Classroom Teacher Specialist, Sixth Year Certificate

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The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. In addition, a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required for graduation. The department website provides an overview of the program, including admission requirements, faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:


Core Requirements (9 Credits)
EDU 711 – Curriculum: Development and Implementation of Theories in the Classroom 
EDU 712 – The Teaching-Learning Process: A Teacher’s Perspective
EDU 713 – Diverse Classroom Models: Principles and Practices Research Component 

Research (6 Credits)
EDU 718 – Field Study – Applied Research 
EDU 719 – Seminar – Current Issues Affecting Classroom Teachers

Area of Specialization (15 Credits)
In consultation with Advisor, select 15 credits in area of specialization and background. These courses may be any graduate level course in any subject.