School Psychology, Sixth Year Certificate (Hybrid)
The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. In addition, a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required for graduation. The department website provides an overview of the program, including admission requirements, faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:
This is an educator preparation program in the State of Connecticut with additional admission requirements (see Admissions>>Teacher/Educator Preparation Programs). Candidates recommended for certification must also meet any additional Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) requirements (see Degree Requirements>>Teacher/Educator Preparation Programs) in effect on the date CSDE receives the certification application.
One year of full-time continuous study is required followed by a year-long internship (a minimum of 1200 hours in a school-based site and a concurrent seminar).
Core Requirements (47 Credits)
MHS 654 – Professional School Psychology Seminar (must be taken four times total)
MHS 734 – Data-Based Decision-Making IV
MHS 735 – Data-Based Decision-Making V
MHS 752 – Internship in School Psychology (must be repeated one time)
MHS 753 – Professional Internship Seminar in School Psychology (must be repeated one time)
MHS 764 – Applied Behavioral Interventions in Schools
MHS 778 – School Consultation for School Psychologists
MHS 784 – Advanced Behavior Interventions
MHS 792 – Advanced Research Methods & Program Evaluation
MHS 794 – Advanced Consultation & Supervision
MHS 796 – Psychoeducational Interventions II
MHS 797 – Psychoeducational Interventions III
Capstone (0 credits)
Students in the Sixth Year program are required to pass an oral comprehensive examination.
The oral comprehensive examination is typically held at the beginning of the semester
following the student's completion of Practicum I. Students in the Sixth Year program
are also required to complete an electronic portfolio of their graduate program coursework
and other program requirements as outlined in the program’s student handbook.
Non-Course Requirements
All students completing the School Psychology Sixth Year program must take the Praxis®
Specialty Examination in School Psychology and achieve a passing score prior to beginning
Internship. The passing score is designated by the current NASP National Certification
(NMHS) guidelines. A passing score is also required in order to graduate from the
program. Students should consult NMHS application guidelines for the most current
information about passing scores.
Students should request the Praxis® II test scores be sent electronically to SCSU using the institutional code R3662 when registering to take the test. Students must also submit a copy of their full score report, including sub-scores, to the Program Coordinator once scores are received.