Grades and Grading Policies
The integrity of scholarship is the cornerstone of the academic and social structure of the university. It is the expressed policy of the university that every aspect of graduate academic life, related in whatever fashion to the university, shall be conducted in an absolutely and uncompromisingly honest manner. Violations of academic honesty are grounds for a failing grade and may result in dismissal from the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. For more information, see the Student Handbook > Student Code of Conduct.
University Standards
Any matriculated student who attempts nine or more credits that impact the GPA, and that results in an overall grade point average of less than 3.0, is automatically on probation. Notice of probationary status is forwarded to the student, the student's faculty advisor, and the student's program coordinator. If, after attempting an additional nine credits, the GPA is still below 3.0, the student will be dismissed from the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. A student whose overall GPA falls below 3.0 during the last semester of coursework will be placed on probation and given one semester to raise the GPA to the 3.0 level required for graduation. If, after completing an additional semester of work, the GPA is still below 3.0, the student will be dismissed.
A student who is dismissed may apply for readmission to the same program after the lapse of one semester. To be readmitted, the student must submit a new application and application fee as well as a petition to the graduate program coordinator describing why they will be successful if readmitted. The Graduate Program Coordinator will return the petition to the student with reasons for disapproval or will forward it to the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies with a recommendation for approval. If it is approved by the Dean, a copy will be sent to the Graduate Program Coordinator and the student. A petition that is not approved will be returned to the coordinator with a letter stating the reasons for not approving the petition. A readmitted student must achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in the next 12 credits of coursework taken. Should the student fail to achieve 3.5, the student will be dismissed from the School of Graduate and Professional Studies with no option for readmission.
Program Standards
Graduate education requires continuous evaluation of the student. In addition, some academic programs set higher standards for academic performance that must be met in addition to university standards. Continuation in a graduate program is contingent upon positive, ongoing faculty evaluation of the graduate student's grades, professional or scholarly attributes, and performance in real or simulated professional situations. This evaluation may also include performance on comprehensive examinations, acceptance of thesis or projects, but also subjective appraisal by the faculty of the student's progress and potential. A student may be suspended or dismissed from a graduate program for deficiencies in any of the foregoing.
Students must discuss the criteria for a successful audit and receive written approval from their instructor. While no final grade is issued for an audited course, students do have the right to take exams, write papers, and have them evaluated. The Audit Contract must be approved by the instructor prior to the start of the 4th week of the fall or spring semester, or prior to the start of the 2nd week for courses in a shorter term. Students who audit a course pay regular tuition and fees for the course, but the course is not eligible for financial aid, and it does not count towards a student's enrollment status of part-time or full-time. Once a student selects the audit option it will not be possible to revert to a graded option following the drop period for the course.
Final grades are made available to students in Banner Student self-service approximately one week following the end of each semester or intersession. Current students may log in to view final grades, unofficial transcripts, or request an official transcript.
In accordance with SCSU’s educational mission, this policy articulates the procedure and criteria for the appeal of a final course grade. This Grade Appeal Procedure is intended to be fair, equitable and transparent. Following discussion with the Instructor, the Grade Appeals Procedure consists of two parts:
- Level 1 – Mediation with Department Chairperson / Program Director (hereafter referred to as ‘Chairperson’)
- Level 2 – University Academic Standing Committee (UASC)
See for detailed information about each part of the appeal process, the forms to initiate an appeal, and the timelines.
Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor or graduate program coordinator before pursuing a replacement grade. Grade replacement may be pursued once per course and only for a total of two courses. The first two courses repeated at Southern will be the ones for which the grade will be replaced. Both grades will appear on the student's transcript, but only the higher of the two course grades will be used to calculate the student's grade point average (GPA). The student shall receive credit for the course only once.
Students may retake a course for a different grade by registering for the course again in a subsequent term. If a student receives the same grade in both semesters, the new grade received will be used to calculate the current semester and overall GPA, the old grade in the older term will not be used for GPA calculations. Students may not utilize transfer courses, nor courses taken for pass/fail, for grade replacement because neither impact the student's GPA.
Once awarded a degree or certificate, a student may not go back and grade replace individual courses within that program. Please note that some programs at Southern may require that all grades be used to calculate the student's program GPA for admission or certification purposes.
