
ACC 801 - Accounting Research on Business Resilience
ANT 505 - Archaeology Field School
ANT 515 - Seminar in Archaeological Theory and Ethics
ANT 521 - Contemporary Issues in Indigenous North America
ANT 525 - Cultural Resource Management
ANT 532 - Evidence of Human Evolution
ANT 535 - Laboratory Methods in Archaeology
ANT 542 - Bioarchaeology
ANT 545 - Stones and Bones
ANT 555 - Museum Studies
ANT 575 - Field Methods in Archaeology
ANT 580 - Ethics in Anthropology
ANT 594 - Thesis Prospectus
ANT 595 - Thesis
ANT 597 - Anthropology Internship
ART 570 - Seminar in Elementary Art Education
ART 572 - Seminar in Secondary Art Education
ATH 510 - Clinical Anatomy and Kinesiology
ATH 520 - Professional Practice Principles
ATH 540 - Athletic Training Clinical Practice I
ATH 542 - Examination and Diagnosis - Musculoskeletal Conditions
ATH 543 - Primary and Emergency Care
ATH 546 - Evidence Based Practice and Health Care Informatics I
ATH 550 - Athletic Training Clinical Practice II
ATH 551 - Therapeutic Interventions I - Pathophysiology and Physical Agents
ATH 553 - Therapeutic Interventions II - TherapeuticExercise
ATH 555 - Illness and Interventions in the Physically Active I
ATH 556 - Evidenced Based Practice and Health Care Informatics II
ATH 560 - Athletic Training Clinical Practice III
ATH 562 - Therapeutic Interventions III - Psychosocial and Pharmacological
ATH 565 - Illness and Interventions in the Physically Active II
ATH 566 - Evidence Based Practice and Health Care Informatics III
ATH 570 - Athletic Training Clinical Practice IV
ATH 572 - Professional Responsibilities and Health Administration
ATH 575 - Occupational Injury and Prevention
ATH 578 - Therapeutic Interventions IV - Capstone
BIO 501 - Conservation Ecology
BIO 504 - Evolution
BIO 505 - Marine Mammal Physiology
BIO 513 - Coastal Ecosystem Management
BIO 518 - Advanced Microbiology
BIO 519 - Emerging Infectious Diseases
BIO 526 - Herpetology
BIO 527 - Medically Important Arthropods
BIO 528 - Mammalogy
BIO 529 - Endocrinology
BIO 536 - Marine Algae
BIO 542 - Human Physiology
BIO 545 - Immunology
BIO 547 - Virology
BIO 549 - Cellular Physiology
BIO 550 - Research Methods in Biology
BIO 552 - Human and Medical Genetics
BIO 555 - Neurobiology
BIO 560 - Scientific Communication: General Topics Seminar
BIO 561 - Scientific Communication: Special Topics Seminar
BIO 580 - Biology Research
BIO 589 - Research Proposal and Training
BIO 590 - Thesis Research
BIO 591 - Thesis Writing and Scientific Communication in Biology
BIO 597 - Graduate Internship in Biology
BIO 600 - Independent Study and Research
BIS 505 - Introduction to Database Systems for Business
BIS 801 - Business Information Systems for Business Resilience
CHE 500 - Advanced Organic Chemistry I
CHE 501 - Advanced Organic Chemistry II
CHE 520 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
CHE 521 - Advanced Computational Chemistry
CHE 527 - Advanced Biophysical Chemistry
CHE 532 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I
CHE 540 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry
CHE 550 - Advanced Biochemistry I
CHE 553 - Biochemistry of Signal Transduction
CHE 556 - Advanced Pharmacology
CHE 558 - Advanced Drug Discovery
CHE 560 - Advanced Environmental Chemistry
CHE 586 - Chemistry Research I
CHE 587 - Chemistry Research II
CHE 588 - Scientific Writing and Research Methods
CHE 589 - Research Thesis Proposal
CHE 590 - Research
CHE 591 - Research Thesis
CHE 592 - Chemical Education
CHE 598 - Special Topics in Chemistry
CHE 600 - Independent Study in Chemistry
CMD 503 - Research Methods in Communication Disorders
CMD 527 - Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders
CMD 531 - Disorders of Phonology
CMD 537 - Cognitively-Based Communication Disorders in Adults
CMD 545 - Disorders of Fluency
CMD 550 - Language Acquisition Disorders: Birth to Five
CMD 551 - Language Disorders: School-Age
CMD 559 - Educational Audiology
CMD 560 - Speech and Language Practicum A
CMD 561 - Speech and Language Practicum B
CMD 562 - School Practicum
CMD 564 - Speech and Language Practicum C
CMD 568 - Audiology Practicum
CMD 569 - Advanced Clinical Practicum
CMD 583 - Voice and Velopharyngeal Disorders
CMD 586 - Advanced Instrumentation Techniques for Medical Speech Pathology
CMD 590 - Thesis Seminar I
CMD 591 - Thesis Seminar II
CMD 600 - Directed Study and Research
CMD 602 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication
CMD 605 - Special Project in Communication Disorders
CMD 608 - Topics in Medical Speech-Language Pathology
CMD 610 - Communication and Developmental Disabilities
CMD 612 - Dual Language Development, Assessment, and Intervention
CMD 627 - Dysphagia
CMD 652 - Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders
CMD 656 - Literacy in the Practice of Speech-Language Pathology
CMD 665 - Counseling and Guidance Procedures in Speech and Hearing
CRM 505 - GIS I
CSC 500 - Computing and Programming Fundamentals
CSC 501 - Programming for Data Science
CSC 503 - Computer Systems and Networking
CSC 521 - Algorithms
CSC 535 - Advanced Software Engineering
CSC 540 - Database Systems
CSC 543 - Web Programming
CSC 545 - Advanced Database Systems
CSC 550 - Fundamentals of Mobile Application Development
CSC 552 - Deep Learning
CSC 555 - Principles of Information Security
CSC 558 - Network Security
CSC 560 - Software Quality
CSC 563 - Multithreaded Distributed Programming
CSC 565 - Computer Networks
CSC 568 - Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
CSC 578 - Secure Systems
CSC 581 - Computational Intelligence
