School Psychology, M.S. (Hybrid)

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The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. In addition, a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required for graduation. The department website provides an overview of the program, including admission requirements, faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:


MHS 510 – Schools as Systems
MHS 520 – Introduction to Professional School Psychology
MHS 530 – Data-Based Decision-Making I 
MHS 531 – Data-Based Decision-Making III 
MHS 532 – Brain, Biology and Behavior
MHS 533 – Data-Based Decision-Making II 
MHS 538 – Developmental Psychopathology
MHS 563 – Behavior Basics
MHS 558 – Child & Adolescent Development 
MHS 579 – Psychology of Diversity, Inclusion & Oppression
MHS 589 – Psychoeducational Interventions I
MHS 654 – Professional School Psychology Seminar (must be repeated one time)

Comprehensive Examinations
Students in the Master's program are required to pass a written Comprehensive Examination. The written comprehensive examination is administered following completion of all Master's program coursework, typically at the conclusion of the final semester of the student's first year of study.