
AAC 200 - Topics in Arts Administration and Cultural Advocacy
AAC 210 - Fundamentals of Arts Marketing
AAC 280 - Writing for Non-Profit Organizations
AAC 317 - Nonprofit Development: Communication and Planning
AAC 370 - Public and NonProfit Administration
AAC 465 - Entrepreneurship for Musicians
AAC 490 - Capstone Project in Arts Administration and Cultural Advocacy
AAC 497 - Internship in Arts Administration and Cultural Advocacy
ACC 200 - Principles of Financial Accounting
ACC 202 - Accounting Spreadsheet Applications
ACC 210 - Managerial Accounting
ACC 310 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 311 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 312 - Intermediate Accounting III
ACC 340 - Data Analytics for Accounting
ACC 350 - Federal Income Taxation
ACC 351 - Advanced Studies in Taxation
ACC 352 - Income Tax Administration Practicum
ACC 370 - Accounting Information Systems
ACC 380 - Fraud and Forensic Accounting
ACC 410 - Advanced Accounting
ACC 424 - International Accounting
ACC 450 - Accounting Capstone
ACC 461 - Auditing
ACC 497 - Internship
ACC 499 - Independent Study
AFR 100 - Introduction to Africana Studies
ANT 101 - Cultural Anthropology
ANT 102 - Biological Anthropology
ANT 201 - The Global Community
ANT 204 - Language and Culture
ANT 205 - Archaeology and the Human Past
ANT 211 - Writing Culture: The Art of Ethnographic Writing
ANT 214 - American Tongues: Everyday Politics of Speaking
ANT 222 - Modern Human Variation
ANT 224 - Self, Language and Society
ANT 225 - Peoples and Cultures of Central and South America
ANT 235 - Archaeological Fact and Fiction
ANT 252 - Introduction Forensic Science
ANT 260 - Anthropology of Media
ANT 298 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 305 - Archaeology Field School
ANT 312 - Medical Anthropology
ANT 321 - Contemporary Issues in Indigenous North America
ANT 322 - Forensic Anthropology
ANT 335 - African Prehistory
ANT 340 - Ritual Expressions
ANT 352 - Crime Scene Investigation
ANT 355 - Native American Women
ANT 362 - Famous Cases in Forensic Science
ANT 372 - Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
ANT 376 - Anthropology of Education
ANT 380 - Anthropology of Women and Health
ANT 382 - People and Weight
ANT 432 - Evidence of Human Evolution
ANT 445 - Stones and Bones
ANT 470 - Ethnographic Fieldwork Methods
ANT 475 - Methods in Archaeology
ANT 480 - Theory of Anthropology
ANT 491 - Supervised Research
ANT 497 - Anthropology Internship
ANT 499 - Independent Study
ARB 100 - Arabic I
ARB 101 - Arabic II
ARB 200 - Arabic III
ARB 499 - Independent Study
ART 104 - History of Western Art I
ART 105 - History of Western Art II
ART 106 - Critical Thinking in the Visual Arts
ART 112 - Color and 2-D Design
ART 113 - 3-Dimensional Design
ART 114 - Digital Foundations for Art & Design
ART 150 - Introductory Drawing I
ART 151 - Introductory Drawing II
ART 162 - Photography as Visual Language
ART 201 - Visual Art and the Studio Experience
ART 215 - Graphic Design I
ART 216 - Typography I
ART 220 - Introductory Painting
ART 233 - Jewelry/Metals I
ART 236 - Ceramics I: Hand-Building
ART 237 - Pottery I
ART 238 - Ceramic Sculpture I
ART 240 - Introduction to Sculpture: Construction and Subtraction
ART 241 - Sculpture: Modeling and Casting
ART 250 - Intermediate Drawing
ART 260 - Etching, Woodcut, Collograph
ART 261 - Lithography and Silkscreen
ART 264 - Photography for Art & Design
ART 266 - Conspiracy Theories, Photography and U.S. History
ART 267 - The Moving Image: Video & Sound
ART 270 - Introduction to Art Education
ART 298 - Special Topics in Art
ART 300 - History of Modern Art
ART 301 - History of Italian Renaissance Art
ART 303 - History of the Art of East Asia
ART 306 - History of Medieval Art
ART 307 - History of Baroque Art
ART 309 - History of African Art
ART 310 - Design for Interfaces
ART 315 - Graphic Design II
ART 316 - Typography II
ART 317 - History of Women and Art
ART 318 - Interactive Design
ART 320 - Intermediate Painting I
ART 321 - Intermediate Painting II
ART 324 - Art and Architecture in Paris
ART 332 - Metalsmithing
ART 333 - Jewelry/Metals II
ART 334 - Casting in Jewelry/Metals
ART 335 - Student Teaching I
ART 336 - Ceramics II
ART 337 - Pottery II
ART 338 - Ceramic Sculpture II
ART 340 - Intermediate Sculpture: Materials and Concepts
ART 341 - Intermediate Sculpture: Process and Content
ART 350 - Advanced Drawing I
ART 351 - Advanced Drawing II
ART 360 - Intermediate Printmaking: Etching, Woodcut or Collograph
ART 361 - Intermediate Printmaking: Lithography or Silkscreen
ART 362 - Contemporary Methods in Film Photography
ART 368 - Studio Photography & Digital Manipulation
ART 369 - The Photobook: History and Practice
ART 370 - Strategies and Methods for Teaching Art
ART 371 - Curriculum Development in Art Education
ART 375 - Clinical Field Experience
ART 392 - Methods and Theories of the History of Art
ART 398 - Special Topics in Art
ART 400 - History of Architecture
ART 401 - History of Art Since 1945
ART 412 - Professional Topics in Art Education
ART 414 - Socially Engaged Art Education
ART 415 - Professional Practice in Graphic Design
ART 420 - Advanced Painting
ART 429 - History of Dutch Art in the Age of Rembrandt
ART 433 - Jewelry/Metals III
ART 434 - Jewelry/Metals IV
ART 435 - Student Teaching II
ART 440 - Advanced Sculpture
ART 441 - Advanced Sculpture: Studio Practice
ART 450 - Advanced Photography: Sequencing & Concept
ART 451 - Photography Portfolio Development
ART 460 - Experimental Printmaking
ART 461 - Innovative Printmaking
ART 480 - Advanced Art Problems I
ART 481 - Advanced Art Problems II
ART 493 - Studio Art Capstone
ART 496 - Freelance Design - Building a Practice
ART 497 - Design Practicum
ART 499 - Independent Study
AST 100 - Stars, Planets, and Galaxies
AST 310 - Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics
AST 340 - Observational Astronomy
BIO 100 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIO 101 - General Botany
BIO 102 - Biology I
BIO 103 - Biology II
BIO 105 - Biology Seminar Series
BIO 120 - Microbiology
BIO 200 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 201 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 202 - Ecology
BIO 210 - Marine and Environmental Biology
BIO 215 - Animal Behavior
BIO 220 - Genetics
BIO 228 - Vertebrate Zoology
BIO 231 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIO 233 - Introductory Microbiology
BIO 236 - Cell Biology
BIO 240 - Human Heredity
BIO 280 - Conservation Biology
BIO 292 - Biology of Aging
BIO 296 - Genomics I
BIO 298 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 301 - Physiology
BIO 325 - Immunology and Infection
BIO 327 - Field Natural History
BIO 335 - Pathogenic Microbiology
BIO 337 - Medically Important Arthropods
BIO 351 - Histology
BIO 386 - Practical Bioinformatics: Genomics II
BIO 390 - Biology Research Training
BIO 391 - Biology Research Seminar
BIO 393 - Introduction to Bioinformatics
BIO 396 - Synthetic Biology: Engineering Life
BIO 399 - Mammalian Biology
BIO 401 - Comparative Physiology
BIO 405 - Marine Mammal Physiology
BIO 425 - Evolutionary Ecology
BIO 429 - Limnology
BIO 430 - Marine Ecology
BIO 433 - Disease Ecology
BIO 435 - Developmental Biology
BIO 436 - Molecular Biology
BIO 440 - Parasitic Infections
BIO 450 - Undergraduate Research Methods in Biology
BIO 451 - Tissue Culture
BIO 454 - Brain – Anatomy and Transmission
BIO 460 - Paleontology
BIO 491 - Seminar in Biotechnology
BIO 497 - In-Service Training in Biology
BIO 499 - Independent Study and Research
BIS 306 - Operations and Project Management for the Energy andUtility Sector
BIS 308 - Data Analytics in Energy & Utility
BIS 370 - Business Information Systems
BIS 371 - Information System Analysis and Design Techniques
BIS 372 - Database Management
BIS 375 - Decision Support Systems
BIS 380 - Cloud Computing for Business
BIS 385 - Design and Administration of Business Messaging Systems
BIS 390 - GetVirtual
BIS 400 - Global Information Systems
BIS 410 - AI for Business Systems
BIS 415 - Technology for Real Estate Professionals
BIS 422 - Supply Chain Automation and Logistics
BIS 430 - Project Management
BIS 460 - Information Security Management
BIS 470 - Business Information Systems Design
BIS 497 - Internship
BUS 300 - Practical Business Work Experience and Education
BUS 390 - Experiential Solar Study
BUS 398 - Special Topics in Business Administration
BUS 400 - Practical Business Work Experience, Education and
BUS 430 - Business Development & Planning
BUS 497 - Interdisciplinary Business Internship
BUS 498 - Special Topics in Business Administration
CHE 103 - Crime Scene Chemistry
CHE 108 - Culinary Chemistry
CHE 120 - General Chemistry I
CHE 121 - General Chemistry II
CHE 125 - Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry
CHE 240 - Analytical Chemistry
CHE 260 - Organic Chemistry I
CHE 261 - Organic Chemistry II
CHE 264 - Organic Chemistry I: Lab Only
CHE 290 - Introduction to Chemistry Research
CHE 301 - Preparation of Scientific Documents
CHE 340 - Environmental Chemistry
CHE 370 - Physical Chemistry I
CHE 371 - Physical Chemistry II
CHE 372 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
CHE 373 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
CHE 376 - Biophysical Chemistry
CHE 411 - Chemical Education
CHE 421 - Computational Chemistry

CHE 435 - Inorganic Chemistry I

Discussion of the electronic structure, symmetry, group theory, and bonding theories as they apply to the properties and reactions of the elements and their compounds found on the periodic chart. Lecture: 3 hours.

