Degree Requirements


All master's and doctoral programs at Southern Connecticut State University are required to include a capstone experience in the curriculum.  The capstone consists of a program-directed educational experience that leads to a special project, comprehensive examination, thesis, or doctoral dissertation representative of the discipline(s). The capstone is defined as a culminating experience of rigorous academic achievement that:

(a)   integrates knowledge from one’s discipline(s);
(b)   applies specific knowledge;
(c)   demonstrates knowledge and expertise to the appropriate disciplinary community; and,
(d)   illustrates readiness for transition into more advanced professional or academic pursuits.  

Master's Degree Capstones

Options are determined by degree program

Thesis: The master's thesis is a capstone experience of the master's degree candidate and offers evidence of the student's original research and the results of that research. There are five types of theses that may be completed: (1) investigative or experimental, (2) historical or descriptive, (3) interpretive, analytical, or critical, (4) creative or (5) qualitative. A thesis proposal must be approved by the thesis adviser and department chairperson, prior to the preparation of a final thesis. All theses’ must meet the form, style, and other requirements outlined by the program.

Special Project: The special project provides an opportunity for graduate students to complete an academically rigorous project that contributes in some meaningful way to the student's discipline and professional community. The special project involves the integration and application of discipline-specific knowledge, concepts, theory, and skills in the development of a tangible product (a.k.a., deliverable), accompanied by a written report describing the process and results of the product's development. Students choose to complete a special project to demonstrate the ability to make independent use of and apply information and training, and to furnish objective evidence of their aptitude in their chosen field of study. A special project in the major field may be required at the discretion of the graduate program.

Comprehensive Examination: The comprehensive examination in the major field is set by the graduate program concerned and may be scheduled any time after at least two-thirds of the planned program have been completed. A candidate who fails the comprehensive examination may petition the graduate program adviser for a second examination if there are extenuating circumstances. If the petition is not granted, the student will be dismissed from the program. Failure in the second examination results in dismissal from the program and exclusion from further candidacy.

Each academic department determines whether a student has successfully completed the capstone requirements. Successful completion of the capstone special project, thesis, or dissertation indicates that the capstone has been approved by two faculty members and the department chair. In addition, successful completion of the thesis or dissertation indicates that the thesis or dissertation has been approved for and submitted to ProQuest for publication. The master’s degree is conferred after successful completion of all program requirements.

Doctoral Degree Capstones

Options are determined by degree program

The doctoral capstone is designed to assess the student’s capacity to identify, evaluate, interpret, organize, and communicate knowledge. Additionally, the capstone will assess the student’s analytical and professional skills needed to practice in and advance their profession.  Students may not earn a passing grade in their capstone course until all requirements have been met.  This includes review by a minimum of one advisor/sponsor and one additional reader and approval for and submission to ProQuest (as determined by the nature of the capstone).

The doctoral degree capstone consists of a program-directed educational experience that may lead to a comprehensive examination, doctoral dissertation or culminating scholarly project.  These experiences may also require proposal and defense hearings as determined by the department. The doctoral degree is conferred after successful completion of all program requirements.

Comprehensive Examination: In programs that require a comprehensive exam as the capstone, all doctoral students must pass a written examination either designed by doctoral faculty within the students’ program or a national exam as determined by the program. The exam is designed to rigorously assess the student’s mastery and synthesis of knowledge attained during course work and may be utilized to gauge the student’s potential for independent scholarly project or dissertation. The exam may be scheduled any time after at least two-thirds of the planned program has been completed. A candidate who fails the comprehensive examination may petition the doctoral program advisor for a second examination if there are extenuating circumstances. If the petition is not granted, the student will be dismissed from the program. Failure in the second examination results in dismissal from the program and exclusion from further candidacy.