CSC 590 - Proposal Development
CSC 591 - Thesis Completion
CSC 595 - Special Project Development
CSC 598 - Special Topics in Computer Science
CSC 600 - Independent Study
CSP 502 - Religion and Spirituality in Counseling
CSP 510 - Schools as Systems
CSP 520 - Introduction to Professional School Psychology
CSP 521 - Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
CSP 530 - Data-Based Decision-Making I
CSP 531 - Data-Based Decision-Making III
CSP 532 - Brain, Biology and Behavior
CSP 533 - Data-Based Decision-Making II
CSP 534 - Data-Based Decision-Making IV
CSP 535 - Data-Based Decision-Making V
CSP 536 - School Psychology Pre-Practicum
CSP 537 - School Psychology Practicum 2
CSP 538 - Developmental Psychopathology
CSP 539 - Development Psychopathology in Schools
CSP 540 - Introduction to Assessment in Counseling and School Psychology
CSP 542 - School-Based Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention
CSP 546 - Suicide Prevention and Intervention
CSP 549 - Crisis Counseling
CSP 550 - Counseling Skills & Techniques
CSP 552 - Practicum Supervision in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CSP 553 - Practicum and Seminar in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CSP 554 - Treatment of Psychological Disorders
CSP 555 - Experiential Group Dynamics
CSP 558 - Child & Adolescent Development
CSP 563 - Behavior Basics for the School Psychologist
CSP 567 - Professional Orientation to School Counseling Services
CSP 568 - Counseling and Life Span Development
CSP 569 - Theories of Counseling
CSP 570 - Ethical and Legal Issues in School Counseling Services
CSP 571 - Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders
CSP 572 - Career Counseling
CSP 573 - Equity-Based College & Career Readiness Counseling.
CSP 574 - Applied Behavioral Interventions in Schools, Classrooms and Counseling Settings
CSP 578 - Social and Cultural Diversity
CSP 579 - Psychology of Diversity, Inclusion & Oppression
CSP 580 - Counseling Affectional and Gender Minorities
CSP 584 - Advanced Applied Behavior Interventions
CSP 589 - Psychoeducational Interventions I
CSP 595 - Orientation & Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CSP 600 - Independent Study or Research
CSP 601 - Advanced Counseling Skills & Techniques
CSP 605 - Child and Family Counseling
CSP 606 - Counseling Children & Adolescents in School
CSP 611 - Biology and Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders
CSP 613 - Evaluation and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
CSP 614 - Ethics, Diversity, and Social Justice in Addiction Counseling
CSP 622 - School Curriculum for Helping Professionals
CSP 638 - School Psychological Intervention Techniques
CSP 641 - Ethical and Professional Conduct
CSP 652 - Internship in School Psychology
CSP 653 - Professional Seminar in School Psychology Practice
CSP 654 - Professional School Psychology Seminar
CSP 656 - Group Counseling
CSP 659 - Individual Supervision and Practicum Seminar in School Counseling
CSP 670 - Psychology in the Schools
CSP 672 - Curriculum & Classroom Management for School Counselors
CSP 674 - Consultation in Schools
CSP 675 - Internship & Seminar in School Counseling
CSP 676 - Internship & Seminar in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CSP 678 - School Consultation for School Psychologists
CSP 684 - Advanced Consultation and Supervision
CSP 691 - Research and Evaluation in School and Clinical Mental Health Settings
CSP 692 - Advanced Research Methods and Program Evaluations
CSP 696 - Psychoeducational Interventions II
CSP 697 - Psychoeducational Interventions III
CSP 722 - Introduction to Advanced Applied Statistics and Quantitative Methods
CSP 800 - Advanced Counseling Research Design
CSP 801 - Introduction to Clinical Supervision
CSP 805 - Counselor Education Teaching and Practice
CSP 808 - Advanced Counseling Supervision and Consultation
CSP 809 - Current Issues and Ethics in Counselor Education and Professional Identity
CSP 815 - Qualitative Methods
CSP 816 - Program Evaluation in Counseling Settings
CSP 856 - Advanced Counseling Theory and Practice
CSP 860 - Advanced Leadership and Advocacy in Counseling
CSP 865 - Advanced Group Counseling
CSP 869 - Advanced Supervised Practicum in Counseling
CSP 870 - Advanced Supervised Internship in Counseling I
CSP 871 - Advanced Supervised Internship in Counseling II
CSP 872 - Advanced Supervised Part Time Practicum
CSP 873 - Advanced Supervised Part Time Internship in Counseling I
CSP 874 - Advanced Supervised Part-Time Internship in Counseling II
CSP 875 - Multicultural and Social Justice Perspectives in Counselor Education, Supervision, and Research
CSP 898 - Capstone/Dissertation Seminar
CSP 899 - Capstone/Dissertation Advising
CSP 902 - Capstone/Dissertation
DBA 801 - Foundation of Business Resilience
DBA 802 - Global Supply Chain Management
DBA 803 - Resilient Multinationals and Strategies
DBA 805 - DBA Research Methods
DBA 910 - Applied Research I
DBA 920 - Applied Research II
DBA 930 - Directed Research
DSC 500 - Mathematical Methods for Data Science
DSC 501 - Data Science I
DSC 502 - Data Science II
DSC 503 - Data Visualization
DSC 530 - Statistical Software Programming
DSC 531 - Statistical Learning
DSC 532 - Applied Statistical Methods I
DSC 533 - Applied Statistics Methods II
DSC 554 - Natural Language Processing
DSC 556 - Reinforcement Learning
DSC 580 - Data Science Capstone
ECO 500 - Business Statistics
ECO 801 - Applied Econometrics
EDL 598 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership
