Financial Aid Policies


Students who want to be considered for financial aid at SCSU must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at using our school code: 001406. Limited financial aid is available for eligible non-citizens. Once the FAFSA is signed and submitted, SCSU should receive your information electronically within 3-5 business days. In some cases, after receiving your FAFSA, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships may require additional documents in order to complete your file for aid eligibility. Requested documents must be submitted to our office before your award amount can be finalized.

To be eligible for financial assistance students must be officially accepted by University Admissions to participate in a degree program and enrolled at least half-time (4.5 credits or more). For additional eligibility requirements please visit our Financial Aid Process page.

Verification Process

If your FAFSA is selected for a process called verification, you will receive a notification from a company called Inceptia that will guide you through the verification process. Verification documents must be submitted directly to Inceptia. For more information please visit our Verification page.


The US Department of Education regulations require that a student be enrolled in a degree-seeking or eligible certificate program to receive federal financial aid. Aggregate lifetime limits exists for all aid programs; therefore, timely degree completion is critical. Due to this, students must be enrolled in courses that are applicable to the degree or eligible certificate to qualify for federal financial aid. This is refered to as the Couse Program of Study (CPOS) policy.

If a student is enrolled in courses that are not required, the federal financial aid award could be prorated or cancelled. Federal financial aid eligibility will be determined based on a student’s current program of study and course registration as of the financial aid freeze date.

All degree programs and teacher certification programs at Southern are eligible for federal financial aid, as well as many of our certificate programs. If a certificate program is not eligible for federal financial aid, it will be stated on the program application and in the program information published in the catalog.

A course is eligible for federal financial aid if it satisfies a requirement in the student’s program of study. This includes classes that count towards a student's program, major, minor, or concentration. Students may consult their degree evaluation to review which courses will fulfill program requirements. Courses listed in the ‘Excess’ section are not aid eligible.

The federal rules for dual majors or degrees are specific to the Pell and SEOG grant programs. For these programs, once the student completes all degree requirements for one major or degree, a student is no longer eligible for Pell or SEOG, whether the student has been conferred a bachelor’s degree or not. The student will remain eligible for other federal aid programs.

A repeat course may be eligible for federal financial aid depending upon whether the course was previously passed or not. Students may only repeat previously passed courses one additional time. There are no restrictions on the number of repeats for a previously failed course. More Info on the Repeat Coursework Policy.

A prerequisite course is eligible for federal aid programs if the course satisfies a degree requirement in the program of study such as a general education requirement (LEP) or an elective credit needed to meet overall program requirements.


FWS is a federal program that provides part-time employment opportunities for part-time and full-time matriculated students. Eligibility is based on need as determined by the federal processor. Employment opportunities on campus include jobs in the University's library, laboratories, facilities operations, health services, and various campus offices. Southern also places students in local, off-campus nonprofit agencies. Employment opportunities are numerous and can provide career-related experience. Students may work up to 20 hours a week while classes are in session, and 35 hours a week during holiday breaks and vacation periods.


In accordance with federal and state regulations, Southern Connecticut State University uses a “freeze date” each semester to determine a student’s enrollment status for awarding federal and state financial aid. Students must be registered for all parts of term in a semester before the freeze date to receive aid for that class. The freeze date will align in the Fall and Spring semesters with the last day to withdraw from classes at 40% refundable term charges. Eligibility for financial aid will be based on a student’s credit hours as of the freeze date.

Financial aid will only pay for courses that are required for a student’s current program. Additional Federal and state aid will not be available for classes added after a student’s credit hours have been frozen. Any classes that are dropped or withdrawn from a student’s schedule after the freeze date will not decrease a student’s financial aid award. This assumes that the student still maintains some enrollment in other courses during that term. If a student withdraws from all courses, that student is considered withdrawn from the university and their aid will be prorated based on the date they ceased to be enrolled.

Financial aid award amounts associated with late starting classes will not be disbursed until attendance is confirmed in those classes. Students should plan accordingly with regard to financial aid refunds when enrolled in classes that start at some point after the beginning date of the semester. Financial aid will be reduced if a student fails to begin attendance in all classes.

If a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), a corrected FAFSA, or an Application for Undocumented Student Financial Aid is submitted after the freeze date, a student’s enrollment status for financial aid eligibility will be determined at that time. Students who are retroactively awarded financial aid will be based on current enrollment at the time of application for aid.