Culminating Scholarly Project: In programs that require a culminating scholarly project as the capstone, the culminating scholarly project may be required at the discretion of the doctoral program and provides an opportunity for doctoral students to complete an independent student led project designed to assess the student’s ability to translate research into practice and contribute new knowledge in the chosen field of study. The project may have a basis in practicum/clinical work or research representative of the field of study. The project may apply existing knowledge or be the development of a new application within their field and involves integration and application of discipline-specific theory and application.

Dissertation: In programs that require a dissertation as the capstone, the dissertation is an independent research-based project led by the student to assess the student’s ability to undertake original research that contributes to new knowledge in their chosen field of study. The dissertation will be approved by a pre-selected dissertation committee.   All dissertation projects must meet the form, style, and other requirements outlined by the degree program. The final dissertation includes a defense and publication to ProQuest.

Requesting an Extension

Students who are making satisfactory progress towards the completion of their capstone but have not yet completed the requirement, may request an Incomplete (I) from their faculty member.  The Incomplete must be resolved no more than 30 days after the next semester begins, or if the faculty member is providing additional time, then the faculty member must file a grade change with the Registrar's Office to Incomplete Extension (I+) with a revised deadline.  Students should be aware that a grade of Incomplete may impact financial aid. Students working towards completion of a capstone may be granted a maximum extension of 12 months, unless an additional extension is expressly granted by the faculty member and approved by the Dean or Associate Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.  

Doctoral students who are making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their dissertation, but have not yet completed and formally submitted the dissertation, will receive an "I" for the course and register for an extension, either EDL 901 Continuing Enrollment for Doctoral Dissertation or NUR 817 Dissertation Advisement Continuation.  The extension courses do not earn credit and a grade of "Q" will be assigned to indicate satisfactory progress. When all work is complete and accepted by the faculty member and/or committee responsible for oversight, the "I" grade for the dissertation course will be changed to the appropriate letter grade for course credit.

Please note: Financial Aid recipients who are registered less than half-time may have their loans enter repayment. 


Students must meet the graduation and program requirements in the catalog year of their matriculation (i.e. admission or readmission to the university in a degree or certificate program); although, courses listed in the catalog are subject to change. New and revised courses and program requirements are initiated by departments and approved by the Graduate Council and the Provost. To ensure timely graduation, the Department may approve substitutions of courses in the program.

Returning students may elect to revert to their original catalog year if it is no more than 5 years prior to the current term; students may not revert to a catalog year that is prior to their initial admission term. Students may also elect to switch to a newer catalog year once enrolled.  Students must receive departmental approval to switch catalog year. The student becomes responsible for fulfilling all requirements for their new catalog year, including all changes in graduation and program requirements.


Graduate students currently enrolled in a degree program may seek to change to another degree program within the same department.  Students may discuss this option with the Graduate Coordinator and submit a Change of Program Form for their approval.  For programs involving educator certification, approval from the College of Education is also required before submission to the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.

If the program is in another department, students must complete a new Graduate Application, pay the $50 non-refundable application fee, and ensure they have fulfilled any departmental requirements as indicated on the application.


Master's Degrees

Minimum requirements for a master's degree are listed below:

  1. All master's degree programs at Southern require the successful completion of one or more of the following individual capstone experiences: a thesis, a comprehensive examination, or a special project. The capstone experience is the culminating academic event for students enrolled in a master 's degree graduate program. It requires students to demonstrate their ability to organize and synthesize knowledge and apply skills developed throughout their academic program. The student, with the approval of the graduate program adviser, may change from one option to another until the thesis or special project proposal has been submitted for a final grade or until the first comprehensive examination is taken. The determination of the capstone experience is made by the faculty of the academic department.
  2. No master’s degree program may include fewer than 30 graduate (500-level or above) credits.
  3. All courses completed for credit toward program requirements must be passed with a minimum grade of "C" (2.0). Some graduate programs require minimum grades of "B" or higher. Courses completed with a grade of less than "C" will not be counted toward the program course requirements, and if taken outside of the Grade Replacement Policy, the grade will be calculated in the program and overall graduate grade point average.
  4. Satisfactory completion of all program requirements for graduation as defined in the catalog.
  5. A minimum cumulative graduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 is required to be eligible to graduate from a graduate program.
  6. Courses applied towards a previously earned degree may not be applied to a subsequent degree. Courses applied towards a previously earned certificate may be applied to a degree or certificate.