Prerequisite(s): CHE 261.

3 credit(s).

Last Term Offered: Fall 2025

CHE 436 - Inorganic Chemistry Lab
CHE 440 - Instrumental Analysis
CHE 445 - Chemical Hazards and Laboratory Safety
CHE 450 - Biochemistry I
CHE 451 - Biochemistry II
CHE 456 - Medicinal Chemistry
CHE 457 - Pharmacology
CHE 458 - Drug Discovery
CHE 490 - Chemistry Research
CHE 491 - Chemistry Research
CHE 496 - Chemistry Seminar
CHE 497 - Chemistry Internship
CHE 498 - Special Topics in Chemistry
CHE 499 - Independent Study and Research
CHI 198 - Advanced Special Topics in Chinese
CHI 298 - Special Topics in Chinese
CMD 150 - Sustaining Professional Resilience in Health Care and School Settings
CMD 200 - Introduction to Developmental Communication Disorders
CMD 201 - Introduction to Communication Disorders in Medical Settings
CMD 203 - Phonetics and Phonological Systems
CMD 317 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
CMD 319 - Language Development: Ages Birth to Five
CMD 320 - Introduction to Hearing Science
CMD 321 - Introduction to Audiology
CMD 418 - Neurological Bases of Communication
CMD 419 - Language Acquisition: School Age: Adolescence
CMD 420 - Speech Science
CMD 461 - Clinical Practice of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
CMD 462 - Clinical Practicum for the Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
CMD 463 - Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Practicum
CMD 499 - Independent Study
CMS 101 - Public Speaking
CMS 102 - Professional Voice and Diction
CMS 110 - World of Communication
CMS 115 - Human Communication
CMS 130 - Media Persuasion and Everyday Life
CMS 135 - Introduction to Computer Mediated Communication
CMS 140 - How Media Means
CMS 145 - Visual Communication
CMS 201 - Interpersonal Communication
CMS 203 - Small Group Communication
CMS 205 - Capturing, Analyzing, and Presenting Family Stories
CMS 210 - Persuasion
CMS 221 - Advertising and Public Relations Theories and Concepts
CMS 222 - Media Theory
CMS 238 - Communication Design
CMS 240 - Introduction to Media Studies
CMS 245 - Experimental Media Production
CMS 247 - Media Issues and Problems
CMS 250 - Reading Film: Form, Genre, Culture
CMS 258 - Cinematic Technique
CMS 260 - Reading Film II: Approaches to International Film
CMS 261 - Managing Social Media I
CMS 265 - Social Media: Private Life/Public Life
CMS 285 - Communication and Media Research
CMS 298 - Special Topics in Communication, Media, and Screen Studies
CMS 300 - Organizational Communication
CMS 302 - Relational Communication
CMS 312 - Communication and Gender
CMS 315 - Networked Youth Culture
CMS 317 - Communication and Planning
CMS 320 - Workplace Communication
CMS 325 - Romance to Ruin: Media and Relationships
CMS 327 - Interpersonal Conflict and Communication
CMS 329 - Communication Theory
CMS 330 - Propaganda in Media
CMS 333 - Scriptwriting for Film and Television
CMS 335 - Advertising Strategy and Planning
CMS 336 - Writing Copy for Integrated Media
CMS 338 - Advanced Communication Design
CMS 340 - Brand Management
CMS 342 - Hip Hop, Rap and Media
CMS 345 - Advanced Audio Production and Sound
CMS 346 - Music and Sound in Media
CMS 347 - Political Satire and New Media
CMS 348 - Media Literacy Education for Students and Teachers
CMS 361 - Managing Social Media II
CMS 362 - Gender Media Culture
CMS 365 - Television, New Media, and Culture
CMS 370 - Studio Production
CMS 375 - Field Production
CMS 378 - Graphics for Film and Television
CMS 398 - Special Topics in Communication, Media, and Screen Studies
CMS 410 - Crisis Communication
CMS 420 - Professional Communication Training and Development
CMS 430 - Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns
CMS 435 - Sex, Violence, and the American Dream
CMS 440 - Cultural Influences on Communication
CMS 445 - Social Media Campaign Planning
CMS 450 - CMS Capstone
CMS 460 - Seminar in Communication, Media, & Screen Studies
CMS 465 - Content Development for Social Media
CMS 470 - Narrative Filmmaking
CMS 473 - Advanced Studio Production
CMS 475 - Documentary Filmmaking
CMS 490 - Practicum in Communication, Media and Screen Studies
CMS 495 - Communication, Media, and Screen Studies Capstone Project
CMS 497 - Communication, Media and Screen Studies Field Experience
CMS 498 - Special Topics in Communication, Media and Screen Studies
CMS 499 - Independent Study
COE 200 - Social Emotional Learning in Children Module
COE 201 - Dyslexia Module
COE 202 - Health and Mental Health Module
COE 203 - Computational Thinking Module
COM 234 - Copywriting and Creative Concepts
COM 287 - Introduction to Communication Research
CSC 101 - Intro to Mobile App Development
CSC 104 - Web Technology
CSC 152 - CS1: Programming Fundamentals
CSC 200 - Decision-making with Excel
CSC 207 - Computer Systems
CSC 212 - CS 2: Data Structures
CSC 229 - Object - Oriented Programming
CSC 235 - Web and Database Development
CSC 265 - Computer Networking and Security I
CSC 305 - Computer Organization
CSC 321 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
CSC 324 - Computer Ethics
CSC 330 - Software Design and Development
CSC 334 - Human Computer Interaction
CSC 335 - Database Systems
CSC 341 - Digital Imaging
CSC 398 - Special Topics in Computer Science
CSC 400 - Computer Science Project Seminar
CSC 421 - Theory of Programming Language
CSC 424 - System Administration
CSC 425 - Operating Systems
CSC 428 - Bioinformatics Algorithms
CSC 443 - Internet Programming
CSC 451 - Fundamentals of Deep Learning
CSC 453 - Information Security
CSC 461 - Generative AI for Language Modeling
CSC 463 - Distributed and Parallel Computing
CSC 477 - Data Mining
CSC 481 - Artificial Intelligence
CSC 490 - Research in Computer Science I
CSC 491 - Research in Computer Science II
CSC 497 - Computer Science Internship
CSC 498 - Special Topics in Computer Science
CSC 499 - Independent Study and Research
CTR 300 - Cooperative Education
DGH 100 - Introduction to Digital Humanities
DSC 100 - Data Science I
DSC 101 - Data Science II
DSC 205 - Data Visualization
DSC 333 - Cloud Services for Data Science
DSC 480 - Applications of Machine Learning in Bioinformatics
DSC 490 - Data Science Capstone Project
ECO 100 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 101 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 110 - Social Issues and Economics
ECO 200 - Macroeconomic Analysis
ECO 201 - Microeconomic Analysis
ECO 270 - Applied Business Statistics
ECO 302 - Environmental Economics
ECO 303 - Development Economics
ECO 307 - Urban Economics
ECO 311 - Public Finance
ECO 316 - Game Theory
ECO 317 - Public Sector Economics, Finance, and Budgeting
ECO 320 - Health Economics
ECO 322 - Business and Economic Forecasting
ECO 323 - Predictive Analytics for Business Data
ECO 340 - Money and Banking
ECO 350 - International Economics I: Trade
ECO 351 - International Economics II: Finance
ECO 410 - Managerial Economics
ECO 450 - Seminar in Applied Economics
ECO 497 - Internship
ECO 499 - Independent Study
EDU 106 - New Literacies: Digital Text and Tools for Learning
EDU 198 - Special Topics in Education
EDU 200 - Teachers, Schools, and Society
EDU 206 - Principles of Early Childhood Education
EDU 300 - Student Teaching I
EDU 307 - Children’s Literature and Literacy
EDU 308 - Children’s Literature and Literacy: Early Childhood
EDU 309 - Curriculum Design and Methods for Pre-K/ K
EDU 312 - Integrated Curriculum in the Primary Classroom
EDU 316 - Child Development and Psychology for Educators
EDU 317 - Science Education in the Elementary School
EDU 319 - Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology for Early Childhood Education
EDU 321 - Social Studies Curriculum and Pedagogy
EDU 322 - Family, School, and Community Partnerships
EDU 325 - Belonging, Community, and Discipline in the ElementaryClassroom
EDU 326 - Culturally Responsive Positive Guidance in Early Childhood
EDU 330 - Social Studies in Elementary Schools
EDU 370 - Early Childhood Student Teaching I
EDU 400 - Student Teaching II
EDU 413 - Secondary Education
EDU 414 - Applications of Child Development
EDU 415 - Responsive Curriculum and Assessment
EDU 424 - Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School.
