
AAC 200 - Topics in Arts Administration and Cultural Advocacy
AAC 280 - Writing for Non-Profit Organizations
AAC 490 - Capstone Project in Arts Administration and Cultural Advocacy
AAC 497 - Internship in Arts Administration and Cultural Advocacy
ACC 200 - Principles of Financial Accounting
ACC 202 - Accounting Spreadsheet Applications
ACC 210 - Managerial Accounting
ACC 310 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 311 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 312 - Intermediate Accounting III
ACC 340 - Data Analytics for Accounting
ACC 350 - Federal Income Taxation
ACC 351 - Advanced Studies in Taxation
ACC 352 - Income Tax Administration Practicum
ACC 370 - Accounting Information Systems
ACC 380 - Fraud and Forensic Accounting
ACC 398 - Special Topics in Accounting
ACC 401 - Not-For-Profit and Governmental Accounting
ACC 410 - Advanced Accounting
ACC 424 - International Accounting
ACC 450 - Accounting Capstone
ACC 461 - Auditing
ACC 497 - Internship
ACC 499 - Independent Study
AFR 100 - Introduction to Africana Studies
AFR 475 - Seminar in Africana Studies
ANT 100 - Interpreting Cultures
ANT 101 - Cultural Anthropology
ANT 102 - Biological Anthropology
ANT 201 - The Global Community
ANT 204 - Language and Culture
ANT 205 - Archaeology and the Human Past
ANT 211 - Writing Culture: The Art of Ethnographic Writing
ANT 214 - American Tongues: Everyday Politics of Speaking
ANT 222 - Modern Human Variation
ANT 224 - Self, Language and Society
ANT 225 - Peoples and Cultures of Central and South America
ANT 235 - Archaeological Fact and Fiction
ANT 252 - Introduction Forensic Science
ANT 260 - Anthropology of Media
ANT 298 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 305 - Archaeology Field School
ANT 311 - Applied Anthropology
ANT 312 - Medical Anthropology
ANT 321 - Contemporary Issues in Indigenous North America
ANT 322 - Forensic Anthropology
ANT 335 - African Prehistory
ANT 340 - Ritual Expressions
ANT 352 - Crime Scene Investigation
ANT 355 - Native American Women
ANT 362 - Forensic Science in Famous Cases
ANT 372 - Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
ANT 376 - Anthropology of Education
ANT 380 - Anthropology of Women and Health
ANT 382 - People and Weight
ANT 390 - Ethics in Anthropology
ANT 432 - Evidence of Human Evolution
ANT 442 - Advanced Forensic Anthropology
ANT 445 - Stones and Bones
ANT 470 - Ethnographic Fieldwork Methods
ANT 475 - Methods in Archaeology
ANT 480 - Theory of Anthropology
ANT 491 - Supervised Research
ANT 497 - Anthropology Internship
ANT 499 - Independent Study
ARB 100 - Arabic I
ARB 101 - Arabic II
ARB 200 - Arabic III
ARB 499 - Independent Study
ART 104 - History of Western Art I
ART 105 - History of Western Art II
ART 106 - Critical Thinking in the Visual Arts
ART 112 - Color and 2-D Design
ART 113 - 3-Dimensional Design
ART 114 - Digital Foundations for Art & Design
ART 150 - Introductory Drawing I
ART 151 - Introductory Drawing II
ART 201 - Visual Art and the Studio Experience
ART 215 - Graphic Design I
ART 216 - Typography I
ART 220 - Introductory Painting
ART 233 - Jewelry/Metals I
ART 236 - Ceramics I: Hand-Building
ART 237 - Pottery I
ART 238 - Ceramic Sculpture I
ART 240 - Introduction to Sculpture: Construction and Subtraction
ART 241 - Sculpture: Modeling and Casting
ART 250 - Intermediate Drawing
ART 260 - Etching, Woodcut, Collograph
ART 261 - Lithography and Silkscreen
ART 262 - Photography as Visual Language
ART 264 - Introduction to Digital Photography
ART 266 - Conspiracy Theories, Photography and U.S. History
ART 270 - Introduction to Art Education
ART 298 - Special Topics in Art
ART 301 - History of Italian Renaissance Art
ART 302 - History of Art of the United States
ART 303 - History of the Art of East Asia
ART 306 - History of Medieval Art
ART 307 - History of Baroque Art
ART 309 - History of African Art
ART 310 - Design for Interfaces
ART 315 - Graphic Design II
ART 316 - Typography II
ART 317 - History of Women and Art
ART 318 - Interactive Design
ART 320 - Intermediate Painting I
ART 321 - Intermediate Painting II
ART 332 - Metalsmithing
ART 333 - Jewelry/Metals II
ART 334 - Casting in Jewelry/Metals
ART 335 - Student Teaching I
ART 336 - Ceramics II
ART 337 - Pottery II
ART 338 - Ceramic Sculpture II
ART 340 - Intermediate Sculpture: Materials and Concepts
ART 341 - Intermediate Sculpture: Process and Content
ART 350 - Advanced Drawing I
ART 351 - Advanced Drawing II
ART 360 - Intermediate Printmaking: Etching, Woodcut or Collograph
ART 361 - Intermediate Printmaking: Lithography or Silkscreen
ART 362 - Advanced Film Photography
ART 368 - Advanced Digital Photography
ART 369 - The Photobook: History and Practice
ART 370 - Strategies and Methods for Teaching Art
ART 371 - Curriculum Development in Art Education
ART 375 - Clinical Field Experience
ART 392 - Methods and Theories of the History of Art
ART 398 - Special Topics in Art
ART 400 - History of Architecture