EDL 599 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership
EDL 600 - Independent Study
EDL 602 - Education Law
EDL 657 - School Finance
EDL 680 - Leadership Perspectives
EDL 681 - Leadership Development
EDL 682 - Organizational Development
EDL 683 - Supervision and Staff Development
EDL 684 - Learning Theory into Practice
EDL 685 - Curriculum Development
EDL 687 - Internship I
EDL 688 - Internship II
EDL 689 - Seminar in Leadership and Supervision
EDL 801 - Leadership in Organizations
EDL 802 - Applications in Leadership and Organizational Development
EDL 803 - Leading Organizational Change
EDL 804 - Quantitative Methods
EDL 805 - Qualitative Methods
EDL 808 - Leadership for Social Equity
EDL 811 - Educational Policy: Context and Inquiry
EDL 822 - Research Design
EDL 825 - Advanced Quantitative Methods
EDL 830 - Doctoral Inquiry Seminar
EDL 831 - Independent Advising for Dissertation Proposal Development
EDL 900 - Dissertation: Advisement and Defense
EDL 901 - Continuing Enrollment for Doctoral Dissertation
EDU 503 - Science in the Elementary School
EDU 504 - Mathematics in the Elementary School
EDU 508 - Introduction to Education
EDU 509 - Student Teaching Seminar
EDU 512 - Curriculum Workshop
EDU 515 - Trends in Elementary Mathematics
EDU 521 - Digital Teaching and Learning I
EDU 522 - Digital Teaching and Learning II
EDU 526 - STEM for the Early Childhood Classroom
EDU 528 - Differentiated Instruction
EDU 532 - Enhancing the Learning Process Through the Creative Arts
EDU 533 - Curriculum Design and Methods for Nursery-Grade 3
EDU 534 - Curriculum Design and Methods for the Elementary Classroom
EDU 536 - Culturally Responsive Positive Guidance in Early Childhood
EDU 538 - Parent Involvement in Education: Programs and Approaches
EDU 539 - Child Development for Elementary Grade Teachers
EDU 543 - Energizing the Teaching of Science and Math: An Intensive Workshop
EDU 544 - Classroom Management
EDU 563 - Anti-Bias and Multicultural Perspectives in the Classroom
EDU 566 - Media Utilization and Curriculum
EDU 571 - Teaching English Learners in Regular Education Classrooms
EDU 581 - Research in Education
EDU 584 - Critical and Postmodern Philosophies in Education
EDU 585 - Teacher Coaching and Supervision I
EDU 586 - Teacher Coaching and Supervision II
EDU 587 - Curriculum Models in Operation
EDU 588 - Assessment and Research in Education
EDU 591 - Special Project in Education
EDU 593 - Student Teaching (MAT)
EDU 594 - Student Teaching 1 (MAT-Early Childhood)
EDU 595 - Student Teaching 2 (MAT-Early Childhood)
EDU 596 - MAT Student Teaching 1
EDU 597 - MAT Student Teaching 2
EDU 598 - Special Topics in Education
EDU 599 - Special Topics in Education
EDU 611 - Curriculum Theories: Development and Implementation in the Classroom
EDU 612 - The Teaching-Learning Process: A Teacher’s Perspective
EDU 613 - Diverse Classroom Models: Principles and Practices
EDU 618 - Field Study: Applied Research
EDU 619 - Seminar: Current Issues Affecting Classroom Teachers
EDU 999 - DSAP Supervision and Appraisal
ENG 502 - Prose Fiction Writing I
ENG 503A - Prose Fiction Writing II
ENG 503B - Prose Fiction Writing II
ENG 503C - Prose Fiction Writing II
ENG 503D - Prose Fiction Writing II
ENG 503E - Prose Fiction Writing II
ENG 503F - Prose Fiction Writing II
ENG 503G - Prose Fiction Writing II
ENG 505 - Applied English Linguistics
ENG 506 - The Writing of Poetry I
ENG 507A - The Writing of Poetry II
ENG 507B - The Writing of Poetry II
ENG 507C - The Writing of Poetry II
ENG 507D - The Writing of Poetry II
ENG 507E - The Writing of Poetry II
ENG 507F - The Writing of Poetry II
ENG 507G - The Writing of Poetry II
ENG 508 - Contemporary Critical Theory
ENG 509 - Contemporary Poetic Theory
ENG 510 - History of the English Language
ENG 517 - Research Methods
ENG 521 - Feminist Theory and Literary Criticism
ENG 522 - Wright, Ellison, and Baldwin
ENG 524 - The Harlem Renaissance
ENG 538 - Victorian Novel
ENG 542 - Shakespeare
ENG 548 - Modern and Contemporary Drama
ENG 552 - English Renaissance
ENG 566 - 20th Century American Poets
ENG 569 - American Novel Since 1945
ENG 572 - The Short Story
ENG 575 - Young Adult Literature
ENG 580 - Chaucer
ENG 581 - Medieval Women and Literature
ENG 584 - Milton
ENG 586 - Seminar in American Literature
ENG 587 - Seminar in British Literature
ENG 588 - Seminar in Comparative Literature
ENG 590 - English Thesis
ENG 592 - Teaching English: Methods I
ENG 593 - Teaching English: Methods II
ENG 597 - Graduate Internship in Teaching Writing
ENG 600 - Independent Study and Research
ENV 532 - Ecosystems and Environmental Concerns
ENV 533 - Environmental Economic Geography
ENV 534 - Environmental Research and Perspectives
ENV 539 - Environmental Policy, Law, and Regulations
ENV 540 - Environmental Design
ENV 550 - Environmental Values and Social Sustainability
ENV 551 - Environmental Action Research
ENV 552 - Long Island Sound: Environmental Perspectives
ENV 559 - Energy, Climate Change, and Sustainability
ENV 570 - Environmental Field Techniques
ENV 589 - Thesis Proposal
ENV 590 - Thesis
ENV 598 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
ENV 599 - Special Project
ENV 600 - Independent Study
FIN 801 - Business Intelligence and Financial Resilience
FRE 502 - Advanced Language Seminar
FRE 506 - French Culture in France
GEO 545 - Geography of Africa
HIS 545 - History and Culture of the African Diaspora
HIS 552 - American Revolution
HIS 556 - American Maritime History
HIS 563 - History of Urban America
HIS 568 - Seminar in Late Modern Europe
HIS 569 - American Indian History