Eligibility for a Pell Grant, a Connecticut State University Grant, or any other financial aid fund will be based on a student’s credit hours as of the freeze date:

Credit Hours

Enrollment Status

9+ credit hours Full-time
6.75+ credit hours Three-quarter time
4.5+credit hours Half-time
Less than 4.5 credit hours Less than half-time

Please visit the Freeze Date Policy website for more information.


The purpose of graduate assistantships is to allow well qualified matriculated graduate students to participate in institutional activities academically relevant to the student's program of study. SCSU has two graduate assistantship programs: (1) an academic department graduate assistantship (GA);  (2) a Graduate Studies Graduate Assistantship (GSGA) program. The academic department graduate assistantship (GA) is administered under the auspices of the academic department. The GSGA program is administered under the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.

Academic Department Graduate Assistantship

Graduate assistants must be fully admitted to the Graduate School and pursuing work leading to a Master 's degree, Ed.D, sixth-year certificate, post-master's planned program, or post-baccalaureate teacher certification. Graduate assistants are appointed by the dean of the school in which the graduate assistant (GA) is to be employed upon recommendation of the department chair where the GA is to be employed. GA's are expected to be enrolled in required courses within their planned program of graduate study and/or prerequisites necessary to offset any undergraduate deficiencies prior to undertaking the graduate program of study. To receive or maintain a GA position, a minimum GPA of 3.00 for all post-baccalaureate course work completed at SCSU is required. GA's may be required to meet other specific criteria within the department.

There are two levels of academic department graduate assistantships. Full-time graduate assistants appointed to provide 20 hours of service per week or 300 total hours of service per semester and half-time graduate assistants appointed to provide 10 hours of service per week or 150 hours of service per semester. Full-time graduate assistants will be compensated at the rate of $5.280 per semester. Half-time graduate assistants will be compensated at the rate of $2,640 per semester.

Full-time graduate assistants must be enrolled as a full-time graduate student (9 or more credit hours per semester). Half-time graduate assistants may be either a full-time graduate student, as defined above, or a part-time graduate student for this policy is defined as a graduate student enrolled for 1.0 or greater credit hours but fewer than 9 credit hours per semester. For both full-time and part-time graduate students, all credit hours for which the student is registered must be part of the approved program plan on file with the department and the Registrar 's office.

Academic department graduate assistantship appointments are annual but may be renewed on a semester-to-semester basis. Graduate assistantships may be renewed for additional semesters at the discretion of the employing department or unit provided the student meets all eligibility criteria for that GA position, i.e., enrollment status, GPA, and any other departmental criteria.

Full-time and half-time graduate assistants who are full-time students will pay in-state or out-of-state tuition as defined in Board Policy and as stated in the current graduate catalog.The following fees will be waived for both full-time and half-time graduate assistants: University Fee; University General Fee except for that portion attributable to student accident insurance; and the Student Activity Fee. The usual waiver policy for health insurance applies. It should be noted that half-time graduate assistants who are part-time students are not assessed these fees.

Students cannot hold other University supported positions (such as graduate student worker; graduate teaching assistant; research administrative assistant; resident advisor; graduate intern, or adjunct faculty) while holding the GA position.

Annual review of full-time equivalent (FTE) graduate assistantships will take place between the dean of the school, the department chairperson, and the graduate coordinator as appropriate. One full-time equivalent graduate assistantship is defined as a full-time graduate assistant employed for both the fall and spring terms of an academic year (300 hours of service for two semesters receiving compensation of $10,560 for the two semesters.) During the annual review, the decision of the dean after consultation with the department may be made to hold the number of FTE graduate assistantships steady for the department, decrease the number of FTE graduate assistantships as dictated by the needs and size of the graduate program in the department, or request an increase in the number of FTE graduate assistantships as dictated by the needs and size of the graduate program for the department. The ability to maintain or increase FTE graduate assistantships will be dependent on the overall university budget allocation assigned to support graduate education for any academic year.

The University may provide, from other funds at their disposition, scholarships or grants to supplement the above stipends.

Graduate Studies Scholarship

Graduate Studies Scholarship awards are non-need-based and administered through the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. GSS awards are exclusively for prospective graduate students who plan to enroll in a master's degree, sixth-year or doctoral degree program at Southern in Fall terms. The award is contingent upon a minimum 3.2 grade point average for all undergraduate work. Both full-time and part-time graduate students are eligible for awards.