ART 401 - History of Art Since 1945
ART 412 - Professional Topics in Art Education
ART 414 - Socially Engaged Art Education
ART 415 - Professional Practice in Graphic Design
ART 420 - Advanced Painting
ART 430 - Advanced Ceramics
ART 433 - Jewelry/Metals III
ART 434 - Jewelry/Metals IV
ART 435 - Student Teaching II
ART 440 - Advanced Sculpture
ART 441 - Advanced Sculpture: Studio Practice
ART 450 - Advanced Photography I
ART 451 - Photography Portfolio Development
ART 460 - Experimental Printmaking
ART 461 - Innovative Printmaking
ART 480 - Advanced Art Problems I
ART 481 - Advanced Art Problems II
ART 493 - Studio Art Capstone
ART 496 - Freelance Design - Building a Practice
ART 497 - Design Practicum
ART 499 - Independent Study
AST 100 - Stars, Planets, and Galaxies
AST 310 - Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics
AST 340 - Observational Astronomy
BIO 100 - General Zoology
BIO 101 - General Botany
BIO 102 - Biology I
BIO 103 - Biology II
BIO 120 - Microbiology
BIO 200 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 201 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 202 - Ecology
BIO 210 - Marine and Environmental Biology
BIO 215 - Animal Behavior
BIO 220 - Genetics
BIO 228 - Vertebrate Zoology
BIO 231 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIO 233 - Introductory Microbiology
BIO 236 - Cell Biology
BIO 240 - Human Heredity
BIO 280 - Conservation Biology
BIO 292 - Biology of Aging
BIO 296 - Genomics I
BIO 298 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 301 - Physiology
BIO 325 - Immunology and Infection
BIO 327 - Field Natural History
BIO 335 - Pathogenic Microbiology
BIO 337 - Medically Important Arthropods
BIO 351 - Histology
BIO 386 - Practical Bioinformatics: Genomics II
BIO 390 - Biology Research Training
BIO 391 - Biology Research Seminar
BIO 393 - Introduction to Bioinformatics
BIO 396 - Synthetic Biology: Engineering Life
BIO 398 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 399 - Mammalian Biology
BIO 401 - Comparative Physiology
BIO 405 - Marine Mammal Physiology
BIO 420 - Plant Physiology
BIO 429 - Limnology
BIO 430 - Marine Ecology
BIO 435 - Developmental Biology
BIO 436 - Molecular Biology
BIO 440 - Parasitic Infections
BIO 450 - Undergraduate Research Methods in Biology
BIO 451 - Tissue Culture
BIO 454 - Brain – Anatomy and Transmission
BIO 460 - Paleontology
BIO 467 - Laboratory Course in Biotechnology
BIO 491 - Seminar in Biotechnology
BIO 497 - In-Service Training in Biology
BIO 499 - Independent Study and Research
BIS 370 - Business Information Systems
BIS 371 - Information System Analysis and Design Techniques
BIS 372 - Database Management
BIS 375 - Decision Support Systems
BIS 380 - Cloud Computing for Business
BIS 385 - Design and Administration of Business Messaging Systems
BIS 390 - GetVirtual
BIS 398 - Special Topics in Business Information Systems
BIS 400 - Global Information Systems
BIS 410 - AI for Business Systems
BIS 415 - Technology for Real Estate Professionals
BIS 422 - Supply Chain Automation and Logistics
BIS 430 - Project Management
BIS 460 - Information Security Management
BIS 470 - Business Information Systems Design
BIS 497 - Internship
BIS 498 - Advanced Special Topics in Business Information Systems
BUS 300 - Practical Business Work Experience and Education
BUS 398 - Special Topics in Business Administration
BUS 400 - Practical Business Work Experience, Education and
BUS 430 - Business Development & Planning
BUS 497 - Interdisciplinary Business Internship
BUS 498 - Special Topics in Business Administration
CHE 103 - Crime Scene Chemistry
CHE 108 - Culinary Chemistry
CHE 120 - General Chemistry I
CHE 121 - General Chemistry II
CHE 125 - Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry
CHE 240 - Analytical Chemistry
CHE 260 - Organic Chemistry I
CHE 261 - Organic Chemistry II
CHE 264 - Organic Chemistry I: Lab Only
CHE 290 - Introduction to Chemistry Research
CHE 301 - Preparation of Scientific Documents
CHE 340 - Environmental Chemistry
CHE 370 - Physical Chemistry I
CHE 371 - Physical Chemistry II
CHE 372 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
CHE 376 - Biophysical Chemistry
CHE 411 - Chemical Education
CHE 421 - Computational Chemistry
CHE 435 - Inorganic Chemistry I
CHE 436 - Inorganic Chemistry Lab
CHE 440 - Instrumental Analysis
CHE 445 - Chemical Hazards and Laboratory Safety
CHE 450 - Biochemistry I
CHE 451 - Biochemistry II
CHE 456 - Medicinal Chemistry
CHE 457 - Pharmacology
CHE 458 - Drug Discovery
CHE 490 - Chemistry Research
CHE 491 - Chemistry Research
CHE 496 - Chemistry Seminar
CHE 497 - Chemistry Internship
CHE 499 - Independent Study and Research
CHI 100 - Chinese I
CMD 150 - Sustaining Professional Resilience in Health Care and School Settings
CMD 200 - Introduction to Developmental Communication Disorders
CMD 201 - Introduction to Communication Disorders in Medical Settings
CMD 203 - Phonetics and Phonological Systems
