Chemistry, B.S. - Environmental Chemistry
The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. To graduate, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 must be achieved, and a total of 120 credits is required. This total includes both the required courses for the program and any free electives selected. The department website provides an overview of the program, admission requirements for the major (when applicable), faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:
All bachelor’s degree programs include liberal education (LEP) and writing (W) course requirements. To review more detailed information, please visit General Education (LEP) Degree Requirements.
Up to three courses in the major/cognate may also satisfy LEP requirements and will be indicated below; no more than two courses in the same subject may be used towards LEP Explorations.
Major GPA 2.0 required.
Chemistry Requirements (29 Credits)
CHE 120 – General Chemistry I (T2PR)
CHE 121 – General Chemistry II (T2LE)
CHE 240 – Analytical Chemistry
CHE 260 – Organic Chemistry I
CHE 261 – Organic Chemistry II
CHE 370 – Physical Chemistry I
CHE 435 – Inorganic Chemistry I
CHE 301, CHE 445, and CHE 496 – Chemistry Connections
Concentration in Environmental Chemistry (15 credits)
CHE 340 – Environmental Chemistry
CHE 372 – Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
CHE 436 – Inorganic Chemistry Lab
CHE 440 – Instrumental Analysis
Select two additional CHE courses at or above the 300-level
Note: Automatic substitution CHE courses at or above the 500-level for accelerated students.
In order to receive a degree in chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, along with satisfying the requirements listed above students must complete a minimum of 16 credits of advanced chemistry courses (300 level or above) at SCSU.
MAT 150 – Calculus I (T1QR)
PHY 230 – Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (T2PR)
Select four courses from:
BIO 202 – Ecology
BIO 210 – Environmental Biology and Conservation
BIO 334 – Microbial Ecology
BIO 429 – Limnology
BIO 430 – Marine Ecology
ENV 200 – Systems Thinking for the Evironment
ENV 220 – Global Climate Change (T2GA)*
ENV 350 – Environmental/Earth Systems Inquiry
ENV 401 – Pollution Prevention and Controls
ENV 491 – Environmental Problem Solving
ESC 205 – Principles of Meteorology (T2PR)
ESC 220 – Physical and Chemical Oceanography (T2PR)
ESC 303 – Environmental Earth Science
ESC 457 – Hydrology
ESC 458 – Soil Science
MAR 140 – The World Ocean
MAR 210 – Coastal Marine Studies (T2LE)
MAR 250 – Introduction to Coastal and Marine Pollution
MAR 340 – Coastal Processes/Environment
MAR 460 – Field and Laboratory Techniques in Marine Studies
MAR 491 – Environmental Problem Solving
PCH 259 – Environmental Health
PCH 441 – Water Supply/Waste Treatment
PCH 446 – Environmental Hazards
Students with a 3.0 GPA and at least 90 credits may be eligible to complete an accelerated pathway during their senior year to earn dual credit towards both their current undergraduate program and future graduate program of interest. Approval to start graduate coursework does not guarantee admission to the graduate program.
Students will meet with their faculty advisor to prepare a Graduate Course Plan (500-level courses or higher), with a maximum of 6 credits per semester, based on their graduate program of interest. Approval from both the Program Department Chairperson and the Graduate Coordinator is required. Programs may have higher requirements, and seat availability in certain graduate programs may be limited.
Courses completed with a grade of 'C' or higher will earn dual credit for both undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Graduate programs may have higher grade requirements in place for certain courses which may require the student to retake the course for a higher grade letter.