Graduate Certificates

Graduate certificate programs are fewer than 30 credits at the 500-level or above.  Requirements three through six above, which govern the master’s degrees, also apply to the Graduate Certificate.  Students must enroll in the graduate certificate program prior to completing the last required course to be eligible for the certificate; certificates are not retroactively awarded to students who were not enrolled prior to completion.

Post-Master's Certificates

Post-master’s certificate programs are fewer than 30 credits of advanced graduate work beyond the master’s level.  The post-master’s program requires a minimum of 50% of the total credits at the 700-level.  Requirements three through six above, which govern the master’s degrees, also apply to the Graduate Certificate.

Sixth-Year Certificates

Programs leading to the sixth-year certificate provide opportunities for experienced and qualified candidates to pursue a program of advanced graduate work beyond the master 's degree and to develop additional competency in an area of specialization. The sixth-year certificate requires at least 30 graduate credits with a minimum of 15 credits in 700-level courses. Requirements two through six above, which govern the master's degrees, also apply to the sixth-year certificate. Capstone experiences may be included in a sixth-year certificate program as approved by the department.

Doctoral Degrees

Normally, doctoral degrees represent a minimum of 64 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree.  Requirements vary by field, with some areas having requirements of specialized or professional accreditors.  Students in some doctoral programs progress by examination, dissertation defense, and/or field or clinical work in addition to credit requirement.  Requirements three through six above, which govern the master's degrees, also apply to the doctoral program.


Graduate students enrolled in a degree or certificate program may seek dual enrollment in a graduate certificate program. Dual enrollment in two degree programs is not permitted, with exception for students enrolled in the Master of Social Work and Master of Arts in Women's and Gender Studies programs. Students may discuss these options with the Graduate Coordinator and submit a Dual Program Enrollment Form for review and approval.

Once approved for dual enrollment, students are required to maintain concurrent enrollment in both programs.  Tuition and fees will be assessed for all courses based on the rate for the student's primary degree program. As noted on the form, not all graduate certificate programs are eligible for financial aid. Upon successful completion of each program, a separate diploma or certificate will be issued.


The university requires successful completion of all program requirements with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 to earn a graduate degree or certificate. Some programs may have a higher cumulative GPA requirement for graduation.


Students must review their program requirements for their catalog year, fulfill these requirements, and maintain regular contact with their academic advisor. The department chairperson can waive or substitute departmental requirements. Additional requirements may be imposed by outside licensing or accrediting agencies in programs leading to licensure or certification, which may revise a student's plan of study.


The academic standards below apply to all programs that prepare candidates for CT teacher/educator certification.

Academic Standards and Progress in the Program

Candidates must maintain good standing in the program to receive a recommendation from Southern Connecticut State University for State of Connecticut teacher certification. They also must demonstrate the following:

  • Personal attitudes and dispositions that affect their performance as teachers;
  • Professional behavior appropriate to the context that shows realization that actions reflect directly upon the status and substance of the profession;
  • Confidentiality of all information concerning colleagues and students obtained in the educational process; and
  • Integrity and honesty in written and verbal communication, documentations, and coursework related.

The College of Education follows the Scaffolding Success Action Plan (SSAP) policy to establish action plans as needed, All candidates are required to familiarize themselves with this policy.

Fingerprinting and Background Check

Connecticut law requires all candidates in teacher/educator certification programs to undergo state and federal criminal history background checks before participating in school-based field experiences and student teaching. All candidates enrolled in a course requiring entering a P-12 school to complete an assignment, field experience requirement, and student teaching placement will be required to have a background check completed with the school in which they are placed.  Any prior convictions revealed in a candidate’s background check may prevent Connecticut school districts from accepting that candidate for placement and may impact their ability to complete the teacher certification program. The University will not be responsible for a candidate's inability to complete the program. Background checks are conducted exclusively by the school districts which will determine on a case by case basis the appropriateness of the placement. SCSU does not conduct, receive, review, or engage in discussion regarding student background check results.