HIS 570 - Seminar in Medieval Europe
HIS 571 - The Medieval Middle East
HIS 575 - Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
HIS 579 - Seminar in Southeast Asia to 1850
HIS 583 - Special Project Seminar I
HIS 584 - Special Project Seminar II
HIS 588 - Seminar in the Roman Empire
HIS 589 - Tudor–Stuart England
HIS 593 - History Thesis Seminar I
HIS 594 - History Thesis Seminar II
HIS 597 - History Internship
HIS 598 - Special Topics in History
HIS 599 - Special Topics
HIS 600 - Independent Study
HMS 500 - Foundations of Exercise Physiology
HMS 503 - Foundations in Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
HMS 552 - Biomechanics and Applied Kinesiology
HMS 553 - Psychology of Sport
HMS 554 - Research Methods
HMS 555 - Obesity Prevention and Treatment
HMS 558 - Advanced Exercise Physiology
HMS 562 - Transdisciplinary Adapted Health and Physical Education
HMS 563 - Advanced Adapted Physical Education
HMS 564 - Assessment and Evaluation in Adapted School Health andPhysical Education
HMS 565 - Advanced Strength and Conditioning
HMS 571 - Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Testing and Prescription
HMS 574 - Cardiac Rehabilitation
HMS 578 - Behavior Change in Health and Physical Activity
HMS 583 - Advanced Exercise Physiology II
HMS 589 - Exercise Prescription for Diverse Populations
HMS 590 - Thesis I: Proposal Development
HMS 591 - Thesis II: Thesis Completion
HMS 595 - Internship in Health & Movement Sciences
HMS 596 - Clinical Exercise Physiology Capstone
HMS 597 - Clinical Exercise Physiology Internship
HMS 598 - Special Topics in Clinical Exercise Physiology
HMS 600 - Independent Study
IBD 504 - Limnology
IBD 505 - Stewardship Seminar
IBD 506 - Applied Stewardship
IBD 538 - Molecular Mechanisms of Animal Development
IBD 539 - Molecular Biology of the Prokaryotes
IBD 540 - Aquatic Vascular Plants
IBD 545 - Advanced Systematic Biology
IBD 555 - Conservation Physiology
IBD 565 - Topics in Animal Behavior
ILS 502 - Fundamentals of Library and Information Science
ILS 505 - Information Resources Organization and Management
ILS 507 - Information Science and Technology
ILS 508 - User Services
ILS 509 - Management of Library and Information Agencies
ILS 516 - Literacy, Literature and Reading in School and Public Libraries
ILS 523 - Technical Services and Information Management
ILS 525 - Collection Development and Management
ILS 536 - Academic Libraries
ILS 539 - Multimedia Hub for Smart Services
ILS 541 - Leadership and Advocacy for Information Professionals
ILS 545 - Administration and Design of the School Library Media Center
ILS 547 - Integrating Technology and Media in K-12 Curriculum
ILS 548 - Libraries and the Maker Mover
ILS 554 - Data Analysis and Visualization
ILS 556 - Data Curation
ILS 558 - Digital Preservation and Archives
ILS 561 - Public Libraries
ILS 571 - Methods for School Library Media Centers
ILS 575 - Instructional Design Principles
ILS 581 - School Media Specialist Practice (Student Teaching)
ILS 582 - Library Science Internship
ILS 587 - Seminar: SLMS Field Placements for Teacher Certification
ILS 590 - Research in Library and Information Science
ILS 597 - Introduction to Archival and Museum Work
ILS 598 - Special Topics in Information and Library Science
ILS 599 - Special Topics in Information and Library Science
ILS 610 - Grant Writing and Fundraising
ILS 614 - Copyright: The Basics and Beyond
ILS 655 - Digital Librarianship
ILS 660 - Special Project in Library and Information Science
ILS 699 - Thesis
ITA 510 - Early Italian Literature
ITA 521 - Italian Cinema
ITA 529 - Refashioning Italy
ITA 553 - Modern Italian Novel
ITA 555 - Modern Italian Theater
ITA 599 - Special Topics in Italian
ITA 600 - Independent Study
MAT 508 - Technology for Secondary STEM Education
MAT 528 - Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
MBA 502 - Statistical Decision Making
MBA 523 - Introduction to Global Business
MBA 524 - Intro. Information System Strategy
MBA 539 - Introduction to Business Process Excellence
MBA 582 - Economics for Business
MBA 583 - Statistical Decision Making
MBA 584 - Managerial Finance
MBA 585 - Organizational Behavior
MBA 586 - Marketing Management
MBA 587 - Financial Accounting for Business
MBA 588 - The US Legal System for Managers
MBA 589 - Fundamentals of Operations Management
MBA 595 - Special Project
MBA 598 - Special Topics in Business Administration
MBA 600 - Independent Study
MBA 601 - Visual Analytics for Business Data
MBA 602 - Predictive Analytics for Business Data
MBA 603 - Prescriptive Analytics for Business Data
MBA 604 - Data Hackathon for Business Analytics
MBA 605 - Public Finance
MBA 609 - Financial Management
MBA 610 - Managerial Economics
MBA 613 - Advanced Financial Management
MBA 614 - Managing Organizational Behavior and Design
MBA 615 - Advanced Business/Marketing Strategy
MBA 616 - Accounting for Management
MBA 617 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Business and Management
MBA 618 - Managing Operations: Strategies, Processes and Tools
MBA 619 - Leadership and Organizational Learning
MBA 620 - Women's Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurship
MBA 621 - Business Analysis and Start-Up
MBA 623 - International Entrepreneurship
MBA 624 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
MBA 625 - Business Ethics
MBA 626 - Organizational Change and Development
MBA 627 - Gender, Leadership & Management
MBA 628 - Business Ecological Sustainability
MBA 629 - Strategic Management
MBA 630 - Advanced Employment Law
MBA 631 - Business Planning