EDU 444 - DSAP Supervision and Appraisal
EDU 450 - Student Teaching I
EDU 451 - Student Teaching II
EDU 470 - Early Childhood Student Teaching II
EDU 471 - Supporting English Learners for School Success
EDU 472 - Nurturing Multilingual Students Across Disciplines
EDU 475 - Supervised Fieldwork
EDU 480 - Student Teaching
EDU 485 - Student Teaching Seminar
EDU 499 - Independent Study
EGR 151 - Engineering Concepts
EGR 232 - Materials Science and Engineering
EGR 251 - Engineering Mechanics I: Statics
EGR 252 - Engineering Mechanics II - Dynamics
EGR 471 - Capstone Experience in Engineering
ENG 102 - Literary Creation in the Age of AI
ENG 110 - Fundamentals of Academic Writing
ENG 112 - Writing Arguments
ENG 119 - College Composition for Bilingual Students
ENG 120 - Writing Arguments for Bilingual Students
ENG 200 - Intermediate Composition
ENG 201 - Creative Writing
ENG 202 - Introduction to Poetry Writing
ENG 203 - Introduction to Fiction Writing
ENG 204 - Introduction to Memoir and Creative Nonfiction Writing
ENG 209 - Lyrics as Literature:Reading and Writing Song Lyrics
ENG 217 - Introduction to Literature
ENG 218 - The American Experience and Literature
ENG 219 - Time and Place in Literature
ENG 220 - Anglo-Irish Identities in Literature
ENG 226 - Disability Literature
ENG 235 - Seminar in Tutoring Writing: Theory and Practice
ENG 240 - Professional Writing: Theory and Practice
ENG 280 - Writing for Nonprofit Organizations
ENG 298 - Special Topics in English
ENG 302 - Intermediate Poetry Writing
ENG 304 - Technical Writing and Communication
ENG 306 - Intermediate Fiction Writing
ENG 307 - Literary Analysis for English Majors
ENG 308 - English Studies: Critical Theories
ENG 309 - Rhetorical Strategies in Writing and Communication
ENG 312 - English Grammar Systems
ENG 316 - Writing for Business and Industry
ENG 317 - Cross-Cultural Literatures and Contexts
ENG 318 - Writing for the Web
ENG 321 - British Literature through History I
ENG 322 - British Literature through History II
ENG 323 - American Literature through History
ENG 342 - Shakespeare I: 1564-1601
ENG 343 - Shakespeare II: 1601-1616
ENG 350 - Environmental Writing
ENG 352 - Medical and Health Writing
ENG 371 - Literature into Film
ENG 372 - Young Adult Literature
ENG 380 - Chaucer
ENG 402 - Advanced Poetry Writing
ENG 406 - Advanced Fiction Writing
ENG 412 - Soundwriting
ENG 415 - History of the English Language
ENG 423 - Contemporary African-American Novelists
ENG 424 - The Harlem Renaissance
ENG 462 - Gay and Lesbian Film and Literature
ENG 463 - 20th-Century American Novel
ENG 465 - Postcolonial Literature
ENG 486 - Seminar in American Literature
ENG 487 - Seminar in British Literature
ENG 490 - Advanced Seminar in Literature
ENG 491 - Career Preparation in English
ENG 492 - Teaching English: Methods I
ENG 493 - Teaching English: Methods II
ENG 494 - Student Teaching–English
ENG 496 - Student Teaching Seminar–English
ENG 497 - Internship in Teaching Writing
ENG 498 - Professional Writing Internship
ENG 499 - Independent Study
ENV 100 - Environmental Studies I
ENV 101 - Critical Thinking: Global Environmental Issues
ENV 204 - Principles of Sustainability
ENV 220 - Global Climate Change
ENV 304 - Sustainability and Public Engagement
ENV 333 - Environmental Impact Assessment & Management
ENV 350 - Environmental Systems Inquiry
ENV 400 - Environmental Policy
ENV 404 - Applied Sustainability Science
ENV 491 - Environmental Problem Solving
ESC 103 - General Geology
ESC 104 - Geohazards and Natural Disasters
ESC 106 - General Oceanography
ESC 200 - Physical Geology
ESC 201 - History of Earth and Life
ESC 205 - Principles of Meteorology
ESC 210 - Principles of Astronomy
ESC 220 - Physical and Chemical Oceanography
ESC 235 - Computation and Visualization of Data in the Earth Sciences.
ESC 303 - Environmental Earth Science
ESC 311 - Mineralogy
ESC 312 - Petrology
ESC 315 - Geomorphology and Natural Hazards
ESC 325 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
ESC 332 - Invertebrate Paleontology and the Fossil Record
ESC 350 - Structural Geology and Tectonics
ESC 420 - Earth Resources
ESC 421 - Marine Geology
ESC 430 - Field Methods
ESC 457 - Hydrology
ESC 458 - Soil Science
ESC 459 - Engineering Geology
ESC 461 - Glacial Geology
ESC 492 - Undergraduate Thesis Proposal
ESC 493 - Undergraduate Thesis
ESC 497 - Internship in Earth Science
ESC 499 - Independent Study and Research
FIN 200 - Critical Thinking in Finance
FIN 250 - U.S. Financial Industry Through Film
FIN 300 - Corporate Finance
FIN 325 - Financial Management & Reporting for Public Utilities
FIN 340 - Financial Markets and Institutions
FIN 341 - Principles of Investment
FIN 343 - Commercial Banking
FIN 345 - Principles of Real Estate
FIN 346 - Financial Risk Management
FIN 347 - International Financial Management
FIN 400 - Behavioral Finance
FIN 401 - Financial Modeling and Analytics
FIN 432 - Advanced Corporate Finance
FIN 435 - Business Valuation
FIN 439 - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
FIN 446 - Quantitative Methods in Financial Risk Management
FIN 450 - Finance Capstone
FIN 456 - Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
FIN 457 - Real Estate Finance
FIN 458 - Seminar in Real Estate
FIN 460 - Treasury Management
FIN 470 - Practicum of Investing
FIN 480 - Introduction to Futures and Options
FIN 485 - Fundamentals of Fintech
FIN 490 - Fintech Seminar
FIN 496 - Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Applications inFinance
FIN 497 - Internship
FRE 100 - French I
FRE 101 - French II
FRE 200 - French III
FRE 201 - Feasting on France and the Francophone World: Language, Culture, Cuisine.
FRE 202 - French Language for the Global World
FRE 206 - French Culture in France
FRE 210 - Continuing French
FRE 300 - Expressing Yourself in Writing
FRE 301 - Expressing Yourself in Speaking I
FRE 302 - Expressing Yourself in Speaking II
FRE 306 - Advanced French Culture and Language Practice in France
FRE 311 - French Civilization II
FRE 312 - Contemporary French Culture
FRE 313 - French & Francophone Cinema
FRE 398 - Special Topics in French
FRE 400 - Advanced French
FRE 496 - Advanced French Grammar
FYE 100 -
GEO 100 - People, Places, and Environments
GEO 104 - Sustainability in America: Challenges and Solutions
GEO 105 - Food Systems: A Geography
GEO 170 - Basic Drone Technology
GEO 200 - Human Geography
GEO 201 - Physical Geography
GEO 260 - Population Geography
GEO 270 - Designing Maps
GEO 273 - Land Use Planning
GEO 290 - Research Methods in Geography and Environmental Sustainability
GEO 305 - Environmental Economic Geography
GEO 357 - Coastal and Marine Geography
GEO 360 - Introduction to GIS
GEO 370 - Remote Sensing
GEO 371 - Cartography
GEO 405 - Environmental Justice
GEO 460 - GIS II
GEO 461 - Environmental GIS
GEO 470 - Field Techniques
GEO 490 - Capstone Seminar
GEO 497 - Internship
GEO 499 - Independent Study
GER 100 - German I
GER 101 - German II
GER 201 - Continuing German: Contemporary German Culture
GER 202 - Continuing German: Exploring a German City
HCM 250 - Introduction to Healthcare and Hospital Management
HCM 403 - Leadership in Healthcare Management
HCM 405 - Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
HCM 492 - Healthcare Management Capstone
HIS 100 - Western Civilization to 1500
HIS 101 - Western Civilization from 1500 to the present
HIS 104 - Islamic Civilization
HIS 105 - Introduction to Southeast Asia: Southeast Asia to 1500.