The following grades are used on the academic records:
Letter Grade | Quality Points | Equivalent Relation to Performance |
A+ | 4.0 | Superior performance |
A | 4.0 | |
A- | 3.7 | Expected performance |
B+ | 3.3 | |
B | 3.0 | |
B- | 2.7 | Passing but below graduate standards |
C+ | 2.3 | |
C | 2.0 | |
C- | 1.7 | Unacceptable |
D+ | 1.3 | |
D | 1.0 | |
D- | 0.7 | |
F | 0.0 | |
E | N/A | Waiver Exam (No Credit) |
EP | N/A | Waiver Exam (Credit) |
I | N/A | Incomplete |
I+ | N/A | Incomplete Extension |
N | N/A | Never Attended |
P | N/A | Pass in a Pass/Fail course |
Q | N/A | Dissertation Extension |
R | N/A | Grade Not Reported |
S | N/A | Pass with Pass/Fail contract |
W | N/A | Withdrawn |
Z | N/A | Audited |
At the graduate level, courses completed with a grade less than "C" will not be counted toward program requirements. A student's grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of quality points received by the number of credits attempted where a standard letter grade "A" thru "F" has been received. Transfer courses are not included in the GPA calculation.
A temporary Incomplete (I) grade is recorded by the instructor when approving a student’s request for an extension prior to the end of the semester. To be eligible for an Incomplete (I) grade, the student must have participated in at least 60% of the term. An Incomplete (I) grade may impact satisfactory academic progress for financial aid and future registration if the incomplete course is a prerequisite.
The instructor must make all course materials available to the student for the duration of the incomplete period. The instructor must submit a copy of the signed Incomplete Grade Contract to the department chairperson for the course, which shall specify the following:
- The remaining coursework and submission deadline.
- The Incomplete Final Grade (i.e., the final grade earned if the remaining coursework is not completed).
- The Extension Deadline (i.e., the date the Incomplete Final Grade will post to the transcript if a final grade is not submitted; the default is 30 days following the end of term).
When submitting final grades in Banner, the instructor shall enter a grade of 'I' along with the Incomplete Final Grade and the Extension Deadline from the contract. If a student submits the remaining coursework, the instructor must enter a final grade using the Banner Faculty Grade Change form prior to the Extension Deadline. If a student does not submit the remaining coursework, the student will automatically receive the Incomplete Final Grade as their final grade, or the instructor may enter an 'I+' with a new Extension Deadline, prior to the original Extension Deadline.
With required consultation of their graduate program advisor (if the advisor is the instructor for the course, consultation with the program coordinator, chairperson, or dean), matriculated students who have completed at least 9 credits of graduate work with a "B" (3.0) or higher average are eligible to register for certain courses on a Pass-Fail basis. The Pass-Fail option is blind in that the instructor is not aware of the student's use of the Pass-Fail option until after the grades are submitted.
The final grade will be reported as "S" if the final grade earned is "C" or higher. This grade has no effect on the GPA, but does count as attempted credit. If the final grade earned is "C-" or below, the final grade will be reported as "F". This grade will impact the GPA and does count as attempted credit.
Required courses may not be taken under the Pass-Fail option and no more than one elective course in any program may be taken under the Pass-Fail option. Undergraduate courses listed in any program that students are required to take to strengthen their academic backgrounds may not be taken under the Pass-Fail option. There is no limit on the number of courses, which are not a part of the program that may be taken under the Pass-Fail option.
Courses taken for Pass-Fail might not be accepted for transfer credit when attending another institution; are excluded from GPA calculations which may impact a student’s ability to meet certain GPA requirements needed for their program or graduation; and may not be satisfactory in meeting prerequisite requirements when applying to other graduate programs. Consulting an advisor, as documented with the Pass-Fail Contract, serves as evidence that the student is aware of the potential impact of their decision.
Once a student selects the Pass-Fail option it will not be possible to revert to a graded option following the add/drop period for the course. The Pass-Fail contract must be endorsed by their advisor prior to the start of the 4th week of the fall or spring semester, or prior to the start of the 2nd week for courses in a shorter term.