General Education
Bachelor's degree-seeking students must complete general education requirements, which include the Liberal Education Program (LEP) and Writing Intensive Courses (W-Courses).
This is a 46-credit program made up of Foundations (7 courses) emphasizing college-level competencies that form the foundation of a liberal education and Explorations (8 courses), where students explore Areas of Knowledge needed by educated people in the twenty-first century. Courses in the major (up to 9 credits), the cognate, and any minor(s) may also fulfill LEP requirements. Students are encouraged to carefully review their degree evaluation for courses that may fulfill more than one requirement.
LEP Foundations
First Year Experience (T1FY)
Multilingual Communication (T1MC)
Quantitative Reasoning Prerequisite (QRP)
T1Quantitative Reasoning (T1QR)
Technological Fluency (T1TF)
Written Communication Prerequisite (WCP)
Written Communication (T1WC)
LEP Explorations
Natural World I: Physical Realm (T2PR)
Natural World II: Life and Environment (T2LE)
American Experience or Time and Place (T2AE or T2TP)
Creative Drive (T2CD)
Cultural Expression or Global Awareness (T2CE or T2GA)
Mind and Body or Social Structure, Conflict, and Consensus (T2MB)
Explorations Elective 1 (Any of the above)
Explorations Elective 2 (Any of the above)
For a more in-depth description of the purpose and learning outcomes of a liberal education, and a current list of courses that satisfy each area, please visit the LEP website:
So that all students continue to strengthen their ability in written language, they are required to select and pass a minimum of three 'W' courses. Because these courses require substantial writing and rewriting, students are encouraged to take no more than one 'W' course per semester and should plan accordingly. Students must successfully complete ENG 112, ENG 120, HON 150 or LEP Foundations Written Communication as a prerequisite to 'W' courses.
Students who transfer 60-89 credits at initial transfer, or an associate degree, automatically waive one 'W' course. Students who transfer 90 or more credits at initial transfer automatically waive two 'W' courses. Students who transfer with a previously completed bachelor’s degree waive all ‘W’ courses.
Students who believe they qualify for an additional W waiver must complete and submit the W waiver application with relevant documentation available at: