Degree Requirements
Students must meet the graduation and program requirements in the catalog year of their matriculation (i.e. admission or readmission to the university in a degree or certificate program); although, courses listed in the catalog are subject to change. New and revised courses and program requirements are initiated by departments and approved by the Undergraduate Curriculum Forum and the Provost. To ensure timely graduation, the Director of the Liberal Education Program (LEP) may approve course substitutions in the LEP and the Department may approve substitutions of courses in the major, minor, or cognate.
Returning students may elect to revert to their original catalog year if it is no more than 5 years prior to the current term; students may not revert to a catalog year that is prior to their initial admission term. Students may also elect to switch to a newer catalog year once enrolled. Students must receive departmental approval to switch catalog year. The student becomes responsible for fulfilling all requirements for their new catalog year, including all changes in graduation requirements, general education requirements, major requirements, or other areas. Students may declare a minor from a more recent catalog year while retaining the existing catalog year for their program and major area of study.
Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.)
Bachelor of Arts degrees are awarded to students who fulfill all requirements of a major/concentration in an academic discipline at a minimum of 30 credits. In addition to the major and the Liberal Education Program, there will be at least 27 credits of electives which may be used at the student's choice for a second major, one or two minors, a concentration, or for free electives. This degree program provides a broad and flexible liberal arts background and prepares a student to enter a variety of careers.
Bachelor of Science Degree (B.S. or similar)
Bachelor of Science degrees are awarded to students who fulfill all requirements of a major/concentration in an academic discipline, that is in greater depth than the B.A. degree program. In addition to the major and the Liberal Education Program, programs may require a sequence of cognate courses in a field or fields related to their chosen major. An internship or other professional application is also required. A minimum of 12 credits will be reserved to the student for free electives. This program therefore guarantees depth in the major and related fields and prepares a student for entry into specific career possibilities. Departments may require students to apply to the B.S. degree program for formal acceptance to the major/concentration. Students may be denied acceptance if either academic or personal qualifications are unsuited for a particular area, as determined by the department. When fixed quotas exist in an area, it is sometimes necessary to deny acceptance even though students may meet minimal standards.
Southern offers undergraduate certificates and post-baccalaureate certificates; post-baccalaureate certificates are undergraduate programs of study requiring a bachelor's degree for admittance. All certificate programs offer a defined set of courses that focus on an academic specialty to update or expand skillsets though they do not lead to a degree. Students must enroll in the certificate program prior to completing the last required course to be eligible for the certificate; certificates are not retroactively awarded to students who were not enrolled prior to completion. Courses used to satisfy a degree may be used to satisfy the requirements of a certificate.
Dual Major
Students may declare a dual major, such as two Bachelor of Arts majors or two Bachelor of Science majors, prior to completion of their first degree. Students must be approved by the department for each major and meet all requirements for both majors. The degree will be awarded in the term completed. Up to 12 credits used to satisfy one major can be used to satisfy the requirements of the other major.
Dual Degree
Students may declare a dual degree, such as a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in two different majors, prior to completion of their first degree. Students must be approved by the department for each program and meet all requirements for both programs. Each degree will be awarded in the term completed. Courses used to satisfy one degree program can also be used to satisfy the requirements of the other degree program. A minimum of 18 new credits beyond the first degree earned are required.
The university requires successful completion of all program requirements with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 to earn an undergraduate degree or certificate. Some programs may have a higher cumulative GPA requirement for graduation. A minimum of 120-credits must be earned to be awarded a bachelor's degree; and a minimum of 30 credits must be earned at Southern. For students enrolled in a certificate program, at least 25% of the programs overall credits must be earned at Southern.
Students must review their program requirements for their catalog year, fulfill these requirements, and maintain regular contact with their academic advisor. All degree programs require completion of the general education requirements and a major. Some programs may also offer areas of concentration or require cognate courses that are related to the major. The department chairperson can waive or substitute departmental requirements. Additional requirements may be imposed by outside licensing or accrediting agencies in programs leading to licensure or certification, which may revise a student's plan of study.
General Education Requirements
All degree programs require completion of the 46-credit Liberal Education Program (LEP). Students must also complete three writing-intensive (W) courses. Some majors recommend specific LEP courses that count towards both LEP and major requirements, but credits are only counted once towards the 120 credits needed for graduation. For more information, visit the General Education page.
A major is a planned sequence of at least 30 credits in one discipline; various options are available with departmental consent, and electives may be utilized to enhance the basic requirements. Some majors have designated up to three courses in the major that also fulfill general education requirements. A concentration is a required set of courses within a major that define a specific area of study.