MBA 633 - Total Reward Management
MBA 634 - Human Resources Management
MBA 635 - Workforce Planning
MBA 636 - Healthcare Strategy
MBA 637 - Product Management
MBA 638 - Business & Society
MBA 639 - Marketing Analytics
MBA 640 - Consumer Behavior
MBA 641 - International Marketing
MBA 643 - Advertising and Promotional Strategy
MBA 644 - Healthcare Marketing
MBA 645 - Health Care Analytics
MBA 646 - Economics of Health Care
MBA 647 - Global Business
MBA 648 - Business Process Excellence
MBA 650 - Economics of Entrepreneurship
MBA 651 - International Economics: Theory and Policy
MBA 653 - Marketing Research
MBA 654 - Financial Management for Healthcare, Non-Profits and
MBA 655 - Technology Commercialization
MBA 656 - Information Systems Strategy
MBA 657 - Services Marketing
MBA 658 - Sustainable Marketing and Innovation
MBA 663 - Public Budgeting and Financial Management
MBA 664 - Real Estate Finance
MBA 666 - Financial Derivatives
MBA 667 - FinTech I: Introduction to FinTech
MBA 668 - FinTech II: Risks and Internal Controls of Banking
MBA 669 - Financial Management for Healthcare, Non-Profits and
MBA 670 - Financial Risk Management
MBA 671 - Financial Modeling and Analytics
MBA 672 - Financial Markets and Institutions
MBA 673 - Investment Analysis
MBA 674 - Multinational Financial Management
MBA 675 - Financial Statement Analysis
MBA 676 - Principles of Business Taxation
MBA 677 - Tax Planning and Research
MBA 678 - Not-for-Profit and Governmental Accounting
MBA 679 - Advanced Auditing
MBA 680 - International Accounting Standards: Use & Interpretation
MBA 681 - Contemporary Accounting Issues
MBA 684 - Research Methods for Business
MBA 686 - Practical Experience (Summer I)
MBA 691 - Integrated Knowledge I
MBA 692 - Integrated Knowledge II - Experiential Capstone
MFT 505 - Therapeutic Use of Self Introduction
MFT 506 - Therapeutic Use of Self Intermediate
MFT 548 - Introduction to Family Clinic Policies and Procedures
MFT 562 - MFT Practicum I
MFT 563 - MFT Practicum II
MFT 586 - Family and Individual Development Over the Life Cycle
MFT 587 - Family Therapy Outcome Research
MFT 597 - Family of Origin
MFT 598 - Family Systems Theory I
MFT 600 - Independent Study in Marriage and Family Therapy
MFT 605 - Therapeutic Use of Self in Groups I
MFT 606 - Therapeutic Use of Self in Groups II
MFT 607 - Systemic Perspectives on Mental Health and Psychopathology
MFT 609 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in MFT Practice
MFT 610 - Couples Therapy
MFT 620 - Professional, Legal and Ethical Issues in Marriage and Family Therapy
MFT 658 - Topics in Family Studies
MFT 662 - MFT Internship I
MFT 663 - MFT Internship II
MFT 664 - MFT Internship III
MFT 668 - Family Systems Theory II
MFT 669 - Family Systems Theory-III: Evidence Based In-Home Treatment
MFT 671 - Advanced Supervision in MFT
MFT 672 - Understanding the Treatment of Substance Addictions in Couples and Families
MFT 673 - Treatment Issues in MFT: Integrating Spirituality and Religion
MFT 674 - MFT Intro to Human Sexuality
MGT 801 - Dynamic Organizational Resilience
MKT 801 - Enhancing Business Resiliency through Marketing Research
MPA 500 - Foundations of Public Administration
MPA 510 - Nonprofit Administration: Practice and Theory
MPA 595 - Capstone in Public Administration
MPA 597 - Public Administration Internship
NUR 500 - Nursing Theories and Conceptual Models
NUR 514 - Transforming Nursing Practice through Leadership, Policy and Advocacy
NUR 516 - Healthcare Informatics for Nursing Practice
NUR 519 - Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
NUR 520 - Curriculum Development and Teaching in Nursing
NUR 521 - Advanced Pathophysiology
NUR 523 - Advanced Nursing Practice
NUR 524 - Advanced Pharmacology
NUR 526 - Advanced Health Assessment
NUR 530 - Nurse-Managed Quality Outcomes
NUR 534 - Role of the Family Nurse Practitioner I
NUR 535 - Role of Family Nurse Practitioner II
NUR 536 - Role of Family Nurse Practitioner III
NUR 537 - Role of Nurse Educator
NUR 540 - Legal Issues in Health Care
NUR 542 - Advanced Concepts in Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Assessment for the Nurse Educator
NUR 592 - Special Project in Nursing
NUR 800 - Ethical/Legal, Political and Social Issues Affecting Higher Education
NUR 8001 - EdD Residency 1
NUR 8003 - EdD Residency 3
NUR 801 - Theories of Teaching and Learning in Adult and Higher Education
NUR 802 - Methods of Teaching and Evaluation
NUR 803 - Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation in Nursing
NUR 804 - Nursing Faculty Role in Higher Education
NUR 805 - Classroom, Clinical Teaching and Evaluation in Nursing Education
NUR 806 - Leadership Theories and Concepts
NUR 807 - Leadership in Nursing Education
NUR 808 - Doctoral Synthesis
NUR 809 - State of the Science of Nursing Education Research
NUR 810 - Quantitative Methods in Nursing Education Research
NUR 811 - Qualitative Methods in Nursing Education Research
NUR 812 - Statistical Analysis in Educational Research
NUR 813 - Dissertation Seminar
NUR 814 - Dissertation Advisement I
NUR 815 - Dissertation Advisement II
NUR 816 - Dissertation Advisement III
NUR 817 - Dissertation Advisement Continuation
OTR 511 - Evaluating and Assessing Occupations and their Environment
OTR 512 - Teaching and Learning for Change in Self and Others: The Occupation of Education
OTR 514 - Optimizing Health, Wellness, and Quality of Life Through The Power of Human Occupation
OTR 515 - Embracing and Bridging our Differences: Creating Community and Relationships
OTR 518 - Becoming, Belonging, and Embracing Occupational Therapy
