History, B.A.

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The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. To graduate, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 must be achieved, and a total of 120 credits is required. This total includes both the required courses for the program and any free electives selected.The department website provides an overview of the program, admission requirements for the major (when applicable), faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers: https://www.southernct.edu/academics/history/programs


All bachelor’s degree programs include liberal education (LEP) and writing (W) course requirements. To review more detailed information, please visit General Education (LEP) Degree Requirements.   


Up to three courses in the major/cognate may also satisfy LEP requirements and will be indicated below; no more than two courses in the same subject may be used towards LEP Explorations.

HIS 200 – The Historian's Craft
HIS 485 – Seminar in History

European History (Select 3 credits from):
HIS 301 – Roman Empire
HIS 302 – The Renaissance
HIS 303 – England and France in the Middle Ages
HIS 304 – The Reformation
HIS 305 – Europe in the 17th Century
HIS 306 – Europe in the 18th Century
HIS 307 – Europe in the 19th Century
HIS 308 – Europe in the 20th Century
HIS 310 – Topics in Environmental History
HIS 316 – History of Ancient Greece
HIS 317 – History of Rome from its Origins to Caesar
HIS 330 – Religion and Society in the Byzantine Empire
HIS 336 – Nazi Germany
HIS 337 – Utopia
HIS 338 – History, Myth, and Legend in the Middle Ages
HIS 343 – Modern Eastern Europe
HIS 367 – The 20th Century World in Conflict
HIS 373 – Bourbons, Revolution, & Napoleon: France 1715-1815
HIS 374 –The French Republic: Problems Since 1870
HIS 375 –Themes in Russian History to 1800
HIS 376 –Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
HIS 389 – Topics in the History of Science

U.S. History (Select 3 credits from):
HIS 311 – Who Built America? 1500-1928
HIS 312 – Who Built America? 1929-Present
HIS 313 – English Origins of American Law
HIS 315 – American Roots
HIS 318 – Women in American History, 1620-1890
HIS 319 – Women in American History, 1865 - Present
HIS 345 – The African Diaspora
HIS 349 – Dress in Recent U.S. History: Lives and Times of Ten Iconic Fashions
HIS 350 – Colonial U.S. History I 
HIS 351 – Religion in America
HIS 352 – The Early Republic
HIS 353 – The Era of Civil War and Reconstruction
HIS 354 –The New Nation: 1865-1918
HIS 355 – America Between Two Wars - 1919-1945
HIS 357 – Recent American Histories - 1945 to the Present
HIS 358 – American Frontier
HIS 359 – American Environmental History
HIS 360 – U.S. Foreign Policy I 
HIS 361 – U.S. Foreign Policy II
HIS 363 – New England: 1620-1860
HIS 364 –Travel to the Hawaiian Nation
HIS 365 – The Pacific World
HIS 370 – Public History
HIS 371 – Historic Preservation and Restoration
HIS 410 – U.S. Social and Intellectual History
HIS 480 – Seminar in Oral History

Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern, African History (Select 3 credits from):
HIS 300 –The Vietnam War Era
HIS 320 – History of the Indochina Wars 1965-1993
HIS 340 –The Crusades
HIS 341 – Islamic Fundamentalism
HIS 342 – 20th Century China
HIS 344 – West Africa in the Modern World
HIS 345 – History and Culture of the African Diaspora
HIS 346 – Eastern Africa
HIS 347 – Cultural Confrontation in the Developing World
HIS 351 – Religion in America
HIS 378 – Early China
HIS 393 – Modern Central America: Imperialism, Nationalism, and Struggle
HIS 409 – Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Conflict: An International Perspective

Select an additional 12 credits of HIS electives at 100-level or above. 
*Select an additional 6 credits of HIS electives at 200-level or above. 

*Automatically substituted with graduate-level courses from the accelerated pathway option below for approved sudents. 


Students with a 3.0 GPA and at least 90 credits may be eligible to complete an accelerated pathway during their senior year to earn dual credit towards both their current undergraduate program and future graduate program of interest. Approval to start graduate coursework does not guarantee admission to the graduate program.

Students will meet with their faculty advisor to prepare a Graduate Course Plan (500-level courses or higher), with a maximum of 6 credits per semester, based on their graduate program of interest. Approval from both the Program Department Chairperson and the Graduate Coordinator is required. Programs may have higher requirements, and seat availability in certain graduate programs may be limited.    

Courses completed with a grade of 'C' or higher will earn dual credit for both undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Graduate programs may have higher grade requirements in place for certain courses which may require the student to retake the course for a higher grade letter.