A cognate is a supplement of credits in a related discipline(s), outside of one's major or minor. Courses in a cognate may be used to fulfill requirements for a minor and/or the general education requirements.
A minor is an additional planned sequence of at least 18 credits alongside one's major requirements. Students can choose up to two minors with guidance from departmental or program advisors. Credits beyond the 120 required for a primary degree might not be eligible for financial aid. Courses in a minor can count towards a cognate or the general education requirements. One course in a minor can also fulfill a major or another minor requirement. To ensure 14-15 credits are unique to the minor, students need to take substitute courses if there's more overlap, with approval from the Chairperson.
The number of electives varies based on the major and the student's commitment to the other aforementioned options. Prerequisite courses may also reduce the number of free electives remaining in a student's program.
A student who already holds a degree from Southern may return for a second degree by completing all degree requirements in effect at the time of admission to the second program. A minimum of 18 new credits beyond the first degree earned are required.
The academic standards below apply to all bachelor’s degree programs that prepare students for teacher certification.
Academic Standards and Progress in the Program
Teacher candidates must maintain good standing in the program to qualify for student teaching and receive a recommendation from Southern Connecticut State University for State of Connecticut initial teacher certification. They also must demonstrate the following:
- Personal attitudes and dispositions that will affect their performance as a teacher;
- Professional behavior appropriate to the context which demonstrates that actions reflect directly upon the status and substance of the profession;
- Confidentiality of all information concerning colleagues and students obtained in the educational process;
- Integrity and honesty in written and verbal communication and in all coursework related to the professional program for teacher certification; and
- An undergraduate academic performance of at least a 2.7 GPA average. A candidate, who after acceptance into a teacher education program completes 9 or more credits with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.7, will be placed on College of Education academic probation. The student will have one semester to raise the GPA to 2.7 or higher. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the College of Education.
The College of Education follows the Scaffolding Success Action Plan (SSAP) policy to establish action plans as needed, All candidates are required to familiarize themselves with this policy.
Fingerprinting and Background Check
Connecticut law requires all candidates in teacher/educator certification programs to undergo state and federal criminal history background checks before participating in school-based field experiences and student teaching. All candidates enrolled in a course requiring entering a P-12 school to complete an assignment, field experience requirement, and student teaching placement will be required to have a background check completed with the school in which they are placed. Any prior convictions revealed in a candidate’s background check may prevent Connecticut school districts from accepting that candidate for placement and may impact their ability to complete the teacher certification program. The University will not be responsible for a candidate's inability to complete the program. Background checks are conducted exclusively by the school districts, which determine on a case by case basis the appropriateness of the placement. SCSU does not conduct, receive, review, or engage in discussion regarding student background check results.
Student Teaching
Student teaching requires a full-time commitment. As such, teacher candidates are not permitted to take other courses during the semester in which they student-teach, other than the student teaching seminar that is taken simultaneously with student teaching. Additionally, candidates must have all courses and academic requirements completed prior to the semester of student teaching. All incomplete grades need to be cleared prior to the start of the student teaching semester. In the case of a justifiable extenuating circumstance, a student may petition the College of Education Dean or their representative for a waiver of this requirement, provided they have the support of their program.
Certification in CT
To be recommended for certification in CT, candidates must successfully complete all program requirements, be in good standing, and pass all assessments mandated by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) such as licensure exams. CSDE assessment requirements (e.g. Praxis® II) vary by certification area. For more information, please visit the CSDE website:
Please note, candidates must meet the certification requirements in effect on the date the CSDE receives the certification application. If CSDE regulations change, candidates may need to meet the new requirements in order to be eligible for certification. Candidates are responsible for familiarizing themselves with Connecticut's teacher certification regulations and keeping abreast of changes to those regulations. Certification news and alerts are available on the Connecticut State Department of Education website.
Extra-Curricular Modules
The College of Education has made the following non-credit modules available to students at no cost to complete the additional CSDE requirements noted above. Students may register for these modules in Banner Student self-service:
- COE 200 - Social Learning in Children Module
- COE 201 – Dyslexia Module
- COE 203 – Computational Thinking Module
Revocation of Admission to the Professional Program
Candidates may be dismissed from the professional program for any of the following:
- Not achieving the required cumulative GPA of 2.7
- Demonstrated unprofessional behavior or an inability to respond appropriately in various contexts which affects their performance as a teacher, and/orbased on the Level 2 review of the College of Education following the procedure to establish a Scaffolding Success Action Plan.
- Falsified or misrepresented documentation or information provided for programmatic, academic, or professional qualification/competency purposes;
- Not achieving an acceptable standard on the performance assessments required by the College of Education, the Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC), or the certification program;
- Other due and sufficient cause.