OTR 521 - Evaluating and Assessing the Skills of Everyday Living
OTR 522 - Developing and Enhancing Skills Through Occupationand Occupational Therapy
OTR 525 - Assessing and Programming for Community Occupational Access
OTR 527 - OT in Action I
OTR 528 - Thriving in Interprofessional Teams: Successful Collaboration with Presence and Unique Perspectives
OTR 531 - Investigating the Hidden Influencers and Obvious Factorsof Occupational Performance
OTR 532 - Treating from the Inside Out: Strategies to Strengthen and Leverage Intrinsic Factors
OTR 537 - OT in Action II
OTR 538 - Cultivating Resilience in Healthcare
OTR 541 - Piecing Together Factors and Function: Evaluating Complexities of Occupational Performance
OTR 542 - Piecing Together Factors and Function: Treating Complexities of Occupational Performance
OTR 544 - Innovating in Emerging Practice Areas of Occupational Therapy
OTR 545 - Engaging in Community Advocacy for Occupational Rights and Access
OTR 547 - OT in Action III
OTR 548 - From Passion to Practice: Embarking on and Crafting your Career
OTR 575 - Making a Difference: Occupational Therapy Level II Fieldwork Experience I
OTR 576 - Supporting each other through connection: Peer Support Seminar I
OTR 577 - Capstone I
OTR 578 - Making a difference: Occupational Therapy Level II Fieldwork Experience II
OTR 579 - Supporting Each Other Through Connection: Peer Support Seminar II
OTR 580 - Capstone II
PCH 500 - Foundations of Public Health
PCH 504 - Health Promotion Practice
PCH 505 - Health Issues
PCH 510 - Environmental Health
PCH 515 - Biostatistics
PCH 516 - Public Health Research
PCH 517 - Qualitative Methods for Research and Evaluation
PCH 520 - Social & Behavioral Foundations of Public Health
PCH 526 - Diversity in Health Organizations
PCH 532 - Programs and Practices in Maternal and Child Health
PCH 548 - Public Health Administration
PCH 549 - Public Health Leadership
PCH 550 - Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
PCH 551 - Epidemiology
PCH 557 - Advanced Epidemiology
PCH 561 - Global Health and Aging
PCH 564 - Health Systems and Policy
PCH 570 - International Field Study in Health
PCH 577 - Program Planning and Evaluation
PCH 586 - Health Promotion Methods and Strategies
PCH 590 - Thesis Seminar I
PCH 591 - Thesis Seminar II
PCH 593 - Special Project Capstone
PCH 595 - Public Health Internship
PCH 598 - Special Topics in Public Health
PCH 599 - Special Topics in Public Health
PCH 600 - Directed Independent Study
PHY 507 - Applied Physics Graduate Seminar
PHY 512 - Methods of Theoretical Physics
PHY 513 - Methods of Theoretical Physics
PHY 519 - Fundamentals of Nanoscience
PHY 521 - Characterization of Nanomaterials
PHY 523 - Nanosystems Laboratory
PHY 530 - Optics and Optical Detectors
PHY 531 - Interferometric Methods in Imaging and Precision Measurement
PHY 580 - Special Project
PHY 590 - Thesis Research I
PHY 591 - Thesis Research II
PHY 600 - Independent Study and Research
PSC 501 - Research Methods in Political Science
PSC 504 - Japan and the Western Pacific Rimlands
PSC 508 - Seminar in Comparative Politics
PSC 511 - State and Local Government
PSC 512 - Public Leadership
PSC 526 - Race & Ethnicity in American Politics
PSC 527 - Seminar in Public Policy
PSC 545 - Russia and the Post-Soviet Space
PSC 552 - Urban Politics
PSC 585 - Thesis Proposal in Political Science
PSC 589 - Metropolitan Government
PSC 591 - Thesis Research in Political Science
PSC 597 - Political Science Internship
PSC 599 - Special Topics in Political Science
PSC 600 - Independent Study
PSC 601 - Special Project in Political Science
PSY 500 - Design and Analysis in Psychology
PSY 501 - Thinking and Learning
PSY 502 - Problems in Psychology
PSY 503 - Cognition and Memory
PSY 505 - Contemporary Theories of Motivation
PSY 512 - Theories and Research in Human Developmental
PSY 517 - Seminar in Social Psychology
PSY 526 - Theories and Research in Personality
PSY 527 - Abnormal Child Psychology
PSY 528 - Psychopathology
PSY 537 - Field Work in Clinical Psychological Services I
PSY 539 - Field Work in Psychology Research
PSY 543 - Clinical Methods in Psychology: Cognitive Assessment
PSY 544 - Clinical Methods in Psychology: Personality and Social Assessment
PSY 546 - Practicum in Psychological Assessment and Report Writing 1
PSY 560 - Seminar in the Psychology of Women
PSY 589 - Design and Analysis II: Thesis Seminar
PSY 590 - Thesis Proposal
PSY 591 - Thesis
PSY 598 - Special Topics in Psychology
PSY 599 - Special Topics in Psychology
PSY 600 - Independent Study or Research
RDG 500 - Content Area Study and Disciplinary Literacies for Prospective Teachers
RDG 516 - Examining Content, Culture, and Current Events throughChildren's and Young Adult Literature
RDG 517 - Content Area Literacy and Secondary Reading Instruction in Middle and High Schools
RDG 520 - Fundamentals of Language and Literacy
RDG 546 - Emerging Literacies: PreK-Grade 3 Reading & Language Arts
RDG 556 - Developing Literacies: Grades 3-6 Reading & Language Arts
RDG 565 - Content Area Literacy and Reading/Language Arts Instruction in Middle and High Schools
RDG 566 - Developmental Reading and Language Arts in the Elementary School
RDG 567 - Tests, Measurements, and Evaluation in Reading and Language Arts
RDG 568 - Practicum in Diagnosis of Reading and Language Arts Difficulties
RDG 570 - Literacy Interventions for Struggling Readers and Writers
RDG 585 - Writing Instruction in the Reading and Language Arts Program
RDG 649 - Diversity in Literacy
RDG 659 - Practicum in Remedial Reading and Language Arts
