School Counseling, M.S.

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The program course outline and graduation requirements for this catalog year are listed below. In addition, a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required for graduation. The department website provides an overview of the program, including admission requirements, faculty biographies, learning outcomes, and careers:

This is an educator preparation program in the State of Connecticut with additional admission requirements (see Admissions>>Teacher/Educator Preparation Programs). Candidates recommended for certification must also meet any additional Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) requirements (see Degree Requirements>>Teacher/Educator Preparation Programs) in effect on the date CSDE receives the certification application.


Core Requirements
CED 539 – Developmental Psychopathology in Schools 
CED 540 – Intro to Assessment in Counseling and School Psychology 
CED 542 – School-Based Substance Abuse  Prevention & Intervention
CED 550 – Counseling Skills and Techniques ('B' or better)
CED 555 – Experimental Group Dynamics
CED 567 – Professional Orientation to School Counseling Services ('B' or better)
CED 568 – Counseling and Life Span Development
CED 569 – Theories of Counseling 
CED 570 – Ethical and Legal Issues in School Counseling Services ('B' or better) 
CED 572 – Career Counseling
CED 578 – Social and Cultural Diversity ('B' or better) 
CED 656 – Group Counseling ('B' or better) 
CED 672 – Curriculum and Classroom Management for School Counselors
CED 691 – Research and Evaluation in Schools and Mental Health Agencies
CED 706 – Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools 
CED 773 – Equity-Based College and Career Readiness Counseling
CED 774 – Consultation in Schools

Required Field Work
CED 759 – Individual Supervision and Practicum Seminar in School Counseling 
CED 775 – Internship & Seminar in School Counseling (Must be repeated one time)

A comprehensive examination is required.