Geographic Information Systems, Certificate

Environment, Geography, and Marine Sciences |View/Print PDF

The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. To graduate, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 must be achieved. This total includes both the required courses for the program and any free electives selected.The department website provides an overview of the program, admission requirements (when applicable), faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:

12 Credits Required

GEO 360 – GIS I

Select two from:
GEO 367 – GIS for Public Health (cross–listed with PCH 367 – GIS for Public Health)
GEO 370 – Remote Sensing
GEO 371 – Cartography
GEO 460 – GIS II
GEO 461 – Environmental GIS
GEO 481 – Spatial Analysis

Please note: This program is not eligible for financial aid (Title IV and/or State funds) and it is not a VA approved program. This means that veterans or other eligible persons will not be able to use VA benefits to supplement the cost of this program.