RDG 662 - Developing and Leading the School Literacy Program
RDG 665 - Practicum and Seminar in Reading and Language Arts Research
RDG 672 - Designing and Implementing the School Literacy Intervention Program
RDG 676 - Practicum in Developing and Leading the School Literacy Program
REC 509 - Foundations of Recreation Therapy
REC 520 - Advanced Topics in Therapeutic Play and Family Systems
REC 522 - Advanced Concepts in Child Life Practice
REC 533 - Socio-Leisure Needs of Individuals with Disabilities
REC 534 - Advanced Practice in Therapeutic Recreation Programming
REC 541 - Advanced Concepts in Recreational Therapy Services
REC 543 - Advanced Interventions in Recreation Therapy
REC 557 - Emerging Legal Issues in Recreation and Leisure Studies
REC 572 - Planning and Development of Recreation Programs and Leisure
REC 573 - Seminar in Recreation Administration
REC 574 - Park and Recreation Management
REC 575 - Operational Research: Recreation
REC 576 - Designs for Park and Recreation Facilities
REC 577 - Leadership Development
REC 579 - Principles of Community Development Through Recreation
REC 581 - Seminar in Therapeutic Recreation Service
REC 583 - Practicum Experience
REC 584 - Leisure Education: Modalities & Assessments for RT
REC 585 - Clinical Aspects of Therapeutic Recreation
REC 587 - Recreation Education Curriculum Development
REC 588 - Special Project
REC 590 - Thesis
REC 591 - Thesis Seminar II
REC 599 - Grant Writing
REC 600 - Directed Independent Study
SCE 570 - History and Dimensions of Scientific Thought
SCE 572 - Recent Developments in Science Education
SCE 580 - Science Methods for Secondary Schools
SED 501 - Special Education Law, Policy and Ethics
SED 502 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners
SED 503 - Learning Theory and Development
SED 504 - Curriculum and Program Planning for Exceptional Learners
SED 505 - Literacy Instruction and Program Planning in SpecialEducation
SED 509 - Diagnostic Assessment and Mathematics Instructionof Exceptional Learners
SED 512 - Curriculum Methods and Materials for Students with Autism Spectrum
SED 514 - Transition within Disability Services
SED 517 - Introduction to Adaptive Technology
SED 519 - Clinical Practices in Developmental Disabilities
SED 520 - Nature and Needs of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Development Disabilities
SED 521 - Diagnostic Assessment of Exceptional Learners
SED 523 - Assessment and Intervention for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
SED 525 - Curriculum and Instructional Methods for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
SED 526 - Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
SED 527 - Positive Behavior Interventionsand Supports
SED 529 - Clinical Practices with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
SED 530 - Approaches to Learning Disabilities: Issues and Research
SED 531 - Research in Special Education
SED 535 - Programming for Learning Disabilities: Middle School and Secondary Level
SED 539 - Clinical Practices in Learning Disabilities
SED 543 - Survey in ABA Practices
SED 551 - Parent - Professional Relationships
SED 553 - Assessment and Intervention in Early Childhood
SED 555 - Grant Writing and Funding Sources
SED 560 - Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Inclusive Planning
SED 562 - Child Abuse: An American Problem
SED 593 - Adaptive Technology for Reading and Writing
SED 594 - Adaptive Technology for Individuals with Multiple Disabilities
SED 595 - Adaptive Technology Assessment
SED 596 - Clinical Practice in Adaptive Technology
SED 598 - Special Topics in Special Education
SED 599 - Special Topics in Special Education
SED 600 - Directed Study and Research
SED 605 - Community-Engaged Analysis of Special Education
SED 610 - Applied Behavioral Analysis in Educational Settings
SED 621 - Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills in Education
SED 636 - Critical Issues in Assistive Technology
SED 641 - Ethical and Professional Conduct
SED 642 - Organizational Behavior Management and Supervision
SED 643 - Advanced ABA in School Settings
SED 649 - Supervised Independent Fieldwork in ABA- Level 4
SED 652 - Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders
SED 689 - Philosophical Underpinnings of ABA
SED 690 - Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis
SED 691 - Research Methods
SED 692 - Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
SED 693 - Assessment in Applied Behavior Analysis
SED 694 - Intervention in Applied Behavior Analysis
SED 695 - Supervised Independent Fieldwork in Applied Behavior Analysis
SED 696 - Supervised Independent Fieldwork in ABA-Level 2
SED 697 - Supervised Independent Fieldwork in ABA-Level 3
SHE 505 - School Health Education Foundations
SHE 508 - Contemporary Issues in Adolescent Health
SHE 511 - School Health Nutrition Institute
SHE 552 - Methods of Teaching School Health Education
SHE 554 - Research Techniques
SHE 556 - Methods of Planning and Evaluation in School Health Education
SHE 558 - Group Process in School Health
SHE 560 - Curriculum Development in Health Education
SHE 561 - Sexual Health Education
SHE 562 - Equity & Justice in Health Education
SHE 563 - Advanced Adapted Health Education
SHE 570 - Leadership and Advocacy of School Health EducationPrograms
SHE 579 - Holistic Health Institute
SHE 590 - Thesis/Special Project Seminar I
SHE 594 - Thesis/Special Project Seminar II
SHE 597 - School Health Education Capstone
SHE 600 - Directed Independent Study
SMT 508 - Leading Sport Organizations
