Special Education, Sixth Year Certificate - Applied Behavior Analysis (Hybrid)

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The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. In addition, a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required for graduation. The department website provides an overview of the program, including admission requirements, faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers: https://www.southernct.edu/academics/special-education/programs.


Core Requirements (27 Credits)

SED 641 Ethical and Professional Conduct 
SED 642 – Organizational Behavior Management and Supervision
SED 643 – Advanced ABA in School Settings  
SED 689 – Philosophical Underpinnings of ABA
SED 790 – Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis 
SED 791 – Single Subject Research Methods 
SED 792 – Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
SED 793 – Assessment in Applied Behavior Analysis 
SED 794 – Intervention in Applied Behavior Analysis 

Directed Electives (3-4 Credits)

SED 649–Supervised Independent Fieldwork in ABA- Level 4
SED 695 – Supervised Independent Fieldwork in ABA 
SED 696 – Supervised Independent Fieldwork in ABA-Level 2
SED 697 – Supervised Independent Fieldwork in ABA-Level 3
Any graduate level course in the College of Arts and Sciences - advisor approval required
Any graduate level course in the College of Education - advisor approval required
Any graduate level course in the College of Health and Human Services - advisor approval required

Note: SED 649, 695, 696, and 697 are elective options for those who would like Southern to provide support for BACB required supervision. At this time, the student must arrange the location of supervision, where they are employed for 30+ hours per week (e.g., at the school where they currently work).