HIS 106 - East Asia to 1850
HIS 110 - United States History to 1877
HIS 111 - United States History from 1877 to the present
HIS 128 - Latin American History
HIS 150 - Voices from the Past
HIS 200 - The Historian's Craft
HIS 201 - U.S. History Through Film
HIS 202 - European History Through Film
HIS 208 - Disability in American History
HIS 210 - U.S. Black History
HIS 212 - War and American Society
HIS 220 - Sports in U.S. History
HIS 221 - Ancient History: Classical Greece and Rome
HIS 232 - England and the British Empire
HIS 234 - Palestine in Historical Perspective
HIS 235 - The Holocaust
HIS 237 - Modern Germany
HIS 241 - The Modern Middle East
HIS 242 - Imperial Russian and Soviet History, 1800-1991
HIS 257 - Indigenous Histories in North America to 1850
HIS 258 - Indigenous Histories in North America, since 1850
HIS 259 - Digital New Haven Project
HIS 262 - Connecticut
HIS 266 - Conspiracy Theories, Photography and U.S. History
HIS 290 - Latin American History Through Film
HIS 298 - Special Topics in History
HIS 300 - The Vietnam War Era
HIS 301 - The Roman Empire
HIS 307 - Europe in the 19th Century
HIS 309 - Issues in Global History
HIS 315 - American Roots
HIS 316 - History of Ancient Greece
HIS 317 - History of Rome from its Origins to Caesar
HIS 319 - Women in American History 1865 - Present
HIS 320 - History of the Indochina Wars 1965-1993
HIS 336 - Nazi Germany
HIS 337 - Utopia
HIS 338 - History, Myth, and Legend in the Middle Ages
HIS 340 - The Crusades
HIS 342 - 20th Century China
HIS 343 - Modern Eastern Europe
HIS 345 - History and Culture of the African Diaspora
HIS 351 - Religion in America
HIS 357 - Recent American History: 1945 to the Present
HIS 358 - American Frontiers
HIS 359 - American Environmental History
HIS 367 - The 20th Century World in Conflict
HIS 376 - Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
HIS 378 - Early China
HIS 398 - Advanced Special Topics in History
HIS 409 - Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Conflict: An International Perspective
HIS 485 - Seminar in History
HIS 490 - Social Science — Secondary School
HIS 494 - Student Teaching — History
HIS 496 - Student Teaching Seminar — History
HIS 497 - History Internship
HIS 498 - Special Topics in History
HIS 499 - Independent Study
HLS 100 - Introduction to Healthcare Professions
HLS 101 - Essentials of Medical Terminology
HLS 121 - Skills for Becoming a Certified Nurse Aide
HLS 122 - Certified Nurse Aide Practicum
HLS 150 - Introduction to Aging Studies
HLS 180 - Introduction to Research and Writing in Healthcare
HLS 210 - Principles of Person Centered Healthcare
HLS 220 - Healthcare Communication
HLS 230 - Introduction to Clinical Trials
HLS 240 - Statistics for Health and Clinical Sciences
HLS 260 - Medical Terminology of Body Systems and Diseases
HLS 298 - Special Topics in Healthcare Studies
HLS 310 - Electronic Health Information
HLS 315 - Healthcare Systems & Policy
HLS 317 - Community Engagement in Health Research
HLS 330 - Case Studies in Healthcare Ethics
HLS 350 - Interventions and Support in Dementia Care
HLS 380 - Cultural Humility for the Healthcare Professional
HLS 398 - Special Topics in Healthcare Studies
HLS 410 - Medical Insurance and Billing
HLS 427 - Research Data Management
HLS 437 - Clinical Trial Administration and Good Clinical Practice
HLS 440 - Research Methods for Evidence- Based Healthcare
HLS 450 - Organization of Long-Term Care Facilities
HLS 490 - Career Skills for the Healthcare Professional
HLS 497 - Internship in Healthcare Studies
HLS 499 - Independent Study
HMS 131 - Teaching Aquatics
HMS 157 - Physical Activity: Mind and Body
HMS 158 - The Sports Medicine Team: Roles of Health CareProfessionals
HMS 159 - Concussions in the Physically Active
HMS 160 - Introduction to Exercise and Sport Science
HMS 191 - Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
HMS 201 - Foundations in Scientific Writing
HMS 204 - Field Experience in Group Exercise Instruction
HMS 212 - Lifetime Physical Activity
HMS 280 - Survey of Anatomy and Physiology
HMS 281 - Anatomy and Physiology I
HMS 282 - Anatomy and Physiology II
HMS 283 - Functional Anatomy
HMS 291 - Exploring the Teaching of Physical Education
HMS 292 - Instructional Strategies for Physical Education
HMS 293 - Movement Foundations
HMS 301 - Exercise and Sport Nutrition
HMS 313 - Teaching Skill Themes and Movement Concepts
HMS 314 - Teaching Individual Performance Activitites
HMS 315 - Teaching Outdoor Pursuits and Adventure Education in PE
HMS 316 - Physical Activity Promotion and Advocacy
HMS 319 - Health and Safety for Coaches
HMS 350 - Teaching Physical Fitness K-12
HMS 352 - Skill and Strategy of Target, Striking/Fielding, Net/Wall Games
HMS 370 - Coaching Individual, Dual and Team Sports
HMS 380 - Sport Psychology
HMS 383 - Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
HMS 384 - Exercise Physiology
HMS 387 - Standard First Aid and Personal Safety
HMS 389 - Clinical Exercise Physiology
HMS 392 - Conditioning for Strength and Human Performance
HMS 393 - Supervised Fieldwork in Elementary Physical Education
HMS 394 - Physical Education (Elementary School)
HMS 399 - Physiology of Sport Performance
HMS 400 - Skill and Strategy of Invasion Games
HMS 401 - Exercise for Diverse Populations
HMS 411 - General Medical Perspectives
HMS 413 - Functional Anatomy and Clinical Kinesiology
HMS 421 - Organization and Administration in Exercise and Sport Science
HMS 442 - Practicum Seminar in Physical Education
HMS 452 - Elementary Physical Education Student Teaching
HMS 453 - Secondary Physical Education Student Teaching
HMS 455 - Sport Science and Performance Technology
HMS 480 - Motor Learning and Development
HMS 483 - Adapted Physical Education
HMS 484 - Measurement and Assessment in Physical Education
HMS 485 - Measurement and Statistics in Exercise Science
HMS 488 - Exercise Testing and Prescription
HMS 494 - Supervised Fieldwork in Secondary Physical Education
HMS 495 - Physical Education (Secondary School)
HMS 496 - Sport in American Culture
HMS 497 - Exercise and Sport Science Internship
HMS 499 - Independent Study
HON 100 - First-Year leadership Colloquium
HON 102 - First Year Research Colloquium
HON 150 - Introduction to Critical Inquiry
HON 200 - Conceptions of Self and Identity Seminar
HON 201 - Conceptions of Self and Identity Plenary Session
HON 202 - Conceptions of Community and Context Seminar
HON 203 - Conceptions of Community and Context Plenary Session
HON 250 - The City in Western Civilization.