CMD 317 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
CMD 319 - Language Development: Ages Birth to Five
CMD 320 - Introduction to Hearing Science
CMD 321 - Introduction to Audiology
CMD 418 - Neurological Bases of Communication
CMD 419 - Language Acquisition: School Age: Adolescence
CMD 420 - Speech Science
CMD 461 - Clinical Practice of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
CMD 462 - Clinical Practicum for the Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
CMD 463 - Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Practicum
CMD 499 - Independent Study
CMS 101 - Public Speaking
CMS 102 - Professional Voice and Diction
CMS 110 - World of Communication
CMS 115 - Human Communication
CMS 130 - Media Persuasion and Everyday Life
CMS 135 - Introduction to Computer Mediated Communication
CMS 140 - How Media Means
CMS 145 - Visual Communication
CMS 201 - Interpersonal Communication
CMS 205 - Capturing, Analyzing, and Presenting Family Stories
CMS 210 - Persuasion
CMS 221 - Advertising and Public Relations Theories and Concepts
CMS 222 - Media Theory
CMS 238 - Communication Design
CMS 240 - Introduction to Media Studies
CMS 245 - Experimental Media Production
CMS 247 - Media Issues and Problems
CMS 250 - Reading Film: Form, Genre, Culture
CMS 258 - Cinematic Technique
CMS 260 - Reading Film II: Approaches to International Film
CMS 261 - Managing Social Media I
CMS 265 - Social Media: Private Life/Public Life
CMS 285 - Communication and Media Research
CMS 298 - Special Topics in Communication, Media and Screen Studies
CMS 300 - Organizational Communication
CMS 302 - Relational Communication
CMS 312 - Communication and Gender
CMS 315 - Networked Youth Culture
CMS 320 - Workplace Communication
CMS 325 - Romance to Ruin: Media and Relationships
CMS 327 - Interpersonal Conflict and Communication
CMS 329 - Communication Theory
CMS 330 - Propaganda in Media
CMS 333 - Scriptwriting for Film and Television
CMS 335 - Advertising Strategy and Planning
CMS 336 - Writing Copy for Integrated Media
CMS 338 - Advanced Communication Design
CMS 340 - Brand Management
CMS 342 - Hip Hop, Rap and Media
CMS 345 - Advanced Audio Production and Sound
CMS 346 - Music and Sound in Media
CMS 347 - Political Satire and New Media
CMS 348 - Media Literacy Education for Students and Teachers
CMS 361 - Managing Social Media II
CMS 362 - Gender Media Culture
CMS 365 - Television, New Media, and Culture
CMS 370 - Studio Production
CMS 375 - Field Production
CMS 378 - Graphics for Film and Television
CMS 398 - Special Topics in Communication, Media and Screen Studies
CMS 410 - Crisis Communication
CMS 420 - Professional Communication Training and Development
CMS 430 - Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns
CMS 435 - Sex, Violence, and the American Dream
CMS 440 - Cultural Influences on Communication
CMS 445 - Social Media Campaign Planning
CMS 450 - CMS Capstone
CMS 460 - Seminar in Communication, Media, & Screen Studies
CMS 465 - Content Development for Social Media
CMS 470 - Narrative Filmmaking
CMS 473 - Advanced Studio Production
CMS 475 - Documentary Filmmaking
CMS 490 - Practicum in Communication, Media and Screen Studies
CMS 495 - Communication, Media, and Screen Studies Capstone Project
CMS 497 - Communication, Media and Screen Studies Field Experience
CMS 498 - Special Topics in Communication, Media and Screen Studies
CMS 499 - Independent Study
COE 200 - Social Emotional Learning in Children Module
COE 201 - Dyslexia Module
COE 202 - Health and Mental Health Module
COE 203 - Computational Thinking Module
COM 234 - Copywriting and Creative Concepts
COM 287 - Introduction to Communication Research
CSC 101 - Introduction to Computers and Applications
CSC 104 - Web Technology
CSC 152 - CS1: Programming Fundamentals
CSC 200 - Information Management and Productivity Software
CSC 207 - Computer Systems
CSC 212 - CS 2: Data Structures
CSC 229 - Object - Oriented Programming
CSC 235 - Web and Database Development
CSC 265 - Computer Networking and Security I
CSC 305 - Computer Organization
CSC 321 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
CSC 324 - Computer Ethics
CSC 330 - Software Design and Development
CSC 334 - Human Computer Interaction
CSC 335 - Database Systems
CSC 341 - Digital Imaging
CSC 398 - Special Topics in Computer Science
CSC 400 - Computer Science Project Seminar
CSC 421 - Theory of Programming Language
CSC 424 - System Administration
CSC 425 - Operating Systems
CSC 428 - Bioinformatics Algorithms
CSC 431 - Computer Graphics
CSC 443 - Internet Programming
CSC 451 - Fundamentals of Deep Learning
CSC 453 - Information Security
CSC 461 - Generative AI for Language Modeling
CSC 463 - Distributed and Parallel Computing
CSC 465 - Computer Networking and Security II
CSC 477 - Data Mining
CSC 481 - Artificial Intelligence
CSC 490 - Research in Computer Science I
CSC 491 - Research in Computer Science II
CSC 497 - Computer Science Internship
CSC 499 - Independent Study and Research