Student Teaching (Master of Arts in Teaching and Graduate Certification in School Library Media programs only)

Student teaching requires a full-time commitment. As such, teacher candidates are not permitted to take other courses during the semester in which they student teach, other than the student teaching seminar that is taken simultaneously with student teaching. Additionally, candidates must have all courses and academic requirements completed prior to the semester of student teaching. All incomplete grades need to be cleared prior to the start of the student teaching semester. In the case of a justifiable extenuating circumstance, a student may petition the College of Education Dean or their representative for a waiver of this requirement, provided they have the support of their program.

Time Limitation for Professional Courses (Masters of Arts in Teaching only)

All professional courses required for teacher certification program must be completed within 6 years of the program start date.  In extenuating circumstances, courses completed outside the 6-year window will be evaluated on a course by course basis collaboratively with the College of Education Dean’s Office and the department.

Certification in CT

To be recommended for certification in CT, candidates must successfully complete all program requirements, be in good standing, and pass all assessments mandated by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) such as licensure exams. CSDE assessment requirements (e.g. Praxis® II) vary by certification area. For more information, please visit  CSDE website:

Please note, candidates must meet the certification requirements in effect on the date the CSDE receives the certification application. If CSDE regulations change, candidates may need to meet the new requirements in order to be eligible for certification. Candidates are responsible for familiarizing themselves with Connecticut's teacher certification regulations and keeping abreast of changes to those regulations. Certification news and alerts are available on the Connecticut State Department of Education website.

Extra-Curricular Modules

The College of Education has made the following non-credit modules available to students in the Master of Arts in Teaching program and Graduate Certification in School Library Media program at no cost, to complete the additional CSDE requirements noted above. Students register for these modules in Banner Student self-service:

  • COE 200 - Behavioral Difficulties Module
  • COE 201 – Dyslexia Module
  • COE 202 – Health & Mental Health Module
  • COE 203 – Computational Thinking Module

Revocation of Admission to the Professional Program

Candidates may be dismissed from the professional program for the following:

  • Demonstrated unprofessional behavior or an inability to respond appropriately in various contexts which affects their performance as a teacher and / or based on the Level 2 review of the College of Education following the Scaffolding Success Action Plan policy;
  • Falsified or misrepresented documentation or information provided for programmatic, academic, or professional qualification/competency purposes;
  • Not achieving an acceptable standard on the performance assessments required by the College of Education, the Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC), or the certification program;
  • Other due and sufficient cause.


Time Limit for Completion

All requirements for a graduate program at Southern University must be completed within a six-year period. Doctoral students have a seven-year period. This period starts from the semester in which the student completes the first graduate course that applies to their program or the date of acceptance, whichever comes first. Graduate courses that exceed the time limit no longer count toward meeting program requirements, including transferred courses.

Extension Policy

An extension of the time to complete program requirements may be granted only in cases of compelling extenuating circumstances. To request an extension, students must submit a written petition to their graduate program advisor before the expiration of the course or program. The advisor then forwards the petition, along with a recommendation, to the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. The decision on the petition will be communicated to the student and the advisor in writing. Extensions of more than one year are rarely granted.

Expiration of Approved Program

When an approved program expires, the student must reapply to the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Courses that do not meet the validity period cannot be applied to a new program of study unless revalidated by examination. Some graduate programs permit revalidation, while others do not. If revalidation is permitted by the academic department, the student's current knowledge and proficiency in the content, methodology, and skills of each course must be determined and certified by the graduate coordinator. The School of Graduate and Professional Studies does not permit revalidation of more than half of the coursework in a program. Revalidations must be approved and submitted to the School of Graduate and Professional Studies before the student is readmitted.