HON 254 - Utopias and Dystopias
HON 255 - Ambiguity and Uncertainty in the Arts and
HON 270 - Scientific Investigation and Civic Engagement
HON 290 - The Language of Art
HON 300 - Introduction to Service Learning
HON 350 - Research Seminar
HON 398 - Special Topics in Honors
HON 400 - Research Colloquium
HON 450 - International Study Foundations
HON 460 - Community-Engaged Research I
HON 461 - Community-Engaged Research II
HON 488 - Place as Text
HON 494 - Honors Prospectus
HON 495 - Honors Thesis
HON 498 - Special Topics in Honors
HON 499 - Independent Study
HSC 200 - Health Professions and Medical Terminology
HSC 411 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
HSC 421 - Interprofessional Healthcare Practice
HSC 450 - Principles of Medical Documentation
IDS 180 - Introduction to Neurodivergent Culture
IDS 185 - Arts, culture, and New Haven
IDS 311 - Research Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS 320 - Human Flourishing in the 21st Century
IDS 321 - Career Pathways in Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS 401 - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
IDS 405 - In a World: A Gamified Capstone Experience
IDS 499 - Independent Study
ILS 300 - Literature for Children
ILS 302 - Library - Information Service
ILS 320 - Technical Services
ILS 360 - Data Literacy and Presentation
ILS 400 - Library - Information Service Practice
ILS 421 - Organization of the Information Center
ILS 425 - Library - Information Sources
ILS 440 - Information Service Technology
INQ 101 - Intellectual and Creative Inquiry
INQ 120 - The RISE Workshop
INQ 390 - Peer Mentoring in the First-Year Classroom
INQ 391 - Peer Mentoring Practicum
ITA 100 - Italian I
ITA 101 - Italian II
ITA 200 - Italian III
ITA 202 - Italian Language and Culture for Pleasure
ITA 206 - Italian Culture in Italy
ITA 220 - Italian Food Culture in Italy and America
ITA 250 - Italians in America
ITA 270 - Italian Cities
ITA 301 - Conversation
ITA 400 - Italian Literature I
ITA 484 - Italian Theater
ITA 487 - Short Story
ITA 498 - Special Topics in Italian
JRN 101 - The Media: Freedom and Power
JRN 135 - Digital Media Skills
JRN 170 - Basic Drone Technology
JRN 200 - Basics of Journalism
JRN 211 - Broadcast Sports Journalism
JRN 220 - Digital Reporting and Writing
JRN 226 - Sports Multimedia Reporting
JRN 227 - Audio and Video Storytelling
JRN 228 - Data Storytelling
JRN 230 - Fundamentals of Public Relations
JRN 240 - Race and the News
JRN 260 - Anthropology of Media
JRN 270 - Photojournalism and Drones
JRN 300 - News Writing
JRN 301 - The News Media in America
JRN 303 - Great Journalism
JRN 304 - Sports Reporting
JRN 305 - Precision Editing
JRN 306 - Digital News Design
JRN 307 - Reporting and Writing for Science
JRN 311 - Broadcast News Reporting I
JRN 320 - Writing Magazine Articles I
JRN 330 - Advanced Integrated Public Relations
JRN 350 - American Journalism History
JRN 351 - Media Law and Ethics
JRN 370 - Drone Video Storytelling
JRN 404 - Advanced Sports Storytelling
JRN 410 - Broadcast News Reporting II
JRN 470 - Advanced Drone Storytelling
JRN 490 - Capstone Seminar in Journalism
JRN 497 - Journalism Internship
JST 101 - Jewish Life and Civilization
JST 110 - Narrating the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
JST 118 - Making a More Just America: Judaic Texts and Teachings
JST 200 - Jewish Stories
JST 204 - Introduction to Holocaust and Genocide Studies
JST 207 - The Religious Dimension of Human Existence
JST 235 - The Holocaust
JST 236 - Women in the Bible
JST 237 - Modern Germany
JST 298 - Special Topics in Judaic Studies
JST 300 - Literature of the Hebrew Bible
JST 303 - The Israeli Short Story
JST 305 - Antisemitism
JST 314 - Music of the Jewish People
JST 336 - Nazi Germany
LAC 100 - Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LAC 128 - Latin American History
LAT 101 - Latin II
LAT 200 - Latin III
LAT 499 - Independent Study
LIT 300 - Hebrew Bible as Literature
LIT 310 - Mythology
LIT 328 - Literature of Medieval Europe
LIT 332 - Digital Literary Studies
LIT 370 - Contemporary French Novel
LIT 376 - Italian Cinema
LIT 382 - Contemporary Latin American Literature
LIT 402 - Plague(s) and What Follows
LIT 406 - Classical Drama
LIT 430 - Modern World Drama: Ibsen to O’Neill
LIT 488 - Seminar in World Literature
MAR 140 - The World Ocean
MAR 210 - Coastal Marine Studies
MAR 250 - Coastal and Marine Pollution
MAR 270 - Aquaculture I
MAR 280 - Aquaculture II
MAR 340 - Coastal Processes and Environments
MAR 398 - Special Topics in Marine Studies
MAR 460 - Field and Laboratory Techniques in Marine Studies
MAR 499 - Independent Study and Research
MAT 095 - Introductory and Intermediate Algebra Support
MAT 100 - Intermediate Algebra
MAT 100P - Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
MAT 103 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts
MAT 104 - Mathematics All Around Us
MAT 105 - Mathematics for Elementary Education I
MAT 106 - Mathematics for Elementary Education II
MAT 107 - Elementary Statistics
MAT 108 - Mathematics for the Natural Sciences
MAT 111 - Extended Algebra for Business and Science
MAT 112 - Algebra for Business and the Sciences
MAT 115 - Introduction to Modern Mathematics
MAT 120 - College Algebra
MAT 122 - Precalculus
MAT 125 - Applied Business Mathematics
MAT 140 - Computational Tools for Mathematics and the Sciences
MAT 150 - Calculus I
MAT 151 - Calculus II
MAT 178 - Elementary Discrete Mathematics
MAT 207 - Mathematics for Elementary Education III
MAT 210 - Analysis of Election Structures
MAT 221 - Intermediate Applied Statistics
MAT 245 - Differential Equations
MAT 250 - Foundations of Mathematics
MAT 252 - Calculus III
MAT 260 - Geometry and the Arts
MAT 300 - History of Mathematics
MAT 320 - Mathematical Statistics I
MAT 321 - Mathematical Statistics II
MAT 322 - Numerical Analysis I
MAT 326 - Regression Analysis
MAT 328 - Time Series Analysis
MAT 329 - Bayesian Analysis and Decision Making
MAT 360 - Foundations of Geometry
MAT 372 - Linear Algebra
MAT 373 - Modern Algebra
MAT 378 - Discrete Mathematics
MAT 405 - Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint
MAT 408 - Technology for Teaching Secondary Mathematics
MAT 428 - Mathematical Foundations in Machine Learning
MAT 429 - Modern Nonparametric Statistics
MAT 446 - Advanced Calculus with Applications
MAT 450 - Analysis
MAT 480 - Topology
MAT 488 - Seminar in Mathematical Modeling
MAT 490 - Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School
MAT 491 - Mathematics Capstone I
MAT 492 - Mathematics Capstone II
MAT 494 - Student Teaching — Mathematics
MAT 496 - Student Teaching Seminar
MAT 497 - Internship
MAT 499 - Independent Study
MGT 100 - Introduction to Business
MGT 110 - Public Utility Management
MGT 200 - Managerial Communication
MGT 202 - Introduction to Conscious Capitalism
MGT 240 - Business Law and Ethics
MGT 250 - Rates and Revenues in the Utility Industry
MGT 260 - Asset and Infrastructure Management in the UtilityIndustry
MGT 285 - Management and Organization
MGT 301 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
MGT 305 - Organizational Behavior
MGT 306 - Ocean and Blue Innovations
MGT 315 - Gender, Leadership & Management
MGT 335 - Business Law
MGT 345 - Real Estate Law
MGT 361 - Operations Management
MGT 385 - Human Resources Management
MGT 390 - Intellectual Property Law
MGT 395 - Technology Entrepreneurship
MGT 400 - Business and Society
MGT 402 - Managing Diversity
MGT 404 - Healthcare Law and Risk Management
MGT 405 - Employment & Labor Relations Law
MGT 415 - Developing Team Managerial Skills
MGT 420 - Contracts and Negotiations for the Energy and UtilitySector
MGT 425 - Managing for People, Planet, and Profit
MGT 430 - Management of Multinational Corporations
MGT 440 - Mindful Leadership
MGT 445 - Current Issues in Energy and Utility Leadership
MGT 450 - Business Policy and Strategy Seminar
MGT 452 - Strategic Management in Energy and Utility
MGT 460 - International Business
MGT 463 - Workforce Development & Sustainability
MGT 470 - Energy and Public Utilities Law, Regulation, and PublicPolicy
MGT 473 - Employee Training and Development
MGT 474 - Compensation and Benefit Management
MGT 476 - Strategic Staffing
MGT 497 - Internship
MGT 499 - Independent Study
MKT 100 - Consumption, Markets, and Culture
MKT 200 - Principles of Marketing
MKT 201 - Introduction to Market Data Analytics
MKT 210 - Fundamentals of Arts Marketing
MKT 297 - Women's Leadership Seminar
MKT 298 - Special Topics in Marketing
MKT 301 - Quantitative Research in Marketing
MKT 321 - Consumer Behavior
MKT 326 - Pricing Strategies