SMT 509 - Sport and Athletics Development and Fundraising
SMT 510 - Governance and Administration of Sport Organizations
SMT 511 - Sport and Entertainment Finance
SMT 512 - Sport and Entertainment Law
SMT 513 - Marketing and Sales in Sport and Entertainment
SMT 514 - Global Issues in Sport and Entertainment
SMT 515 - Facility and Event Management
SMT 516 - Sport Ethics
SMT 517 - Principles of Entertainment Management
SMT 518 - Agent-Artist Management
SOC 500 - Sociology and Social Justice
SOC 502 - Community Sociology
SOC 504 - Gender and the Law
SOC 506 - Borders and Belonging
SOC 511 - Race, Residence, and Policing
SOC 529 - Intersectionality and Social Justice
SOC 566 - Crime and the Criminal
SOC 570 - Applied Research in Sociology
SOC 571 - Qualitative Research in Sociology
SOC 580 - Applied Theories of Social Justice
SOC 590 - Thesis Proposal in Sociology
SOC 591 - Thesis Research in Sociology
SOC 594 - Special Project in Sociology
SOC 598 - Special Topics in Sociology
SOC 599 - Special Topics in Sociology
SOC 600 - Directed Independent Study and Research
SPA 561 - Women Healers, Messengers, and Intermediaries
SPA 566 - Literature of the Caribbean Diaspora
SPA 598 - Special Topics in Spanish
SPA 599 - Special Topics in Spanish
SPA 600 - Independent Study
SWK 502 - Trauma and Disaster Mental Health
SWK 510 - Social Welfare Policies and Delivery Systems
SWK 511 - Social Welfare Policy Analysis
SWK 512 - Child Welfare Policies and Practice
SWK 518 - Social Welfare Policy: Mental Health and Substance Use
SWK 520 - Communities and Social Welfare
SWK 521 - Substance Use: Current Issues
SWK 522 - Introduction to Post-Traumatic Growth
SWK 523 - Social Work with Children
SWK 524 - Disaster Mental Health: Children and Families
SWK 530 - Social Work Policies in Educational Settings
SWK 532 - Theory and Practice I - Individuals
SWK 533 - Theory and Practice II - Groups
SWK 534 - Theory and Practice III - Organizations and Communities
SWK 538 - Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice
SWK 539 - Social Work with Adolescents and Young Adults
SWK 540 - Advanced Clinical Practice with Older Adults
SWK 545 - Clinical Practice with Individuals and Groups
SWK 548 - Clinical Practice with Family Systems
SWK 549 - Clinical Practice with Late Life Families
SWK 550 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment
SWK 551 - Diversity, Oppression, and Social Functioning
SWK 552 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment — Psychopathology
SWK 556 - Clinical Practice in Mental Health and Substance Use
SWK 560 - Social Administration
SWK 561 - Social Work Research Methods
SWK 567 - Social Work Practice in Crisis Situations
SWK 568 - Addictive Behaviors: Intervention Strategies for Clinical Practice
SWK 570 - Generalist Social Work Practicum I
SWK 571 - Generalist Social Work Practicum II
SWK 574 - Specialist Social Work Practicum III
SWK 575 - Specialist Social Work Practicum IV
SWK 576 - Research-Informed Practice: Social Work Capstone
SWK 585 - Grief and Loss: A Multidimensional Understanding
SWK 598 - Special Topics in Social Work
SWK 600 - Independent Study and Research
SWK 800 - Evidence Informed Practice
SWK 801 - Data Analysis and Dissemination
SWK 802 - Program Evaluation
SWK 803 - Historical and Contemporary Analysis of Social Policy
SWK 804 - Clinical Social Work Supervision
SWK 805 - Paradigms, Epistemology, and Heuristics in Social Work
SWK 806 - Education for Social Work
SWK 807 - Externship I
SWK 808 - Externship II
SWK 809 - Capstone I: Capstone Proposal - Translational Research Project or Peer-Reviewed Manuscript
SWK 810 - Capstone II: Capstone Final Project - Translational Research Project or Peer-Reviewed Manuscript
SWK 811 - Capstone Continuation
SWK 820 - Emergent Models and Clinical Issues in Clinical SocialWork Practice
SWK 821 - Leading with Authenticity: The use of Self in Higher Education and Leadership
SWK 822 - Mental Health and Substance Use: Advanced Clinical Practice
SWK 823 - Neuroscience and Social Work
SWK 824 - Education for Social Work II
SWK 831 - Leadership and Management in Social Work
SWK 833 - Technical Skills in Social Work Administration
TSL 502 - Introduction to Linguistics
TSL 503 - Second Language Acquisition
TSL 505 - Pedagogical Grammar of English for TESOL
TSL 510 - TESOL: Principles and Practices
TSL 511 - TESOL: Methods and Materials
TSL 512 - TESOL: Practicum
TSL 515 - Bilingual Education: Principles and Practices
TSL 517 - Literacy Development for Multilingual Learners
TSL 518 - Content-Based Instruction for Multilingual Learners
TSL 521 - Assessment for Multilingual Learners
TSL 563 - Immigration and English Language Learners in U.S. Schools
TSL 600 - Independent Study
WGS 500 - Feminist Theories and Practices
WGS 505 - Women, Heal Thyself
WGS 510 - Research Methods in Women’s and Gender Studies
WGS 520 - History of Feminist Thought
WGS 525 - Feminist Pedagogy
WGS 530 - Global Women’s Issues
WGS 590 - Thesis Seminar I
WGS 591 - Thesis Seminar II
WGS 592 - Special Project Seminar I
WGS 593 - Special Project Seminar II
WGS 598 - Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
WGS 599 - Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies
WGS 601 - Field Experience I
WGS 602 - Field Experience II
WLL 520 - This Historical Avant-Garde
WLL 581 - Introduction to Graduate Studies in Romance Languages
WLL 582 - Popular Culture and Cultural Studies
WLL 590 - Writing the Thesis Proposal
WLL 591 - Writing the Thesis
WLL 592 - Special Project I
WLL 593 - Special Project II
WLL 600 - Independent Study