CTR 300 - Cooperative Education
DGH 100 - Introduction to Digital Humanities
DSC 100 - Data Science I
DSC 101 - Data Science II
DSC 205 - Data Visualization
DSC 333 - Cloud Services for Data Science
DSC 480 - Applications of Machine Learning in Bioinformatics
DSC 490 - Data Science Capstone Project
ECO 100 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 101 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 110 - Social Issues and Economics
ECO 200 - Macroeconomic Analysis
ECO 201 - Microeconomic Analysis
ECO 270 - Applied Business Statistics
ECO 302 - Environmental Economics
ECO 303 - Development Economics
ECO 305 - Economic Data Visualization and Analysis
ECO 307 - Urban Economics
ECO 311 - Public Finance
ECO 316 - Game Theory
ECO 320 - Health Economics
ECO 321 - Introductory Econometrics
ECO 322 - Business and Economic Forecasting
ECO 323 - Predictive Analytics for Business Data
ECO 340 - Money and Banking
ECO 350 - International Economics I: Trade
ECO 351 - International Economics II: Finance
ECO 410 - Managerial Economics
ECO 450 - Seminar in Applied Economics
ECO 497 - Internship
ECO 499 - Independent Study
EDU 106 - New Literacies: Digital Text and Tools for Learning
EDU 198 - Special Topics in Education
EDU 200 - Teachers, Schools, and Society
EDU 206 - Principles of Early Childhood Education
EDU 300 - Student Teaching I
EDU 305 - Emerging Literacies
EDU 307 - Children’s Literature and Literacy
EDU 308 - Children’s Literature and Literacy: Early Childhood
EDU 309 - Curriculum Design and Methods for Pre-K/ K
EDU 312 - Integrated Curriculum in the Primary Classroom
EDU 316 - Child Development and Psychology for Educators
EDU 317 - Science Education in the Elementary School
EDU 319 - Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology for Early Childhood Education
EDU 321 - Social Studies Curriculum and Pedagogy
EDU 322 - Family, School, and Community Partnerships
EDU 325 - Best Practices in Classroom Management
EDU 326 - Culturally Responsive Positive Guidance in Early Childhood
EDU 330 - Social Studies in Elementary Schools
EDU 370 - Early Childhood Student Teaching I
EDU 400 - Student Teaching II
EDU 407 - Developing Literacies
EDU 408 - Developing Literacies in Elementary Education
EDU 413 - Secondary Education
EDU 414 - Applications of Child Development
EDU 415 - Responsive Curriculum and Assessment
EDU 424 - Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School.
EDU 444 - DSAP Supervision and Appraisal
EDU 450 - Student Teaching I
EDU 451 - Student Teaching II
EDU 470 - Early Childhood Student Teaching II
EDU 471 - Supporting English Learners for School Success
EDU 472 - Nurturing Multilingual Students in Early Childhood
EDU 475 - Supervised Fieldwork
EDU 480 - Student Teaching
EDU 485 - Student Teaching Seminar
EDU 499 - Independent Study
EGR 151 - Engineering Concepts
EGR 232 - Materials Science and Engineering
EGR 251 - Engineering Mechanics I: Statics
EGR 471 - Capstone Experience in Engineering
ENG 110 - Fundamentals of Academic Writing
ENG 112 - Writing Arguments
ENG 119 - College Composition for Bilingual Students
ENG 120 - Writing Arguments for Bilingual Students
ENG 125 - Representing Sexism and Homophobia Critically
ENG 200 - Intermediate Composition
ENG 201 - Creative Writing
ENG 202 - Introduction to Poetry Writing
ENG 203 - Introduction to Fiction Writing
ENG 204 - Introduction to Memoir and Creative Nonfiction Writing
ENG 209 - Lyrics as Literature:Reading and Writing Song Lyrics
ENG 217 - Introduction to Literature
ENG 218 - The American Experience and Literature
ENG 219 - Time and Place in Literature
ENG 220 - Anglo-Irish Identities in Literature
ENG 235 - Seminar in Tutoring Writing: Theory and Practice
ENG 240 - Professional Writing: Theory and Practice
ENG 280 - Writing for Nonprofit Organizations
ENG 298 - Special Topics in English
ENG 302 - Intermediate Poetry Writing
ENG 304 - Technical Writing and Communication
ENG 306 - Intermediate Fiction Writing
ENG 307 - Literary Analysis for English Majors
ENG 308 - English Studies: Critical Theories
ENG 309 - Rhetorical Strategies in Writing and Communication
ENG 312 - English Grammar Systems
ENG 316 - Writing for Business and Industry
ENG 317 - Cross-Cultural Literatures and Contexts
ENG 318 - Writing for the Web
ENG 321 - British Literature through History I
ENG 322 - British Literature through History II
ENG 323 - American Literature through History
ENG 342 - Shakespeare I: 1564-1601
ENG 343 - Shakespeare II: 1601-1616
ENG 350 - Environmental Writing
ENG 352 - Medical and Health Writing
ENG 360 - Early American Writers
ENG 371 - Literature into Film
ENG 372 - Young Adult Literature
ENG 380 - Chaucer
ENG 402 - Advanced Poetry Writing
ENG 406 - Advanced Fiction Writing
ENG 412 - Soundwriting
ENG 415 - History of the English Language
ENG 423 - Contemporary African-American Novelists
ENG 424 - The Harlem Renaissance
ENG 462 - Gay and Lesbian Film and Literature