Graduate School Graduate Assistantship

The Graduate School Graduate Assistantship (GSGA) is a non-need based award administered through the School of Graduate and Professional Studies and is contingent upon: (1) acceptance to a graduate degree, sixth-year certificate, or doctoral degree; (2) the achievement of a minimum 3.50 grade point average for all undergraduate coursework; and (3) a 3.75  grade point average for all graduate coursework. GSGA’s may be full or part-time, experiential learning opportunities.  Faculty apply for GSGAs based on project proposals. If selected by SGPS, faculty select a student to serve as a teaching or research assistant.

Graduate School Graduate Assistants will be required to complete 10 contact hours (half-time) or 20 contact hours (full-time) of work each week during the academic year.  Specific activities will depend upon the nature of the assistantship as outlined in tthe faculty's application and must be approved by the Dean’s Office in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS). Full-time graduate students awarded a GSGA will receive $6,000 each semester.Half-time graduate students will receive $3,000 each semester. Both half-time and full-time GSGA’s will have the following fees waived: University Fee, University General Fee (except for that portion attributed to student accident insurance), and the Student Activity Fee. At the end of each semester, faculty and students must submit an evaluation and final report to the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.

Students cannot hold other University supported positions (such as graduate student worker; graduate teaching assistant; research administrative assistant; resident advisor; graduate intern, or adjunct faculty) while holding the GSGA award.  Students awarded a GSGA must maintain a 3.5 GPA in the fall semester in order to be eligible for an award in the spring semester. 

Student Affairs Graduate Intern Opportunities

The graduate internship prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities in student services and co-curricular learning at the postsecondary level. This program provides students with an opportunity to develop first-hand knowledge of student affairs' professions and gain hands-on experience in many areas with the Division of Student Affairs. The internships are designed to integrate with the student's program of study to create a strong theory to practice application.  These experiences will afford students the opportunity to analyze the functions of various administrative departments, to examine the relation of departments to each other and to the institution, and to understand contemporary societal issues and their impact from an institutional perspective.  Working with experienced student affairs administrators, the interns will work to improve the quality of campus life, foster a safe, healthy and respectful environment, support academic achievement and success, and promote leadership and civic engagement. The interns also participate in university wide projects and professional development opportunities to begin developing a professional network.

Graduate Internships are 10-month positions (early August through May), 35 hours per week. Interns work with various offices within the Division of Student Affairs. In some instances, summer work may be available. It is anticipated that internships will be offered for two consecutive academic years, however, due to funding and performance considerations positions are offered as a single year appointment--subject to renewal--and are contingent on an applicant being accepted and maintaining good standing in an appropriate graduate program at SCSU.


Part-time graduate students shall receive a waiver of part-time tuition and fees, including summer and winter session extension fees up to a total maximum of 18 credit hours, provided interns are enrolled in courses required for their degree program. Full-time graduate students shall be required to pay full-time tuition; however, the full-time fees will be waived, less the cost of accident/sickness insurance.

Remuneration of $15,000. Summer employment opportunities may be available.


Certain tuition waivers are approved by Connecticut General Statute, other tuition and fee waivers are established by the Board of Regents for Higher Education.  At publication time, the following authorizations were expected to be in effect for the 2023-2024 academic year. This listing is intended to help estimate eligibility, though direct inquiry and application for any below listed waiver should be made with the appropriate department.

Graduate Assistants Full Time

Graduate Assistants enrolled at Southern as full-time graduate students shall pay full-time tuition; However, the following fees shall be waived for graduate assistants: University Fee, University General Fee (except for that portion attributable to student accident insurance), and the Student Activity Fee. Per Connecticut Board of Regents 12/19/2019. For more information, please visit

Graduate Assistants Part-Time

Graduate Assistants enrolled at Southern for less than nine hours shall pay appropriate registration and course fees for part-time students. However, the following fees shall be waived for graduate assistants: 90% of the General University Fee. Per Connecticut Board of Regents 12/19/2019. For more information, please visit the


Southern participates in the following need-based grant programs that do not require repayment when awarded to eligible students:

  • Graduate Connecticut State University Grant

Southern participates in the following loan programs that require repayment once the student stops attending at least half-time:

  • Federal Direct Loan Program (Unsubsidized)
  • Federal Direct Parent Loan for Graduate Students (PLUS)
  • Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NLFP) 

It is highly recommended that students research and apply for scholarships to help cover their education costs. Scholarships can reduce the amount a student needs to borrow in loans. The SCSU Foundation provides a single online application for students to apply for over 350 scholarships available at Southern. Additionally, visit the Scholarship page to explore other scholarship opportunities.

For information on the programs above, please visit the website of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.