MKT 327 - Marketing Management
MKT 330 - Retail Management
MKT 331 - Principles of Advertising
MKT 332 - Marketing Communication
MKT 334 - Professional Selling
MKT 335 - Business to Business Marketing
MKT 336 - Sales Management
MKT 338 - Services Marketing
MKT 341 - Digital Marketing
MKT 342 - Social Media Marketing
MKT 343 - Digital Marketing Analytics
MKT 344 - Tourism Destination Marketing
MKT 345 - Brand Strategy in Marketing
MKT 351 - Communication Strategies in UtilityLeadership
MKT 352 - Customer Services in Utility Leadership
MKT 370 - Sustainability and Consumers
MKT 398 - Special Topics in Marketing
MKT 410 - Product and Marketing Planning
MKT 420 - Global Marketing
MKT 425 - Marketing Research
MKT 450 - Strategic Marketing
MKT 497 - Internship
MKT 499 - Independent Study
MUS 102 - University Choir
MUS 104 - University Band I
MUS 105 - University Band II
MUS 110 - Music History of the Western World
MUS 111 - Experiencing the Arts
MUS 115 - Music in World Culture
MUS 117 - Introduction to Music Technology
MUS 141 - Applied Music
MUS 142 - Applied Music
MUS 171 - Chamber Singers
MUS 200 - Small Ensembles
MUS 201 - Small Ensembles
MUS 202 - Small Ensembles
MUS 203 - Small Ensembles
MUS 204 - Small Ensembles
MUS 205 - Small Ensembles
MUS 206 - Small Ensembles
MUS 207 - Small Ensembles
MUS 210 - Music History I
MUS 211 - Music History II
MUS 220 - Musicianship I
MUS 221 - Musicianship II
MUS 225 - Music Theory I
MUS 226 - Music Theory II
MUS 235 - Guitar I
MUS 237 - Fundamentals of Piano I
MUS 241 - Applied Music
MUS 242 - Applied Music
MUS 300 - Beethoven and Revolution
MUS 303 - In Search of Mozart
MUS 311 - Jazz History
MUS 314 - Music of the Jewish People
MUS 320 - Musicianship III
MUS 321 - Musicianship IV
MUS 325 - Music Theory III
MUS 326 - Music Theory IV
MUS 330 - Improvisation in Contemporary Music Culture
MUS 341 - Applied Music
MUS 342 - Applied Music
MUS 398 - Special Topics in Music
MUS 400 - Solo or Chamber Recital
MUS 420 - Improvisation I
MUS 421 - Improvisation II
MUS 426 - Arranging
MUS 427 - Conducting
MUS 428 - Electronic Music
MUS 429 - Producing Music for Visual Media
MUS 430 - Advanced Audio Recording, Editing, and Sound Manipulation
MUS 441 - Applied Music
MUS 442 - Applied Music
MUS 465 - Entrepreneurship for Musicians
MUS 490 - Music Technology in the Classroom
MUS 499 - Independent Study
MUT 100 - Introduction to Music Therapy
MUT 200 - Receptive Methods in Music Therapy
MUT 250 - Compositional Methods in Music Therapy
MUT 300 - Clinical Improvisation in Music Therapy
MUT 325 - Professional Topics in Music Therapy - Ethics & Cultural Humility
MUT 341 - Practicum in Music Therapy I
MUT 342 - Practicum in Music Therapy II
MUT 343 - Practicum in Music Therapy III
MUT 350 - Multiculturalism in Music Therapy
MUT 400 - Psychology of Music
MUT 435 - Theoretical Foundations of Music Therapy
MUT 497 - Internship in Music Therapy
MUT 499 - Independent Study
NUR 340 - Transition to Professional Practice
NUR 341 - Health Assessment in Nursing
NUR 342 - Evidence-Based Nursing Interventions
NUR 343 - Integrated Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I
NUR 344 - Care of the Older Adult
NUR 350 - Clinical Application of Nutrition
NUR 351 - Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses
NUR 352 - Adult Health I
NUR 353 - Integrated Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II
NUR 354 - Mental Health Nursing
NUR 355 - Evidence-Based Nursing Interventions Lab
NUR 420 - Guided Imagery in Nursing Practice
NUR 423 - Transcultural Issues in Nursing
NUR 425 - Palliative and End-of-Life Care Colloquium
NUR 426 - The Mind’s Role in Illnesses: Application to Nursing Practice
NUR 428 - Legal Issues in Nursing
NUR 429 - Cultural Perspectives of Breastfeeding and NursingInterventions
NUR 430 - The Childbearing Family
NUR 431 - The Childrearing Family (Pediatrics)
NUR 432 - Adult Health II
NUR 434 - Introduction to Perioperative Nursing I
NUR 435 - Introduction to Perioperative Nursing II
NUR 436 - Introduction to Critical Care Nursing
NUR 437 - Introduction to Emergency Nursing
NUR 442 - Public Health Nursing: Caring for Populations and Communities
NUR 443 - Nursing Capstone
NUR 444 - Leadership and Management in Contemporary Nursing Practice
NUR 457 - Contemporary Health Care Issues Across the Lifespan
NUR 459 - Leadership and Management in Contemporary Nursing Practice
NUR 460 - Understanding Theory to Guide Nursing Practice
NUR 462 - Health Assessment for RN-BSN Students
NUR 463 - Concepts of Community Health Nursing
NUR 467 - Care Across the Continuum for Special Populations
NUR 468 - Promoting Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan
NUR 469 - Principles of Quality and Safety to Promote Safety in Healthcare
NUR 470 - Optimal Clinical Outcomes Through Evidence-Based Practicein Nursing
NUR 498 - Special Topics in Nursing
NUR 499 - Independent Study
PCH 200 - Introduction to Nutrition
PCH 201 - Wellness
PCH 202 - Introduction to Public Health
PCH 204 - Nutrition and Healthy Cooking
PCH 205 - Principles of Meal Management
PCH 230 - Foundations in Health Coaching
PCH 259 - Environmental Health
PCH 265 - Illness and Disease
PCH 270 - Stress Management
PCH 273 - Weight Management
PCH 275 - Introduction to Health Promotion
PCH 280 - Human Sexuality
PCH 292 - Health and Aging
PCH 297 - Research Internship II
PCH 306 - Diet and Nutritional Therapy
PCH 320 - Health Disparities and Social Justice
PCH 330 - Coaching for Health Improvement
PCH 331 - Health Coaching Leadership & Ethics
PCH 340 - Public Health Research
PCH 342 - Introduction to Epidemiology
PCH 348 - Death, Dying, and Bereavement
PCH 349 - Men’s Health
PCH 350 - Women’s Health
PCH 351 - Health in Society
PCH 352 - Health, Disease and Culture
PCH 353 - Global Health
PCH 356 - Maternal and Child Health
PCH 358 - Health Policy
PCH 360 - Community Nutrition
PCH 362 - Public Health Management
PCH 371 - Food Systems and Food Justice
PCH 380 - Clinical Lactation Care and Counseling
PCH 397 - Research Internship III
PCH 398 - Special Topics in Public Health
PCH 440 - Food Hygiene
PCH 441 - Water Supply and Waste-Water Treatment
PCH 456 - Health Promotion Strategies
PCH 457 - Public Health Communication
PCH 458 - Program Planning
PCH 490 - Health Studies Abroad
PCH 496 - Practicum in Health Coaching
PCH 497 - Public Health Internship
PCH 498 - Advanced Special Topics in Public Health
PCH 499 - Independent Study
PHI 100 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 117 - Ethics of Emerging Technologies
PHI 125 - Anger, Revenge, and Forgiveness
PHI 150 - How the World Thinks
PHI 203 - Ethics of Sustainability and the Environment
PHI 207 - Faith and Philosophy
PHI 211 - Asian Philosophy: India
PHI 212 - Asian Philosophy: China and Japan
PHI 215 - Logic: Legal and Scientific Reasoning
PHI 217 - Sex, Love, and Friendship
PHI 218 - Fun and Games
PHI 219 - Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
PHI 220 - Ethics: Know Thyself
PHI 222 - The Creative Process
PHI 226 - Cyborg (Dis)abilities
PHI 242 - Death and the Meaning of Life
PHI 270 - Philosophy of Education
PHI 272 - Ethics of Policing and Criminal Justice
PHI 275 - Fur Babies, Fashion, and Food: Thinking about Animals inSociety
PHI 296 - Ancient Philosophy: Pre-Socratics to Plotinus
PHI 297 - Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy: Augustine to Machiavelli
PHI 298 - Special Topics in Philosophy
PHI 300 - Human Rights and Human Wrongs
PHI 306 - The Age of Reason: Galileo to Kant
PHI 307 - 19th Century Philosophy: Fichte to Bradley
PHI 309 - Women and Religion: The Old and New Eve
PHI 310 - Women, Philosophy, and Science
PHI 323 - Ethical Individualism
PHI 324 - Computer Ethics
PHI 325 - Bio-Ethics of the Life Sciences
PHI 327 - Moral Problems in the Law
PHI 408 - Phenomenology and Existentialism
PHI 480 - 20th Century Analytic Philosophy
PHI 490 - Philosophy Seminar
PHY 100 - Physics through Inquiry
PHY 103 - Physics and Technology for Healthcare Professionals
PHY 120 - Physics for Tomorrow: Nanotechnology
PHY 123 - Critical Thinking and Science for Future Leaders
PHY 200 - General Physics I
PHY 201 - General Physics II
PHY 230 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
PHY 231 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
PHY 309 - Modern Physics
PHY 355 - Electricity and Electronics
PHY 370 - Modern Physics Laboratory
PHY 400 - Classical Mechanics I
PHY 401 - Classical Mechanics II
PHY 405 - Scientific Computer Interfacing
PHY 406 - Electricity and Magnetism
PHY 410 - Optics
PHY 415 - Solid State Physics
PHY 430 - Thermodynamics
PHY 440 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