ENG 486 - Seminar in American Literature
ENG 487 - Seminar in British Literature
ENG 490 - Advanced Seminar in Literature
ENG 491 - Career Preparation in English
ENG 492 - Teaching English: Methods I
ENG 493 - Teaching English: Methods II
ENG 494 - Student Teaching–English
ENG 496 - Student Teaching Seminar–English
ENG 497 - Internship in Teaching Writing
ENG 498 - Professional Writing Internship
ENG 499 - Independent Study
ENV 100 - Environmental Studies I
ENV 101 - Critical Thinking: Global Environmental Issues
ENV 200 - Systems Thinking for the Environment
ENV 204 - Principles of Sustainability
ENV 220 - Global Climate Change
ENV 304 - Sustainability and Public Engagement
ENV 333 - Environmental Impact Assessment & Management
ENV 350 - Environmental Systems Inquiry
ENV 400 - Environmental Policy
ENV 401 - Pollution Prevention and Controls
ENV 404 - Applied Sustainability Science
ENV 491 - Environmental Problem Solving
ENV 498 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
ESC 103 - General Geology
ESC 104 - Geohazards and Natural Disasters
ESC 106 - General Oceanography
ESC 111 - Life Through Time
ESC 200 - Physical Geology
ESC 201 - History of Earth and Life
ESC 205 - Principles of Meteorology
ESC 210 - Principles of Astronomy
ESC 220 - Physical and Chemical Oceanography
ESC 235 - Computation and Visualization of Data in the Earth Sciences.
ESC 303 - Environmental Earth Science
ESC 311 - Mineralogy
ESC 312 - Petrology
ESC 315 - Geomorphology and Natural Hazards
ESC 325 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
ESC 332 - Invertebrate Paleontology and the Fossil Record
ESC 350 - Structural Geology and Tectonics
ESC 420 - Earth Resources
ESC 421 - Marine Geology
ESC 430 - Field Methods
ESC 457 - Hydrology
ESC 458 - Soil Science
ESC 461 - Glacial Geology
ESC 492 - Undergraduate Thesis Proposal
ESC 493 - Undergraduate Thesis
ESC 497 - Internship in Earth Science
ESC 499 - Independent Study and Research
FIN 200 - Critical Thinking in Finance
FIN 250 - U.S. Financial Industry Through Film
FIN 300 - Corporate Finance
FIN 325 - Financial Management & Reporting for Public Utilities
FIN 340 - Financial Markets and Institutions
FIN 341 - Principles of Investment
FIN 343 - Commercial Banking
FIN 345 - Principles of Real Estate
FIN 346 - Financial Risk Management
FIN 347 - International Financial Management
FIN 400 - Behavioral Finance
FIN 401 - Financial Modeling and Analytics
FIN 432 - Advanced Corporate Finance
FIN 435 - Business Valuation
FIN 439 - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
FIN 446 - Quantitative Methods in Financial Risk Management
FIN 450 - Finance Capstone
FIN 456 - Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
FIN 457 - Real Estate Finance
FIN 458 - Seminar in Real Estate
FIN 460 - Treasury Management
FIN 470 - Practicum of Investing
FIN 480 - Introduction to Futures and Options
FIN 485 - Fundamentals of Fintech
FIN 490 - Fintech Seminar
FIN 496 - Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Applications inFinance
FIN 497 - Internship
FRE 100 - French I
FRE 101 - French II
FRE 200 - French III
FRE 201 - Feasting on France and the Francophone World: Language, Culture, Cuisine.
FRE 202 - French Language for the Global World
FRE 206 - French Culture in France
FRE 210 - Continuing French
FRE 300 - Expressing Yourself in Writing
FRE 301 - Expressing Yourself in Speaking I
FRE 302 - Expressing Yourself in Speaking II
FRE 306 - Advanced French Culture and Language Practice in France
FRE 310 - French Civilization I
FRE 311 - French Civilization II
FRE 312 - Contemporary French Culture
FRE 398 - Special Topics in French
FRE 400 - Advanced French
FRE 416 - Francophone Voices
FRE 496 - Advanced French Grammar
FYE 100 -
GEO 100 - People, Places, and Environments
GEO 104 - Sustainability in America: Challenges and Solutions
GEO 170 - Basic Drone Technology
GEO 200 - Human Geography
GEO 201 - Physical Geography
GEO 260 - Population Geography
GEO 270 - Designing Maps
GEO 273 - Land Use Planning
GEO 290 - Research Methods in Geography and Environmental Sustainability
GEO 305 - Environmental Economic Geography
GEO 308 - Race, Class and Gender: Geographies of Social (In)Justice
GEO 311 - The United States and Canada
GEO 330 - Europe
GEO 357 - Coastal and Marine Geography
GEO 360 - Introduction to GIS
GEO 367 - GIS for Public Health
GEO 370 - Remote Sensing
GEO 371 - Cartography
GEO 400 - Geography of Wine
GEO 405 - Environmental Justice
GEO 460 - GIS II
GEO 461 - Environmental GIS
GEO 470 - Field Techniques
GEO 481 - Spatial Analysis
GEO 490 - Capstone Seminar
GEO 497 - Internship
GEO 499 - Independent Study
GER 100 - German I
GER 101 - German II
GER 201 - Continuing German: Contemporary German Culture
GER 202 - Continuing German: Exploring a German City
HIS 100 - Western Civilization to 1500
HIS 101 - Western Civilization from 1500 to the present
HIS 104 - Islamic Civilization
HIS 105 - Introduction to Southeast Asia: Southeast Asia to 1500.