The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy is based on federal guidelines that require each college and university to ensure that student aid applicants are progressing through their academic programs at an acceptable pace while maintaining an acceptable cumulative grade point average. The policy is separate from other academic policies at the university. As such, it is entirely possible that a student may be in good academic standing with the university but may not be making SAP for financial aid eligibility.

Students must meet the following SAP standards in order to receive financial aid from all federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs managed by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Grade Point Average

Graduate students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 at SCSU. When calculating the requirements for SAP, GPA will be truncated to the nearest 100th.

Credit Completion Rate

Graduate students are expected to successfully complete at least 67% of the cumulative credits attempted, including transfer credit. When calculating the requirements for SAP, the pace percentage will be rounded to the nearest whole number. In addition to standard courses and grades, the following are included when calculating the credit completion rate:

  • Passed courses (P/S)
  • Failed courses (F)
  • Incompletes (I) and Incomplete extensions (I+)
  • Withdrawals (W, WF, and WP)
  • Repeated courses
  • Credit awarded via waiver exam (EP)
  • Non-credit remedial courses (SCSU does not offer remedial coursework at this time.)
  • Grades not reported by a professor (R) will be included in this assessment.
  • Fresh Start Grades

Maximum Credit Hours

A student may receive financial aid for attempted credits in their program of study; however, the number of attempted credits, including transfer credits, cannot exceed 150% of the university's published credit hours for the educational program in which the student is enrolled. 

Students must meet the required SAP standards in order to receive financial aid from all federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs managed by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Warning, Ineligibility, and Appeal

The first semester in which a student fails to meet one of SCSU's SAP standards, a SAP "Warning" notification will be sent to the student via e-mail. The student will remain eligible for aid in the next term and if at the end of that term they are meeting the minimum SAP requirements the "Warning" status will be lifted.

The second consecutive semester in which a student fails to meet the minimum SAP standards, after the "Warning" semester, the student will be notified via e-mail of their ineligibility to receive financial aid at SCSU. Students can submit an appeal to request reinstatement of financial aid. For information on how to submit an appeal, please visit our Satisfactory Academic Progress webpage.


Federal law specifies how Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance a student has earned when they withdraw from the university. All federal aid programs are covered by this law, but please note that many state and private aid funds also require a pro-ration calculation if a student withdraws before the end of a term.

When a student withdraws during the payment period or period of enrollment, the amount of Title IV program assistance that student has earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If less assistance disbursed to a student’s account than the formula determines they earned, the student may still be able to receive those additional funds. If the student received more assistance than the earned at the time of withdrawal, the excess funds must be returned by SCSU and/or the student.

The following is the order in which Title IV funds are returned if applicable:

  • Direct Unsubsidized Loan
  • Direct Graduate PLUS

After the excess funds have been returned from the above Title IV funds, the non-Title IV fund grant earned amount will be calculated, if applicable. These include:

  • Graduate Connecticut State University Grant (GRCSUG)
  • Individual State Grants, such as Vermont Student Assistance, etc.

The amount of assistance that a student has earned is determined on a pro rata basis. For example, if 30% of the student's period of enrollment was completed, the student earns 30% of the assistance the student was originally scheduled to receive. Once a student has completed more than 60% of the period of enrollment, the student earns all the assistance that the student was scheduled to receive for that period.

If the student did not receive all of the funds that the student earned, the student may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. SCSU must get the student's permission before for a post-withdrawal disbursement of loan funds. A student may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that the student does not incur additional debt. SCSU may automatically use all or a portion of the student's post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and housing and food charges (as contracted with the school). SCSU needs the student's permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that a student must return is called an overpayment. A student must make arrangements with SCSU or the Department of Education to return the unearned grant funds. 

If a student plans on withdrawing from all courses for a semester, the student should complete  the withdrawal form from the OneStop forms page and submit it to the Registrar's Office. The student will be responsible to pay any outstanding balance that the student may owe to the university.

SCSU is required to perform the withdrawal calculation for students who decide to stop attending classes and never officially withdraw from the university. SCSU will determine the last date the student attended and perform the withdrawal calculation. If the student did not attend any of the classes, SCSU is required to return all of the funds. SCSU is required to return the unearned funds within 45 days from the date SCSU has determined the student has withdrawn.

The requirements for Title IV program funds when the student withdraws are separate from any refund policy that SCSU may have. Therefore, the student may still owe funds to SCSU to cover unpaid institutional charges. SCSU may also charge the student for any Title IV program funds that the school was required to return. For additional information, please see our Title IV Withdrawal page.