PHY 461 - Methods in Physics Research
PHY 471 - Capstone Experience in Physics
PHY 499 - Independent Study and Research
POR 100 - Portuguese I
POR 101 - Portuguese II
POR 200 - Portuguese III
PRS 230 - Fundamentals of Public Relations
PSC 200 - Political Change and Conflict
PSC 220 - Grassroots Democracy: City and States
PSC 230 - War
PSC 240 - Introduction to Political Thought
PSC 260 - U.S. Government
PSC 270 - International Relations
PSC 301 - Russian Politics and Government
PSC 304 - Japan and Other Developed Countries in Asia
PSC 305 - Political Economy of Development
PSC 307 - Middle East Politics
PSC 308 - Latin American Politics
PSC 310 - Comparative Public Policy
PSC 311 - European Politics
PSC 312 - Media and American Politics
PSC 314 - Urban Politics
PSC 317 - U.S.-Latin American Relations
PSC 321 - The U.S. Legal System
PSC 322 - U.S. Political Parties and Elections
PSC 326 - Race and Ethnicity in American Politics
PSC 328 - State and Local Government
PSC 331 - International Organizations
PSC 333 - Latin American Security
PSC 335 - Global Politics
PSC 336 - The U.S. in World Affairs
PSC 340 - Political Thought I: Classical and Medieval Eras
PSC 342 - Political Thought II: Modern Era
PSC 344 - Political Thought III: Contemporary Era
PSC 346 - Marxism
PSC 350 - Public Leadership
PSC 351 - Public Policy Analysis
PSC 353 - Congress and Public Policy
PSC 356 - Politics and Administration in Connecticut
PSC 359 - Seminar in Legal Topics
PSC 360 - Presidential Politics
PSC 365 - Research Methods in Political Science
PSC 367 - Quantitative Analysis of Political Data
PSC 370 - Public and Nonprofit Management
PSC 381 - Campaign Management
PSC 398 - Special Topics in Political Science
PSC 417 - Constitutional Law
PSC 435 - Modern War
PSC 475 - Capstone Seminar
PSC 491 - Political Science Internship I
PSC 496 - Campaign Management Internship
PSC 499 - Independent Study
PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology
PSY 197 - Research Internship
PSY 210 - Infant and Child Development
PSY 215 - Adolescent Development
PSY 219 - Lifespan Development
PSY 220 - Introduction to the Mental Health Field
PSY 227 - Social Psychology
PSY 228 - Personality
PSY 259 - Statistics in Psychology
PSY 297 - Research Internship II
PSY 300 - The Psychology Major: Curriculum and Careers
PSY 303 - Perception
PSY 306 - Understanding Intelligence: A Capstone Seminar
PSY 307 - Motivation and Self-Regulation
PSY 308 - Psychology of Social Bias
PSY 311 - Learning
PSY 313 - Cognition
PSY 318 - Emotional and Social Development
PSY 320 - Abnormal Child Psychology
PSY 321 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 322 - Early Developmental Disability
PSY 332 - Human Emotions
PSY 333 - Mysteries and Science of Sleep
PSY 361 - Psychology of the Workplace
PSY 366 - Health Psychology
PSY 370 - Educational Psychology
PSY 383 - Brain and Behavior
PSY 393 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 397 - Research Internship III
PSY 401 - Seminar in History and Systems of Psychology
PSY 402 - Seminar in Community Psychology
PSY 406 - Language
PSY 412 - Psychology of Women
PSY 414 - Psychology of Spirituality
PSY 415 - Topics in Development
PSY 427 - Seminar in Close Relationships
PSY 431 - Tests and Measurements
PSY 461 - Data Gathering Techniques: Assessment
PSY 463 - Field Practicum in Psychological Research
PSY 465 - Seminar in Psychological Counseling and Therapy
PSY 466 - Clinical Psychology
PSY 467 - Laboratory Practicum in Psychological Research
PSY 471 - Seminar in Psychological Services
PSY 472 - Field Practicum in Psychological Services I
PSY 473 - Field Practicum in Psychological Services II
PSY 474 - Seminar in Behavior Theory and Practice
PSY 484 - Comparative Animal Behavior
PSY 487 - Psychopharmacology
PSY 490 - Seminar for Psychology Majors
PSY 492 - Psychology and Law
PSY 494 - Seminar in the Human Nervous System and Behavior
PSY 499 - Independent Study
RDG 305 - Emerging Literacies
RDG 407 - Developing Literacies
RDG 408 - Developing Literacies in Elementary Education
RDG 470 - Literacy in the Content Areas
REC 100 - Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Services
REC 105 - Introduction to Outdoor Adventure Activities
REC 110 - Hiking and Backpacking
REC 120 - Leadership Development
REC 202 - Methods and Materials: Birth to Five
REC 210 - Activity Development and Leadership
REC 220 - Inclusive Recreation
REC 231 - Foundations of Recreational Therapy
REC 239 - Foundations of Outdoor Recreation
REC 241 - Outdoor Adventure Leadership
REC 250 - Leadership and Professional Development in Recreation and Sport Management
REC 251 - Recreation and Youth Development
REC 298 - Special Topics in Recreation and Leisure Studies
REC 300 - Practicum
REC 301 - Internship I
REC 303 - The Functional Interventions for Optimal Aging
REC 307 - Disabilities in Society
REC 311 - Introduction to Child Life Clinical Practice
REC 312 - Therapeutic Play
REC 314 - Clinical Aspects of Recreational Therapy
REC 320 - Program Planning and Management
REC 321 - Advanced Techniques of Program Planning and Management
REC 331 - Recreational Therapy: Assessment and Individualized Program Programming
REC 352 - Park and Outdoor Recreation Areas
REC 359 - Golf Industry Management
REC 363 - Event Management
REC 390 - Grant Writing
REC 391 - Interventions and Facilitation Techniques in RecreationalTherapy
REC 400 - Internship II
REC 420 - Organization and Administration of Leisure
REC 425 - Seminar in Leadership
REC 431 - Professional Trends in Recreational Therapy
REC 433 - Field Experience in Recreational Therapy
REC 441 - Leisure Education Design and Administration ofRecreational Therapy Services
REC 461 - Entrepreneurship in Leisure Services
REC 470 - Evaluation and Research
REC 499 - Independent Study
RSP 300 - Art of Breath
RSP 310 - Social & Cultural Dimensions of Tobacco
RSP 315 - Healthcare in the Age of Mass Media
RSP 325 - Dimensions of Healthcare Leadership
RSP 330 - Case Studies in Medical Ethics
RSP 340 - Principles of Care Coordination in Respiratory Disease Management
RSP 398 -
RSP 420 - Neonatal-Pediatric Care
RSP 425 - Respiratory Care Education
RSP 440 - Evidenced Based Practice and Research in Respiratory Care
RSP 445 - Respiratory Care Seminar
RSP 455 - Clinical Practicum I
RUS 200 - Russian III
SCE 490 - Science Teaching (Secondary School)
SCE 494 - Student Teaching (Science)
SCE 496 - Student Teaching Seminar-Science
SED 100 - Elementary American Sign Language I
SED 105 - Elementary Sign Language II
SED 205 - American Sign Language III
SED 210 - Principles of Learning and Behavior
SED 225 - Introduction to Exceptionalities
SED 235 - Early Childhood Special Education for the Exceptional Individual
SED 250 - Data-Based Decision Making
SED 310 - Introduction to Assessment in ABA
SED 325 - Curriculum and Methods for Exceptional Individuals
SED 335 - Accommodating Individuals with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments
SED 350 - Introduction to Intervention in ABA
SED 351 - Introduction to Behavior Analytic Practices
SED 355 - Educating Individuals with Moderate and Severe Disabilities
SED 365 - Basic Principles of Academic Assessment and Remediation for Exceptional Individuals
SED 375 - Classroom Management Techniques in Educational Settings
SED 404 - Introduction to Program Implementation, Supervision andManagement
SED 405 - Introduction to ABA Ethics
SED 435 - Language Arts for Exceptional Individuals
SED 445 - Collaboration in the Schools
SED 449 - School Based Practicum in Special Education
SED 452 - Seminar in Reflective Practice
SED 499 - Independent Study
SHE 203 - School Health
SHE 301 - Drug Education
SHE 302 - Mental Health Education
SHE 389 - Holistic Health
SHE 402 - Topics in Youth Health & Well-Being
SHE 411 - Curriculum & Pedagogy in School Health
SMT 185 - Introduction to e-Sports
SMT 200 - Recreational Team Sports
SMT 207 - Adapted Sport
SMT 271 - Foundations of Sport Management
SMT 301 - Internship I
SMT 351 - Facility Design and Management
SMT 354 - Sport Communication
SMT 355 - Ethics in Sport Management
SMT 356 - Sport Marketing and Promotion
SMT 357 - Legal Issues in Sport and Recreation
SMT 388 - Administration of Sport Organizations
SMT 401 - Internship II
SMT 425 - Human Factors in e-Sports
SMT 451 - Intercollegiate Athletics
SMT 454 - International Sport Management and Governance
SMT 456 - Sport Finance
SMT 457 - Seminar: Contemporary Issues in Sport Management
SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 162 - Introduction to Criminology
SOC 201 - Social Statistics
SOC 211 - Social Problems in the U.S.