HIS 106 - East Asia to 1850
HIS 110 - United States History to 1877
HIS 111 - United States History from 1877 to the present
HIS 128 - Latin American History
HIS 150 - Voices from the Past
HIS 200 - The Historian's Craft
HIS 201 - U.S. History Through Film
HIS 202 - European History Through Film
HIS 210 - U.S. Black History
HIS 212 - War and American Society
HIS 220 - Sports in U.S. History
HIS 221 - Ancient History: Classical Greece and Rome
HIS 232 - England and the British Empire
HIS 235 - The Holocaust
HIS 237 - Modern Germany
HIS 240 - The Middle East from Muhammad to the Mongols
HIS 241 - The Modern Middle East
HIS 257 - Indigenous Histories in North America to 1850
HIS 258 - Indigenous Histories in North America, since 1850
HIS 259 - Digital New Haven Project
HIS 262 - Connecticut
HIS 266 - Conspiracy Theories, Photography and U.S. History
HIS 290 - Latin American History Through Film
HIS 300 - The Vietnam War Era
HIS 304 - The Reformation
HIS 307 - Europe in the 19th Century
HIS 309 - Issues in Global History
HIS 311 - Who Built America? 1500-1928
HIS 315 - American Roots
HIS 316 - History of Ancient Greece
HIS 317 - History of Rome from its Origins to Caesar
HIS 318 - Women in American History 1620-1890
HIS 319 - Women in American History 1865 - Present
HIS 320 - History of the Indochina Wars 1965-1993
HIS 336 - Nazi Germany
HIS 337 - Utopia
HIS 338 - History, Myth, and Legend in the Middle Ages
HIS 340 - The Crusades
HIS 341 - Islamic Fundamentalism
HIS 342 - 20th Century China
HIS 343 - Modern Eastern Europe
HIS 345 - History and Culture of the African Diaspora
HIS 347 - Cultural Confrontation in the Developing World
HIS 351 - Religion in America
HIS 357 - Recent American History: 1945 to the Present
HIS 358 - American Frontiers
HIS 359 - American Environmental History
HIS 367 - The 20th Century World in Conflict
HIS 376 - Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
HIS 378 - Early China
HIS 398 - Special Topics in History
HIS 409 - Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Conflict: An International Perspective
HIS 485 - Seminar in History
HIS 490 - Social Science — Secondary School
HIS 494 - Student Teaching — History
HIS 496 - Student Teaching Seminar — History
HIS 497 - History Internship
HIS 498 - Special Topics in History
HIS 499 - Independent Study
HLS 100 - Introduction to Healthcare Professions
HLS 101 - Essentials of Medical Terminology
HLS 120 - Skills for Becoming a Certified Nurse Aid
HLS 150 - Introduction to Aging Studies
HLS 180 - Introduction to Research and Writing in Healthcare
HLS 210 - Principles of Patient Centered Healthcare
HLS 220 - Healthcare Communication
HLS 230 - Introduction to Clinical Trials
HLS 240 - Statistics for Health and Clinical Sciences
HLS 260 - Medical Terminology of Body Systems and Diseases
HLS 298 - Special Topics in Healthcare Studies
HLS 310 - Electronic Health Information
HLS 315 - Healthcare Systems & Policy
HLS 317 - Community Engagement in Health Research
HLS 330 - Case Studies in Healthcare Ethics
HLS 350 - Interventions and Support in Dementia Care
HLS 370 - Perspectives in LGBTQ+ Healthcare Practices
HLS 380 - Cultural Humility for the Healthcare Professional
HLS 410 - Medical Insurance and Billing
HLS 427 - Research Data Management
HLS 437 - Clinical Trial Administration and Good Clinical Practice
HLS 440 - Research Methods for Evidence- Based Healthcare
HLS 450 - Organization of Long-Term Care Facilities
HLS 490 - Career Skills for the Healthcare Professional
HLS 497 - Internship in Healthcare Studies
HLS 499 - Independent Study
HMS 131 - Teaching Aquatics
HMS 158 - Athletic Training Professional Practice
HMS 160 - Introduction to Exercise and Sport Science
HMS 191 - Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
HMS 201 - Foundations in Scientific Writing
HMS 204 - Field Experience in Group Exercise Instruction
HMS 212 - Lifetime Physical Activity
HMS 280 - Survey of Anatomy and Physiology
HMS 281 - Anatomy and Physiology I
HMS 282 - Anatomy and Physiology II
HMS 283 - Functional Anatomy
HMS 291 - Exploring the Teaching of Physical Education
HMS 292 - Instructional Strategies for Physical Education
HMS 293 - Movement Foundations
HMS 301 - Exercise and Sport Nutrition
HMS 313 - Teaching Skill Themes and Movement Concepts
HMS 314 - Teaching Individual Performance Activitites
HMS 315 - Teaching Outdoor Pursuits and Adventure Education in PE
HMS 316 - Physical Activity Promotion and Advocacy
HMS 319 - Health and Safety for Coaches
HMS 350 - Teaching Physical Fitness K-12
