Biology, B.S. - Pre-Medicine
The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. To graduate, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 must be achieved, and a total of 120 credits is required. This total includes both the required courses for the program and any free electives selected. The department website provides an overview of the program, admission requirements for the major (when applicable), faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:
All bachelor’s degree programs include liberal education (LEP) and writing (W) course requirements. To review more detailed information, please visit General Education (LEP) Degree Requirements.
Up to three courses in the major/cognate may also satisfy LEP requirements and will be indicated below; no more than two courses in the same subject may be used towards LEP Explorations.
Major GPA 3.0 required.
Biology Requirements (34 credits)
BIO 102 – Biology I (‘C’ or better)
BIO 103 – Biology II ('C' or better) (T2LE)
BIO 220 – Genetics (‘C’ or better)
BIO 450 – Undergraduate Research Methods in Biology (T2LE)
Select three additional courses in BIO at the 200 or 300-level
Select three additional courses in BIO at the 300 or 400-level
(Only one course from BIO 497, 499 or HON 495 can be used)
Concentration Requirements (14 Credits)
CHE 261 – Organic Chemistry II
CHE 450 – Biochemistry I
PSY 100 – Introduction to Psychology (T2MB)
Select one from:
SOC 100 – Introduction to Sociology
SOC 201 – Social Statistics
SOC 211 – Social Problems in the U.S.
SOC 344 – Medical Sociology
CHE 120 – General Chemistry I (T2PR)
CHE 121 – General Chemistry II (T2LE)
CHE 260 – Organic Chemistry I
MAT 122 or MAT 150 – Precalculus or Calculus I (T1QR)
MAT 221 – Intermediate Applied Statistics
Select one from:
1. PHY 200 and PHY 201 – General Physics I (T2PR) and General Physics II
2. PHY 230 and PHY 231 – Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (T2PR) and Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Students with an overall 3.0 GPA may be approved to complete an accelerated pathway. Graduate courses may be completed during their senior year when a student has earned at least 90 credits. Courses successfully completed with a grade of 'C' or higher will earn dual credit to be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate transcript. Approval to start graduate coursework does not guarantee admission to the graduate program.
Accelerated Pathway to Graduate Program
In consultation with their advisor, students may select up to 12 credits of graduate
level coursework (500-level or higher) appropriate to their intended graduate program
of study.