SOC 213 - Introduction to Racial Intersectional Justice
SOC 216 - Men’s Studies
SOC 220 - Immigrant America
SOC 235 - Environmental Sociology
SOC 236 - Fur Babies, Fashion, and Food: Thinking about Animals inSociety
SOC 255 - Methods of Social Research
SOC 260 - Applied Social Theory
SOC 265 - Self and Society
SOC 266 - Socialization and Social Control
SOC 272 - Ethics of Policing and Criminal Justice
SOC 310 - Race and Racism
SOC 315 - Sociology of Gender
SOC 320 - Sociology of Children and Childhood
SOC 322 - Sociology of the Family
SOC 325 - Refugees, Migrants, and the Stateless
SOC 334 - Probation, Parole, Pardon
SOC 338 - Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 344 - Medical Sociology
SOC 345 - Aging and the Aged
SOC 350 - Drugs and Society
SOC 352 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice
SOC 353 - Neighborhoods and Crime
SOC 361 - Urban Sociology
SOC 362 - Criminological Theory
SOC 363 - Social Inequality in the U.S.
SOC 366 - Penology
SOC 367 - Criminal Justice and Social Inequality
SOC 368 - Sociology of Law
SOC 372 - Crimmigration: Detention and Deportation of Immigrants inthe U.S.
SOC 397 - Community Engagement Internship
SOC 398 - Special Topics in Sociology
SOC 404 - Gender and the Law
SOC 411 - Race, Residence, and Policing
SOC 415 - Contemporary Feminist Theories
SOC 490 - Seminar in Sociology
SOC 497 - Sociology Internship
SOC 499 - Independent Study
SPA 100 - Spanish I
SPA 101 - Spanish II
SPA 106 - Spanish Language Practice in Spain
SPA 200 - Spanish III
SPA 201 - Medical Spanish
SPA 206 - Spanish Culture in Spain
SPA 210 - Spanish IV: Latino America
SPA 300 - Composition
SPA 301 - Conversation
SPA 306 - Advanced Spanish Culture and Language Practice in Spain
SPA 310 - Spanish Civilization
SPA 312 - Latin-American Civilization
SPA 318 - Advanced Spanish for Health and Human ServicesProfessionals
SPA 320 - Culture and Civilization of Puerto Rico
SPA 350 - Exploring the Spanish Civil War through Digital Sources
SPA 397 - Internship
SPA 398 - Special Topics in Spanish
SPA 400 - Spanish Literature I
SPA 405 - Advanced Speaking and Writing Development
SPA 410 - Theory and Practice of Translation
SPA 411 - Professional Translation
SPA 440 - Translation Practicum
SPA 464 - Caribbean Literary Voices
SPA 490 - Modern Novel in Spain
SPA 496 - 20th-Century Spanish-American Fiction
SPA 498 - Special Topics in Spanish
SPA 499 - Directed Reading
SWK 200 - Introduction to Social Work
SWK 320 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
SWK 321 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
SWK 330 - Social Welfare Institutions and Policies I
SWK 350 - Social Work Research Methods
SWK 376 - Introduction to Social Work Practice
SWK 377 - Social Work Practice with Groups
SWK 378 - Social Work Practice with Community and Organizations
SWK 380 - Children and Families in Child Welfare: A Practice and Perspective
SWK 381 - Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Practice with Adults
SWK 382 - Social Work Practice with Older Adults
SWK 390 - Social Work Interviewing Skills
SWK 430 - Social Welfare Institutions and Policies II
SWK 490 - Social Work Practicum I
SWK 491 - Social Work Practicum II
SWK 499 - Independent Study
T2CC 298 - Special Topics in Conflict and Consensus
T2CD 298 - Special Topics in Creative Drive
T2CE 298 - Special Topics in Cultural Expression
T2CE 398 - Special Topics in Cultural Expression
T2GA 298 - Special Topics in Global Awareness
T2LE 298 - Special Topics in Life and Environment
T2MB 298 - Special Topics in Mind and Body
THE 260 - Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
THE 320 - Meeting and Conference Planning
THE 321 - Destination New England
THE 323 - Tourism Principles and Practices
THE 330 - Hospitality Service Management
THE 331 - Hotel Operations
THE 332 - Restaurant Operations
THE 333 - Wedding Planning
THE 364 - Event Management Advanced Applications
THE 365 - Event Planning and Production
THE 368 - Risk Management in Tourism, Hospitality, and EventManagement
THE 381 - Leisure in Contemporary Society
THE 433 - Professional Development in Tourism, Hospitality, andEvent Management
THR 100 - Understanding Theatre
THR 121 - Foundations of Acting
THR 122 - Professional Voice and Diction
THR 131 - Foundations of Theatrical Design
THR 151 - Stagecraft I
THR 211 - History of Theatre I
THR 212 - History of Theatre II
THR 220 - Acting: Advanced Scene Study
THR 223 - Historic Dance for Actors
THR 224 - Beginning Tap and Jazz Dance
THR 228 - Shakespeare Workshop
THR 232 - Costume Construction
THR 235 - Conceptual Sound Design
THR 236 - Stage Makeup
THR 238 - Lighting I
THR 240 - Play Analysis and Dramaturgy
THR 252 - Technical Drafting for the Theatre
THR 291 - Rehearsal and Performance I
THR 296 - Technical Theatre Production I
THR 310 - Playwriting
THR 315 - The American Musical Theatre
THR 320 - Acting II: Advanced Scene Study
THR 324 - Intermediate Tap and Jazz Dance
THR 325 - Directing I
THR 338 - Lighting II
THR 351 - Scene Painting
THR 365 - Stage Management
THR 368 - Stage Combat: Sword Play
THR 375 - Theatre for Young People
THR 382 - The Movies
THR 391 - Rehearsal and Performance II
THR 396 - Technical Theatre Production II
THR 398 - Special Topics in Theater
THR 399 - Practicum in Play Production
THR 415 - The Critical Eye
THR 420 - Acting: The Professional Actor
THR 425 - Directing II
THR 460 - Theatre Management
THR 497 - Internship in Theatre
THR 499 - Independent Study in Theatre
TSL 315 - Foundations of Bilingual Education
TSL 321 - Assessment of English Learners
TSL 363 - Immigration and Multilingual Learners in U.S. Classrooms
TSL 405 - Pedagogical English Grammar
TSL 410 - TESOL Principles and Practices
TSL 411 - TESOL Methods and Materials
TSL 417 - Literacy Development for Multilingual Learners
TSL 418 - ESL Methods in Content Instruction
TSL 451 - Student Teaching in TESOL -1
TSL 452 - Student Teaching in TESOL-2
TSL 453 - Student Teaching Seminar
WGS 100 - Dynamics of Gender, Race, and Class
WGS 150 - Women, Gender, Community, and Technology
WGS 200 - Gender, Sexuality, and Film
WGS 204 - Representations of Disability
WGS 226 - Disability Pride and Crip Joy: What Does it Take to Makea Life Livable ?
WGS 280 - Human Sexuality
WGS 298 - Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
WGS 309 - Women and Religion: The Old and New Eve
WGS 310 - Women, Gender, Philosophy and Science
WGS 312 - Communication and Gender
WGS 315 - Sociology of Gender
WGS 317 - History of Women and Art
WGS 319 - Women in American History 1865 - Present
WGS 325 - Representations of (M)otherhood
WGS 350 - Women’s Health Consciousness: Ages 18-40
WGS 372 - Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
WGS 398 -
WGS 404 - Gender and the Law
WGS 415 - Contemporary Feminist Theories
WGS 435 - Women's & Social Movements: Gender and Resistance
WLL 211 - Introduction to Linguistics
WLL 403 - Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
WLL 452 - Secondary School Student Teaching
WLL 453 - Student Teaching Seminar—World Languages
WLL 491 - Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages at Secondary School
WLL 499 - Independent Study