HMS 352 - Skill and Strategy of Target, Striking/Fielding, Net/Wall Games
HMS 370 - Coaching Individual, Dual and Team Sports
HMS 380 - Sport Psychology
HMS 383 - Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
HMS 384 - Exercise Physiology
HMS 387 - Standard First Aid and Personal Safety
HMS 389 - Exercise Physiology II
HMS 392 - Conditioning for Strength and Human Performance
HMS 394 - Physical Education (Elementary School)
HMS 400 - Skill and Strategy of Invasion Games
HMS 401 - Exercise for Diverse Populations
HMS 411 - General Medical Perspectives
HMS 413 - Functional Anatomy and Clinical Kinesiology
HMS 421 - Organization and Administration in Exercise and Sport Science
HMS 442 - Practicum Seminar in Physical Education
HMS 452 - Elementary Physical Education Student Teaching
HMS 453 - Secondary Physical Education Student Teaching
HMS 455 - Sport Science and Performance Technology
HMS 480 - Motor Learning and Development
HMS 483 - Adapted Physical Education
HMS 485 - Measurement and Statistics in Exercise Science
HMS 488 - Exercise Testing and Prescription
HMS 495 - Physical Education (Secondary School)
HMS 496 - Sport in American Culture
HMS 497 - Exercise and Sport Science Internship
HMS 499 - Independent Study
HON 100 - First-Year leadership Colloquium
HON 102 - First Year Research Colloquium
HON 150 - Introduction to Critical Inquiry
HON 200 - Conceptions of Self and Identity Seminar
HON 201 - Conceptions of Self and Identity Plenary Session
HON 202 - Conceptions of Community and Context Seminar
HON 203 - Conceptions of Community and Context Plenary Session
HON 210 - The Idea of Self: The Ancient World
HON 250 - The City in Western Civilization.
HON 254 - Utopias and Dystopias
HON 255 - Ambiguity and Uncertainty in the Arts and
HON 270 - Scientific Investigation and Civic Engagement
HON 290 - The Language of Art
HON 300 - Introduction to Service Learning
HON 350 - Research Seminar
HON 398 - Special Topics in Honors
HON 400 - Research Colloquium
HON 450 - International Study Foundations
HON 460 - Community-Engaged Research I
HON 461 - Community-Engaged Research II
HON 494 - Honors Prospectus
HON 495 - Honors Thesis
HON 498 - Special Topics in Honors
HON 499 - Independent Study
HSC 200 - Health Professions and Medical Terminology
HSC 411 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
HSC 421 - Interprofessional Healthcare Practice
HSC 450 - Principles of Medical Documentation
IDS 311 - Research Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS 320 - Human Flourishing in the 21st Century
IDS 321 - Career Pathways in Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS 401 - Interdisciplinary Investigations of Globalization
IDS 405 - In a World: A Gamified Capstone Experience
IDS 499 - Independent Study
ILS 300 - Literature for Children
ILS 302 - Library - Information Service
ILS 320 - Technical Services
ILS 330 - User Services
ILS 360 - Data Literacy and Presentation
ILS 400 - Library - Information Service Practice
ILS 421 - Organization of the Information Center
ILS 425 - Library - Information Sources
ILS 440 - Information Service Technology
INQ 101 - Intellectual and Creative Inquiry
INQ 120 - The RISE Workshop
INQ 390 - Peer Mentoring in the First-Year Classroom
INQ 391 - Peer Mentoring Practicum
ITA 100 - Italian I
ITA 101 - Italian II
ITA 200 - Italian III
ITA 202 - Italian Language and Culture for Pleasure
ITA 204 - Made in Italy: Italian Language and Culture for a GlobalSociety
ITA 206 - Italian Culture in Italy
ITA 220 - Italian Food Culture in Italy and America
ITA 250 - Italians in America
ITA 270 - Italian Cities
ITA 400 - Italian Literature I
ITA 484 - Italian Theater
ITA 487 - Short Story
ITA 490 - The Modern Novel
ITA 498 - Special Topics in Italian
ITA 499 - Directed Reading
JRN 101 - The Media: Freedom and Power
JRN 135 - Digital Media Skills
JRN 170 - Basic Drone Technology
JRN 200 - Basics of Journalism
JRN 211 - Broadcast Sports Journalism
JRN 220 - Digital Reporting and Writing
JRN 226 - Sports Multimedia Reporting
JRN 227 - Audio and Video Storytelling
JRN 228 - Big Data Storytelling
JRN 230 - Fundamentals of Public Relations
JRN 240 - Race and the News
JRN 260 - Anthropology of Media
JRN 270 - Photojournalism and Drones
JRN 300 - News Writing
JRN 301 - The News Media in America
JRN 303 - Great Journalism
JRN 304 - Sports Reporting
JRN 305 - Precision Editing
JRN 306 - Digital News Design
JRN 311 - Broadcast News Reporting I
JRN 320 - Writing Magazine Articles I
JRN 330 - Advanced Integrated Public Relations
JRN 350 - American Journalism History
JRN 351 - Media Law and Ethics
