques: Assessment [AP&A], [CS]
PSY 462 – Data Gathering Techniques: Instrumentation [CS]
PSY 484 – Comparative Animal Behavior [BNS]
PSY 487 – Psychopharmacology [BNS]
PSY 494 – Seminar in the Human Nervous System and Behavior [BNS], [CS]
Students in the AP&A track should take either PSY 431 or 461, and two other 400-level courses.
Students in the BNS track should take two of PSY 484, PSY 487, and PSY 494, and one other 400-level course.
Students in the CS track should take PSY 462, one of PSY 401, PSY 406, PSY 431, PSY 461, or PSY 494, and one other 400-level course.

Seminars and Advanced Scientific Inquiry (3 credits)
Choose one:
PSY 401 – History and Systems of Psychology
PSY 402 – Seminar in Community Psychology
PSY 406 – Language
PSY 412 – Psychology of Gender
PSY 414 – Psychology of Spirituality
PSY 415 – Topics in Development
PSY 427 – Seminar in Close Relationships
PSY 431 – Tests and Measurements
PSY 461 – Data Gathering Techniques: Assessment
PSY 462 – Data Gathering Techniques: Instrumentation
PSY 465 – Seminar in Psychological Counseling and Therapy
PSY 466 – Clinical Psychology
PSY 474 – Seminar in Behavior Theory and Practice
PSY 484 – Comparative Animal Behavior
PSY 487 – Psychopharmacology
PSY 490 – Seminar for Psychology Majors
PSY 492– Psychology and Law
PSY 494 – Seminar in the Human Nervous System and Behavior

PSY Major Elective (3 credits)
Choose one:
PSY 197 or any PSY course at the 300- or 400-level, excluding PSY 471, 472, 473

Experiential Learning (3 credits)
Choose one:
PSY 463 – Field practicum in Psychological Research or Applied Translation
PSY 467 – Laboratory Practicum in Psychological Research


Recommended for the AP&A Track:
ANT 204 – Language and Culture
BIS 300 or 400-level 
CMD 419 – Language Acquisition: School Age Adolescence
CSC 152 – CS1: Programming Fundamentals
CSC 153 – Programming II
CSC 200 or 300-level 
ENG 316 – Writing for Business and Industry
FIN 300 or 400-level 
HMS 380 – Sport Psychology
MAT 200, 300, or 400-level 
MGT 200, 300, or 400-level 
MKT 300 or 400-level 
PCH 270 – Stress Management
PCH 356 – Maternal and Child Health
PCH 358 – Health Policy
PCH 480 – Health Law
PSC 260 – US Government
PSC 270 – International Relations
PSC 310 – Comparative Public Policy
PSC 312 – Media and American Politics
PSC 314 – Urban Politics
PSC 328 – State and Local Government
PSC 329 – Political Participation
PSC 350 – Public Leadership
PSC 351 – Public Policy Analysis
SED 225 – Introduction to Exceptionalities
SHE 302 – Mental Health Education
SMT 271 – Introduction to Sports Management

Recommended for BNS Track
BIO 120 – Microbiology
BIO 200, 300, or 400-level 
CHE 121 – General Chemistry II
CHE 200, 300, or 400-level 

Recommended for CS Track
CMD 200 – Introduction to Communication Disorders
CMD 203 – Phonetics and Phonological Systems
CMD 317 – Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism
CMD 320 – Introduction to Hearing Sciences
CMD 420 – Speech Science
CSC 152 – CS1: Programming Fundamentals
CSC 153 – Programming II
MAT 139 – Short Course in Calculus for Social Sciences
MAT 150 – Calculus I
MAT 151 – Calculus II
MAT 221 – Statistics
MAT 326 – Regression
PHI 325 – Bio-ethics of the Life Sciences
WLL 211 – Linguistics
WLL 403 – Second Language Acquisition

Also applicable:
HMS 280 – Survey of Anatomy and Physiology
PHI 321 – Philosophy of Science
PHY 120 – Physics for Tomorrow: Nanotechnology
PHY 200, 300, or 400-level
REC 231 – Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation
SED 250 – Data=Based Decision Making
SED 310 – Introduction to Assessment in ABA
SED 350 – Introduction to Intervention in ABA
SED 351 – Introduction to Behavior Analytic Practices
SED 404 – Introduction to Program Implementation, Supervision & Management
SED 405 – Introduction to ABA Ethics


Students with an overall 3.0 GPA may be approved to complete an accelerated pathway. Graduate courses may be completed during their senior year when a student has earned at least 90 credits. Courses successfully completed with a grade of 'C' or higher will earn dual credit to be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate transcript. Approval to start graduate coursework does not guarantee admission to the graduate program.

Accelerated Pathway to Graduate Program
In consultation with their advisor, students may select up to 12 credits of graduate level coursework (500-level or higher) appropriate to their intended graduate program of study.