Special Education, M.S.

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The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. In addition, a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required for graduation. The department website provides an overview of the program, including admission requirements, faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers: https://www.southernct.edu/academics/special-education/programs.


Core Requirements (18 Credits)
SED 527 – Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
SED 605 – Community-Engaged Analysis of Special Education

Select one:
SED 503 – Learning Theory and Development
SED 514 – Transition Within Disability Services   

Select one:
SED 504 – Curriculum & Program Planning for Exception Learners
SED 560 – Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) for Inclusive Planning 

Select one:
SED 505 – Literacy Instruction and Program Planning in Special Education
SED 517 – Introduction to Adaptive Technology                                   

Select one: 
SED 521 – Diagnostic Assessment of Exceptional Learners
SED 531 – Research in Special Education                                                                

Electives (12 Credits)
Electives chosen from any of the following Special Education topics: Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities, Adaptive Technology, or Learning Disabilities.

For students seeking a cross endorsement in #165 Special Education recommend SED 509, 
SED 519 & 529 or SED 519 & 539, and/or electives from the aforementioned Special Education topic areas.

Capstone (0 Credits)
Comprehensive Exam in Special Education required.