JRN 370 - Drone Video Storytelling
JRN 410 - Broadcast News Reporting II
JRN 470 - Advanced Drone Storytelling
JRN 490 - Capstone Seminar in Journalism
JRN 497 - Journalism Internship
JST 101 - Jewish Life and Civilization
JST 110 - Narrating the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
JST 118 - Making a More Just America: Judaic Texts and Teachings
JST 200 - Jewish Stories
JST 204 - Introduction to Holocaust and Genocide Studies
JST 207 - The Religious Dimension of Human Existence
JST 235 - The Holocaust
JST 237 - Modern Germany
JST 300 - Literature of the Hebrew Bible
JST 303 - The Israeli Short Story
JST 305 - Antisemitism
JST 336 - Nazi Germany
LAC 100 - Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LAC 128 - Latin American History
LAT 101 - Latin II
LAT 200 - Latin III
LAT 499 - Independent Study
LIT 300 - Hebrew Bible as Literature
LIT 302 - Literature of the New Testament
LIT 310 - Mythology
LIT 328 - Literature of Medieval Europe
LIT 332 - Digital Literary Studies
LIT 352 - European Novel and Short Story 1900-1945
LIT 370 - Contemporary French Novel
LIT 371 - Voices of the Francophone Caribbean
LIT 376 - Italian Cinema
LIT 382 - Contemporary Latin American Literature
LIT 406 - Classical Drama
LIT 430 - Modern World Drama: Ibsen to O’Neill
LIT 431 - Contemporary Drama: Brecht to the Present
LIT 488 - Seminar in World Literature
LIT 499 - Independent Study
MAR 140 - The World Ocean
MAR 210 - Coastal Marine Studies
MAR 250 - Coastal and Marine Pollution
MAR 270 - Aquaculture I
MAR 280 - Aquaculture II
MAR 340 - Coastal Processes and Environments
MAR 398 - Special Topics in Marine Studies
MAR 460 - Field and Laboratory Techniques in Marine Studies
MAR 499 - Independent Study and Research
MAT 095 - Introductory and Intermediate Algebra Support
MAT 100 - Intermediate Algebra
MAT 100P - Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
MAT 103 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts
MAT 104 - Mathematics All Around Us
MAT 105 - Mathematics for Elementary Education I
MAT 106 - Mathematics for Elementary Education II
MAT 107 - Elementary Statistics
MAT 108 - Mathematics for the Natural Sciences
MAT 111 - Extended Algebra for Business and Science
MAT 112 - Algebra for Business and the Sciences
MAT 115 - Introduction to Modern Mathematics
MAT 120 - College Algebra
MAT 122 - Precalculus
MAT 125 - Applied Business Mathematics
MAT 140 - Computational Tools for Mathematics and the Sciences
MAT 150 - Calculus I
MAT 151 - Calculus II
MAT 178 - Elementary Discrete Mathematics
MAT 207 - Mathematics for Elementary Education III
MAT 210 - Analysis of Election Structures
MAT 221 - Intermediate Applied Statistics
MAT 245 - Differential Equations
MAT 250 - Foundations of Mathematics
MAT 252 - Calculus III
MAT 260 - Geometry and the Arts
MAT 300 - History of Mathematics
MAT 320 - Mathematical Statistics I
MAT 321 - Mathematical Statistics II
MAT 322 - Numerical Analysis I
MAT 326 - Regression Analysis
MAT 328 - Time Series Analysis
MAT 329 - Bayesian Analysis and Decision Making
MAT 360 - Foundations of Geometry
MAT 372 - Linear Algebra
MAT 373 - Modern Algebra
MAT 375 - Abstract Algebra I
MAT 378 - Discrete Mathematics
MAT 405 - Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint
MAT 408 - Technology for Teaching Secondary Mathematics
MAT 428 - Mathematical Foundations in Machine Learning
MAT 429 - Modern Nonparametric Statistics
MAT 450 - Analysis
MAT 480 - Topology
MAT 488 - Seminar in Mathematical Modeling
MAT 490 - Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School
MAT 491 - Mathematics Capstone I
MAT 492 - Mathematics Capstone II
MAT 494 - Student Teaching — Mathematics
MAT 496 - Student Teaching Seminar
MAT 497 - Internship
MAT 499 - Independent Study
MGT 100 - Introduction to Business
MGT 200 - Managerial Communication
MGT 202 - Introduction to Conscious Capitalism
MGT 240 - Business Law and Ethics
MGT 285 - Management and Organization
MGT 301 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
MGT 305 - Organizational Behavior
MGT 306 - Ocean and Blue Innovations
MGT 315 - Gender, Leadership & Management
MGT 335 - Business Law
MGT 345 - Real Estate Law
MGT 361 - Operations Management
MGT 385 - Human Resources Management
MGT 390 - Intellectual Property Law
MGT 395 - Technology Entrepreneurship
MGT 400 - Business and Society
MGT 402 - Managing Diversity
MGT 405 - Employment & Labor Relations Law
MGT 415 - Developing Team Managerial Skills
MGT 425 - Managing for People, Planet, and Profit
MGT 430 - Management of Multinational Corporations
MGT 440 - Mindful Leadership